Statement of Jesus' last acts, His commandments to His Disciples through The Holy Ghost, and His showing Himself alive to them for forty days.
Jesus tells His Disciples to stay in Jerusalem and wait for God to baptize them with The Holy Ghost.
The disciples ask Jesus if He will restore The Kingdom Of Israel. Jesus: "You are not to know; God will decide."
THE GREAT COMMISSION: Jesus: "You will receive power when The Holy Ghost comes upon you and you will be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and unto the whole world."
After speaking and while His Disciples looked at Him, Jesus was taken up into the clouds and disappeared.
While the disciples stared into the sky, two angels appeared beside them dressed in white.
The angels say to the disciples, "Why do you stand here gazing? Jesus will return the same way He ascended.”
The disciples return from a mountain called Olivet to Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey.
They go to the upper room with Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James (Son of Alphaeus), Simon Zelotes, and Judas, Brother of James (and brother of Jesus).
They continue in prayer and discussion with the women, Jesus' mother Mary,
A time later, Peter stands up and speaks to the 120 disciples present at that gathering.
Peter preaches the prophesy of David and the Psalms and of Judas Iscariot's betrayal and death, adding that a disciple must be ordained to take his place.
The disciples choose two candidates, Joseph and Matthias; Matthias is chosen to replace Judas Iscariot.
The Day Of Pentecost comes; all of the disciples are in harmony; a mighty rushing wind fills the assembly room.
Cloven tongues like fire sit on each of them and they are filled with The Holy Ghost and begin speaking in tongues as the Spirit leads them.
Many Jews of other languages living in Jerusalem come together with the disciples and hear their own language being spoken.
These Jews are amazed because the Galilean disciples, never having been taught their language, speak it.
The languages given by The Holy Ghost and spoken by the disciples were: Parthian, Mede, Elimite, Mesopotamian, Judaean, Cappadocian, Pontus, Asian, Phrygian, Pamphylian, Egyptian, Libyan, Cyrenean, Roman, Cretean, and Arabian.
Many are in doubt and ask, "What is this!" The mockers say that the disciples are full of new wine.
Peter stands and says, "These are not drunk at only 9:00 A.M.; they are fulfilling the prophesy of Joel which is upon them."
Peter quotes Joel who quotes God: In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; all shall prophesy, young men shall see visions and old men shall dream dreams."
Joel, "God's Spirit will bring prophesying by men and women; God will show wonders in the sky and on the earth."
Joel, "The sun will go dark, the moon will turn into blood in that day; they who call upon God will be saved."
Peter to the Jews of Israel, "Jesus did all miracles and you have crucified Him!"
Peter, "God has raised Jesus, for it is not possible for Him to stay buried; David acclaimed that Jesus was always by his side."
Peter, "David said that Jesus would save his soul from hell, that God would not allow Jesus to stay dead."
Peter, "David said that Jesus showed him the ways of life, that Jesus' countenance made him full of joy."
Peter, "David the Patriarch is still in the grave and he knew that God would raise Jesus and give The Holy Ghost."
Peter to the Jews, " David told that Jesus would sit on the right side of God in heaven, that his foes would become His footstool; know assuredly you Jews of Israel, you crucified Him! God has made Him Lord and Christ!"
The Jews react seriously saying, "What shall we do?" Peter expounds upon salvation and the promise of The Holy Ghost.
Many Jews repent and gladly receive the Word; 3,000 are saved and baptized.
All of the saved continue in the Apostles’ Doctrine, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer; fear comes as wonders and signs are done.
All Christians become communal; all possessions are sold and each receives equally as needed.
Christians continue in one accord in the Temple and among the people praising God; the church grows daily.
Peter and John go to the Temple at 3:00 P.M. They encounter a beggar on the way who asks them for alms.
Peter responds to the beggar, "Silver and gold I don't have.In the name of Jesus, rise and walk!" The lame man walks.
The people are filled with wonder and run to gather with them on Solomon's Porch on the Temple.
Peter preaches of the Jews sins against prophesy and of Jesus' death; he accuses the Jews of killing The Healer.
Peter tells the Jews to repent or die, "Jesus is in Heaven, heed the prophesies, turn from iniquity!"
The Priests, Sadducees, and Temple Guards arrest them; 5,000 are saved over Peter's short sermon.
