
Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment Timetable
People who have tried benzoyl peroxide know that it packs a powerful punch against acne AND against your skin too. But, most often, side effects are mild and temporary. Using this timed treatment schedule will make life much easier for you, because you can let your skin get used to the drying and sometimes irritating effects of your benzoyl peroxide medication.
Remember, mild peeling is a good thing -- you should expect that to happen, especially in the beginning. Keep in mind, itʼs a temporary side effect that will diminish with time.
Be sure to review the Benzoyl Peroxide Userʼs Guide before starting this routine. It is very important that you follow directions closely.
Hint: Itʼs easiest to start this type of acne treatment in the afternoon/evening.
Apply your benzoyl peroxide gel in a thin layer to any affected areas of your face. Gently smooth the medication into your skin until it disappears.
DO NOT spot treat -- apply the medication to any area that “tends to break out”. Be sure to avoid your neck and eye areas (they are too sensitive for BPO).
Apply a thin coat of benzoyl peroxide gel, avoiding eye & neck area.
Leave this on your skin for 15 minutes only. When your time is up, go
to step 4 in the sample home care routine on the next page. Wear your benzoyl peroxide for 30 minutes.
Wear your benzoyl peroxide for 60 minutes.
Wear your benzoyl peroxide for 2 hours.
Begin wearing your benzoyl peroxide over night. (6 - 8 hours). DO NOT
apply moisturizing cream over the top of your benzoyl peroxide acne Sample: Evening Routine for Weeks 1 - 2
Beginning Benzoyl Peroxide Schedule
1. Using an appropriate cleanser, wash your skin gently with your fingertips and warm water, avoiding the eye area. Rinse thoroughly & pat dry with a towel. *Women -- do not use cleanser to take off your makeup -- use a non-comedogenic eye makeup remover. 2. Ice for two minutes. Put ice cubes in a plastic baggie & rotate gently over any areas that tend to break out. Ice reduces inflammation and allows for better penetration of your benzoyl peroxide acne treatment.
3. Apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide gel to any areas that tend to break out or have acne (including whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, pustules, cysts, etc.). Follow the treatment timetable closely.
When your time is up, move on to the next steps.
4. Wash your skin gently with cleanser to remove the benzoyl peroxide gel after wearing it for the recommended time. Rinse thoroughly & pat dry with a towel.
5. Apply toner to a cotton pad and gently wipe your face and neck with it to remove any 6. Apply a non-comedogenic moisturizing cream to your face and neck. This is an important step that will keep your skin from getting too dry as youʼre getting adapted to benzoyl peroxide and/or other acne treatments. Only use a cream if you ARE NOT wearing benzoyl peroxide over night. Once you begin wearing BPO overnight, you will stop using your moisture cream.


a tica dos esticos

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Reseñas (núcleo académico básico) Reseñas (Núcleo Académico Básico) Fecha de Emisión: 04 de marzo del 2011 06:37 hrs. MAESTRÍA Y DOCTORADO EN CIENCIAS E INGENIERÍA Posición Reseñas Título de la reseña Título obra Lista de autores publicación principal autores del autor Electrocorrosi

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