The next morning the rulers, scribes, and elders with Annas, Caiaphas, John, and Alexander (also Jewish rulers) ask Peter and John by what authority they healed the crippled man and preach.
Peter, filled with The Holy Ghost, says, "By Jesus, whom you murdered and who arose, is this man healed!"
Peter, "This stone (Jesus),Whom you set aside, has become the Corner Stone; by no other name can you be saved!"
The Jews confer, afraid that the people will believe on Jesus; they call Peter and John unlearned and threaten them.
Threatened, both Peter and John say, "We must obey God!" They go back to the believers where they praise and review God's prophesies.
The Disciples pray for boldness; the place where they gather is shaken, all are filled with The Holy Ghost, and speak The Word boldly.
All of the Disciples sell their possessions and give everything to the group; they witness with great power.
Barnabas, a Levite from Cyprus, sells all of his land, comes, and lays all of his money at the Disciple's feet.
Ananias and Sapphira hold back some money and lie; Peter admonishes Ananias, he falls dead, and is buried.
Three hours later Sapphira comes, lies, dies, and is buried; fear falls on all of the church and hearers.
Great miracles are done by the Apostles on Solomon's Porch; multitudes of men and women are added to the church.
The people lay their sick along the streets for healing by Peter's shadow as he passes by; they come from everywhere and all are healed.
The High Priest and Sadducees are angry and have the Apostles put in prison; an angel comes, opens the prison doors, and sends all of the Apostles back to the Temple.
The High Priest calls for the Apostles to be brought before him; the prison is found empty; the guards on duty report that the Apostles are again preaching in the Temple.
The Apostles are brought before the Council which says, "We command that you stop preaching; you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and brought Jesus' blood upon us!"
Peter and the Apostles reply, "We ought to obey God rather than men."
They continue, "God raised Jesus Whom you killed; He is The Savior, He brings repentance and forgiveness to Israel; we and The Holy Ghost are witnesses!"
The High Priest and Sadducees are cut to the heart; they take counsel to kill the Apostles.
Gamaliel, a Pharisee and Doctor of the Law, calls the council to task over their actions.
Gamaliel, "Do you remember the failed insurrections by Theudas and Judas of Galilee and their bands?"
Gamaliel to the Pharisees, "You may be fighting God!" The Apostles are beaten, released, and continue to preach.
The Disciples multiply; the Grecians argue with the Hebrews over their widows being neglected.
The twelve Disciples meet and agree that they must stay in The Word and need others to handle the social problems.
The Disciples choose seven, Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas, a proselyte of Antioch.
The seven are commissioned by the laying on of hands and prayer; the Disciples multiply in Jerusalem; many priests turn to Jesus.
Stephen, filled with power, does miracles; the Synagogue of Libertines and others argue with but lose to Stephen.
The Jews plot against Stephen; he is accused of blasphemy and brought before the Council; his face is angelic.
Stephen preaches from the Patriarchs, Abraham to that present date, how God led and ministered to them.
Stephen accuses the Jews of resisting The Holy Ghost, persecuting the Prophets, and of the murder of Jesus.
The Jews attack and bite Stephen, throw him out of Jerusalem, and stone him to death as he asks God to forgive them. They lay their coats down at the feet of a young man named Saul.
Saul agrees to the stoning; the Church of Jesus begins to be persecuted; all but the Apostles are scattered throughout Judaea and Samaria.
The Apostles bury and lament over Stephen; Saul raids Christian homes, putting them in prison.
The Christians are scattered; Philip goes down the mountains to the north to the city of Samaria where he preaches, does miracles, and brings joy.
Simon a Sorcerer of Samaria is saved and goes with Philip; many Samaritans are saved and baptized.
The Jerusalem Apostles send Peter and John to Samaria to lay hands on the new converts that they might receive The Holy Ghost.
Simon tries to buy The Holy Ghost; he is chastised by Peter and prays for forgiveness; The Gospel is preached all over Samaria.
Philip is told by The Angel Of God to go down to Gaza to the desert there.
A Eunuch of Queen Candace Of Ethiopia, her Treasurer is returning from worshipping in Jerusalem.
The Holy Spirit sends Philip to him; Philip asks the eunuch if he understands the Bible scroll he is reading; with a negative reply, the eunuch invites Philip to join him.
The eunuch is reading, "He was led as sheep to slaughter." He asks Philip, "Who is 'He'?" Philip leads him to Jesus.
They come to a place where there is water; the eunuch asks to be baptized; believing, they go down into the water and he is baptized.
The Spirit takes Philip away to Azotus where he preaches in the cities; the eunuch goes on home to Ethiopia rejoicing.
Saul, hating Jesus' Disciples, asks the High Priest for a commission to Damascus to arrest Christians.
Saul, nearing Damascus, is struck down by a bright light; Jesus speaks to him; the others only hear; he is led on into the city.
Saul is blind for three days and eats no food; Jesus instructs Ananias of Damascus to recover Saul at the house of Judas.
Jesus allays Ananias' fears and says: "Saul will be a vessel to the Gentiles, kings, and Israel."
Ananias comes to Saul and lays hands on him; his sight returns and he is filled
Saul eats and stays for days with the disciples; he preaches Christ Jesus in the Synagogue; the people are amazed.
The Damascus Jews are confounded and plan to kill Saul; he is aware and stays hidden.
Saul is let down the outside of the Damascus wall in a basket; he goes to Jerusalem and joins the Disciples; many doubt him.
Saul is vouched for by Barnabas; he joins the Disciples and ministry in Jerusalem.
Saul speaks boldly and disputes the Grecians; they plot to kill him; he is taken to Caesarea from where he sails to Tarsus in Asia.
Christian churches in Judaea, Galilee, and Samaria enjoy a season of peace with The Holy Ghost multiplied.
Peter, overseeing the Christian Churches, heals Aeneas of palsy; all people of Lydda and Saron turn to Jesus.
Peter meets Tabitha (Dorcas), a lady disciple of Joppa; she dies and Peter revives her; he stays there with Simon, a tanner.
In Caesarea, a centurion named Cornelius of the Italian Band, a devout servant of God, sees a vision at 3:00 P.M., an angel before him who says, "You have come to God's attention."
Cornelius is told to send for Peter at Joppa and sends his messenger to summon Peter.
The next day at noon, Peter falls into a trance; he observes a great sheet full of beasts lowered to him three times. Peter is told to take and eat; he refuses the unclean beasts. He is then told by Jesus that He has cleansed the forbidden beasts and orders Peter to eat.
Cornelius' servants arrive at Peters home and tell of their master's vision and their mission to bring Peter back to Cornelius.
The next day, Peter and his band go to Cornelius. Cornelius falls at Peter's feet and worships him.
Peter finds many assembled there; he tells them of the law of the Jews' separation from others; he relates his trance and the meaning that the Jews are no longer separate.
When asked, Cornelius tells of the angel coming to him and giving instructions to send for Peter to hear a new message.
Peter explains that God is no respecter of persons; he then gives to them Jesus' message of salvation.
The Holy Ghost falls upon Cornelius' band; tongues are spoken by Gentiles and the saved are baptized.
The Christian Church hears of the situation and confronts Peter. Peter tells all of the circumstances; all believe him and then know that the Jews are no longer exclusive.
Christians, scattered by Stephen's death by the Jews, having gone to Phenice, Cyprus, and Antioch to the Jews only, now change their message to include all people.
Word comes to the Jerusalem Christian Church of the new converts; Barnabas is sent to Antioch and many more are saved.
Barnabas goes to Tarsus and brings Saul back to Antioch. They preach for a year and many are taught and saved.
Prophet Agabus comes to Antioch from Jerusalem and tells of a great famine coming (It comes to pass during the reign of Cladius Caesar). Relief is sent to Judaea by Barnabas and Saul.
King Herod fights the Christian Church and kills James, John's brother; the Jews are pleased so he arrests Peter.
Peter is guarded in prison by four quaternion of soldiers. Herod is waiting until after EASTER (First mention in the Bible) to try him.
The Christian Church is praying for Peter. An angel comes to Peter, his chains fall off, and he is escorted out to the street.
Peter goes to the home of Mary, mother of John Mark; he is met by a child, Rhoda; she does not believe it is him and runs to tell the other disciples assembled there.
Peter explains his escape by the angel; he sends word to James (Jesus' brother), then departs.
The next day the soldiers are baffled; Herod enquires, realizes that Peter has escaped, and has the guards executed; he then goes from Judaea to Caesarea to abide.
Herod is displeased by Tyre and Sidon; they make friends with Blastus, the King's chamberlain, and gain friendship with the King.
Herod, on a set day, arrays himself in royal apparel, sits on his throne, and speaks to the people.
Herod's people shout, "It is the voice of God and not of a man!"
Immediately the Angel Of The Lord smites Herod for insulting God; worms eat him to death.
The Word Of God and Christians grow; Barnabas and Saul return to Antioch from Jerusalem and take John Mark with them.
At Antioch were prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon (Niger), Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen who had been brought up with Herod The Tetrarch and Saul.
The Holy Ghost sends Barnabas, Saul, and Mark to Seleucia, Cyprus, and Salamis where they preach the Word of God to the Jews.
In Paphos the country's deputy desires the Word Of God; his sorcerer servant Elymas resists them and is blinded by
Paul and his company leave Paphos and go to Perga in Pamphylia. John Mark leaves them there and returns to Jerusalem.
Paul's group goes to Antioch; in the Synagogue they are asked for an exhortation of God's Word.
Paul preaches the Exodus, Canaan, Destruction of Israel's enemy, division of the inheritance lands, and 450 years of the Judges.
Paul preaches through the Kings and Saul and David's seed down to John The Baptist and Israel's Savior, Jesus.
Paul preaches the history and salvation story and the Jews' resistance and disbelief.
The Gentiles stay as most Jews depart the Synagogue, all wanting more of Paul's preaching the next Sabbath.
The next Sabbath Paul and Barnabas say that because of the Jews' unbelief, they will go as a light to the Gentiles.
The Jews stir up strife; they expel Paul and Barnabas who shake off the dust from their feet against them; they then go to Iconium with joy.
In the Synagogue at Iconium, great multitudes of Jews and Greeks are saved; the Jews stir up trouble.
Their wonders done, the Jews and Gentiles plot to stone them; they flee to Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia,
A cripple at Lystra is healed by Paul; he leaps up and walks.
The people of Lycaonia think Paul and Barnabas are the gods, Mercury and Jupiter; the Priests of Jupiter bring oxen to sacrifice to them. Paul and Barnabas run in among the people to declare God and His Works and Wonders.
Jews from Antioch and Iconium come, stir up trouble and stone Paul, thrust him out of the city and think he is dead. Paul revives.
Paul and Barnabas depart and go to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch where they tell the Disciples to bear hardship.
Paul and Barnabas ordain elders in every church, pray, fast, and commend them to the Lord.
They continue their journey to Pisidia, Pamphylia, Perga, Attalia, and on to Antioch where they tell of their trip and of the Gentiles salvation; there they remain for a long period of time.
Judaean Disciples come preaching the circumcision of Moses as necessary for salvation; Paul and Barnabas disagree; they all go to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders to solve the dispute.
The Disciples travel through Phenice and Samaria declaring the conversion of Gentiles which causes great joy; In Jerusalem they argue over circumcision; the Pharisee believers hold out for Moses' Law.
Peter speaks of new things now allowed by God, i.e. Gentile salvation, noncircumcision, etc.
James speaks agreement with Peter that they must not make salvation difficult but must demand clean lives.
Judas (Barsabas) and Silas are added to the missionaries; all four return to Antioch and preach as instructed.
All four continue their work in Antioch; Silas wants to stay and continue the ministry.
Barnabas wants Mark to go with Paul and him; there is a big disagreement; Barnabas and Mark go one way and Paul and Silas go another to reconfirm the churches in Asia.
Paul arrives in Derbe and Lystra and finds Timothy; his mother is a Jew and his father a Greek.
Paul circumcises Timothy; they travel and deliver the Jerusalem decrees; the churches increase.
They travel through Phrygia and Galatia; they are forbidden from preaching in Asia; they go to Mysia and the Holy Spirit sends them on to Troas.
Paul has a vision during the night of a Macedonian man saying, "Come and help us,” they prepare to go to Macedonia.
Paul, Timothy, and Silas who has joined them, go through Samothracia, Neapolis, and on to Philippi, Macedonia where they stay a while.
On the Sabbath they go out of the city to the riverside where they pray and sit down with the women gathered there.
Lydia, a seller of purple from Thyatira is saved and baptized with her family; they keep Paul and his band in her home.
A possessed girl, a soothsayer, bothers them; Paul casts her devil out; he is arrested by her owners and taken to the Roman Magistrates, accused of causing trouble in the city.
Paul and Silas are stripped and beaten, thrown into jail and put into stocks.
At midnight Paul and Silas pray and sing; an earthquake comes, all prison doors are opened and their bands fall off.
The jailer is awakened, he sees the prison open and pulls his sword to slay himself; Paul cries out to him, "We are all still here!"
The jailer falls at Paul's feet and asks for salvation; he and his family are saved and Paul and Silas baptize them.
The jailer feeds Paul and Silas; the next morning the magistrates send word to release them.
Paul refuses and sends for the magistrates; he tells them that they are Roman citizens; the magistrates apologize to them and they go to Lydia's home, comfort the brethren and depart.
Paul and Silas go through Amphipolis and Apollonia and on to Thessalonica where there is a synagogue of the Jews.
Paul reasons with the Greeks, Jews, and women about Jesus being The Christ; many believe.
Unbelieving Jews stir up the area riffraff and arrest Jason, owner of the house where Paul and Silas abide while they are out.
Paul and Silas are sent away and go to Berea; Jesus is received there readily and many are saved.
The Thessalonica Jews come to Berea and again stir up trouble. Paul is taken by ship to Athens.
While awaiting Silas and Timothy, Paul enters the synagogue and argues Jesus to the Jews and Greeks in Athens.
Epicurean and Stoic philosophers accuse Paul of having a strange god and bring him to Areopagus to explain Jesus.
All Athenians and strangers assemble and spend time in nothing but talk of new philosophies.
Paul stands on Mars' Hill, speaks to the men of Athens and tells them that they are too superstitious and says, "I saw your altar to the unknown god; I come to declare Him to you."
Paul declares to them God and creation, not confined to temples and having made all men of one blood, appointed their habitation.
Paul, "Seek Jesus; we are God's offspring; He is not made by man, of gold, stone, or silver."
Paul, "God has winked at our ignorance but now commands us to repent."
Paul, "God has appointed a day to judge the world by Jesus." Hearing of the resurrection, some doubt.
Paul departs but some believe, Dionysius the Areopagite, a woman named Damaris, and others.
Paul departs Athens and goes to Corinth where he meets Aquila and Priscilla from Italy. ALL JEWS ARE ORDERED OUT OF ROME BY CLAUDIUS.
Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla are tentmakers; Paul lives with them and reasons with the Jews there; Timothy and Silas join him from Macedonia.
The Jews of Corinth blaspheme; Paul says, "Your blood be upon your own heads, I AM GOING TO THE GENTILES!"
Paul goes to Justus' home next to the synagogue; Crispus, Chief Ruler of the Synagogue and many Corinthians believe.
Jesus speaks to Paul in a vision saying: "Be brave, speak out; I'll let none hurt you in this city."
Paul remains in Corinth teaching the Bible and salvation for a year and six months.
The Jews go to Gallio, ruler of Achaia and accuse Paul of breaking the law; Gallio refuses to hear them.
Greeks take Sosthenes, Chief Ruler of the Synagogue and beat him; Gallio does not care.
Paul, Priscilla, and Aquila go to Syria to Ephesus; Paul makes a vow and cuts off his hair.
Paul departs to Caesarea, salutes the church there, then on to Antioch, through Galatia and Phrygia strengthening all of the disciples.
Apollos, a Jew of Alexandria, mighty in Scripture, comes preaching the baptism of John.
Apollos encounters Aquila and Priscilla who teach him Jesus; he then passes on into Achaia where he is received by the brethren and convinces the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.
Paul goes to Ephesus; told that they had not received the Holy Ghost and had been baptized of John The Baptist only, he teaches them Jesus. Twelve men of them receive the Holy Ghost.
Divers resist Paul and speak against “The Way.” Paul teaches two years at the School Of Tyrannus; all of Asia, Jews and Greeks, hear Word of The Lord Jesus.
Seven sons of Sceva, Chief of Jewish Priests, vagabond Jews, try casting out evil spirits in Jesus’ Name.
An evil spirit departs from their victim and lands on the seven sons; it beats them naked; fear falls on Ephesus and Jesus is magnified.
Many of Pagan Arts bring and burn their books which are worth fifty thousand pieces of silver; God’s Word grows mightily.
Paul has passed through Macedonia and Achaia and wants to go to Jerusalem and Rome; he sends Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia.
Paul is still in Asia; a great stir arises about “That Way.”
Demetrius, Silversmith Of Diana Shrines, calls other craftsmen and says that their occupation is jeopardized because Paul is drawing multitudes in Asia away from Goddess Diana.
A pagan uprising catches Paul’s companions Gaius and Aristarchus; they are taken to the theater for a hearing.
Paul tries to enter the theater and is stopped by his disciples and Asia Chiefs who want to protect him.
The assembly in the theater is confused; Alexander, a Jew, tries to defend Gaius and Aristarchus; the people chant, “Great is Ephesian’s Diana” for two hours.
The Town Clerk of Ephesus says that Ephesus is a worshipper of Diana which fell from Jupiter.
The Town Clerk warns the people of the danger from the Romans because of their uproar; he dismisses the assembly.
Paul calls his disciples and embraces them; he departs for Macedonia arriving in Greece.
Paul hears of Jews laying in wait to kill him; he goes through Macedonia to Syria and not by boat.
Accompanying Paul into Asia are: Sopater of Berea, Thessalonians Aristarchus and Secundus, Gaius of Derbe, Timothy, and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus; an advance group waits at Troas.
The group sails from Philippi, five days to Troas; they stay there for seven days.
On Sunday Paul comes to eat with his disciples in an upper chamber; he preaches until midnight.
A young man, Eutychus, falls asleep sitting in an upper window; he falls three stories to the ground and is thought dead.
Paul goes down and falls on Eutychus; he revives him; Eutychus takes bread; all of the congregation is happy.
Others of his disciples sail to Assos; Paul goes overland and boards a boat; they all sail to Mitylene.
They sail on to Chios and Samos then spend the night at Trogyllium; they travel then on to Miletus and Ephesus; Paul wants to be in Jerusalem for the Day Of Pentecost.
Paul calls the Ephesus Christians to Miletus and expounds upon his previous ministry to the Jews and Greeks.
Paul tells of his impending danger at Jerusalem, his willingness to die, and that he won't see them ever again. Paul says, "I am pure from the blood of all men.”
Paul charges all to continue in The Holy Ghost work; he warns them of "wolves" entering the flock.
Paul commends them to God and uses Jesus' words, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
Paul says a prayer for them; they all fall on his neck, cry, and kiss him; they take him into the ship, never to see him again.
Paul and his group sail to Coos, Rhodes, and Patara, then take another ship to Phenica, Cyprus, and on to Tyre, Syria.
Paul and his group stay seven days at Tyre; he prays with the Christians there; they sail on to Ptolemais and stay a day there.
The group goes on to Caesarea the next day to Deacon Philip's home; Philip is an evangelist; he has four virgin daughters who are prophetesses.
Agabus, a prophet from Judaea comes and binds Paul's hands; he does so to say that Jerusalem is a great danger to Paul.
Paul and his disciples weep; Paul states his willingness to become a martyr and die for Jesus; the arguments cease.
Paul and his disciples take carriages to Jerusalem; Caesarean disciples bring old disciple Mnason of Cyprus; Jerusalem disciples receive them gladly.
The next day Paul goes to see James (brother of Jesus) and the elders and tells them of God turning to the Gentiles.
The Jerusalem elders are confused over the Jews following Moses' Law and the Gentiles not doing so; they want an explanation.
Paul is given four men with a vow to follow the law and shave their heads; Paul convinces the four and declares a week for their purification.
The Asian Jews come and stir up the Jerusalem Jews; they grab Paul and tell the people that he teaches against the Law and brings Greeks (Gentiles) into the Temple.
They suppose that Paul has taken Trophimus, an Ephesian Gentile into the temple; the Jews draw Paul out of the Temple and shut the door to keep him out.
The Jews are about to kill Paul; the Romans hear of the uproar and send centurions and soldiers to stop them; the Jews cease beating Paul.
The Chief Captain of the Romans binds Paul with two chains; he demands an explanation; the Jews clamor; Paul is carried into the castle.
Paul had to be carried overhead by the soldiers to protect him; the Jews cry, "Away with him! Kill him!"
Paul speaks to the Chief Captain in Greek; Paul is asked if he is the Egyptian who led an uproar with four thousand murderers.
Paul identifies himself as a Jew of Tarsus, Cilicia; he asks to speak to the Jews; he stands on the stairs and quiets the Jews.
Paul speaks in the Hebrew tongue which quiets the Jews; he gives information of his birth, that he studied under Gamaliel, and has zealously learned the law.
Paul explains his previous dedication to prosecute "THE WAY," his commission from the Jews, and his Damascus trip.
Paul relates his Damascus Road experience, his blindness, Disciple Ananias' ministry, his conversion and his baptism; he then relates his being sent to the Gentiles; the crowd explodes.
The Jews throw dust into the air, tear off their clothes, and demand Paul's death; the Chief Captain demands a reason.
Paul is tied and about to be scourged; he tells the Romans that he is a freeborn Roman; they are afraid to touch him.
Paul is loosed from his bonds; the Chief Roman Captain demands that the Jewish Chief Priest and Council appear for a hearing.
Paul speaks at the hearing; The High Priest has his attendants strike Paul; Paul calls him a whited wall and reviles him.
Paul perceives that part of the Jews are Pharisees and part are Sadducees; he divides them on the resurrection issue.
The Chief Captain rescues Paul again; he is taken again into the castle. That night Jesus speaks to Paul and tells him that he will testify of him (Jesus) in Jerusalem and in Rome.
The Jews bind themselves to kill Paul; they tell the Jewish hierarchy to have Paul brought out and exposed for that purpose.
Paul's nephew hears of the plot and tells Paul; he is sent to the Chief Captain, is taken aside, and tells him of the plot.
Paul is taken by two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen by way of Antipartis to Caesarea with orders from Chief Captain Claudius Lysias to take a message to Governor Felix; Felix agrees to hear the case and has Paul locked up in Herod's judgment hall
Jewish High Priest Ananias, with orator Tertullus, go to Caesarea; they accuse Paul of sedition.
Tertullus expounds before Felix of how Paul is the ringleader of the Nazarenes and profanes the Temple.
The Jews accuse Chief Captain Lysias, who rescued Paul originally from the mob, of interfering with their trial of Paul; Paul speaks and says that he has done no wrong.
Paul says that he is part of "THE WAY" and that all will be resurrected from the dead, both the good and the
bad; the Asian Jews continue to accuse him.
Governor Felix knows of "THE WAY" and awaits the arrival of Chief Captain Lysias; he allows Paul's friends to minister to him. Felix and his wife Drusilla have Paul tell them of faith in Christ.
Paul scares Felix with his explanation of faith; Felix expects money from Paul and comes to him many times; Paul is left bound for two years.
Porcius Festus of a higher government level is to try Paul; he goes up to Jerusalem to confer with Paul's Jewish accusers.
The Jews want Paul to come to them so that they can kill him on the way; Festus orders that the trial will be at Caesarea.
The Jews and Paul exchange arguments before Festus; Paul says that he has committed no offense against anyone.
Festus, wanting to please the Jews, asks Paul to go to Jerusalem to be tried; Paul replies, "I appeal unto Caesar!"
Festus agrees to send Paul to Caesar; King Agrippa and his wife, Bernice come to Caesarea.
Festus relates the stories of Paul and the Jews to Agrippa, telling that Paul says that Jesus is alive and that his crime is unknown.
Festus tells King Agrippa of Paul's appeal to Caesar; Agrippa wants to hear Paul the next day.
Paul is before Agrippa; Festus wants words to send to Caesar to make a case against Paul and needs Agrippa's help.
Agrippa gives Paul an audience; Paul says that Agrippa is an expert in judging and gives Agrippa his background.
Paul says that he is being judged for declaring Jesus the Messiah, a long promise to the Jews.
Paul tells of his own conflict over Jesus, that he, himself, put Christians to death as a Pharisee duty.
Paul continues that he caused Christians to blaspheme (deny Christ), persecuted them in other cities, and was on his way to Damascus to continue the persecution.
Paul amplifies the story of meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus and of Jesus sending him to the Gentiles.
Paul says that he has to obey that heavenly vision, that the Jews have tried to kill him, and that he preaches Jesus' resurrection.
Festus interrupts Paul loudly; he says that Paul is mad (crazy); Paul says that he knows King Agrippa believes him.
Paul asks King Agrippa if he believes the Prophets; Agrippa says, "Almost you persuade me to be a Christian."
Paul says that he also wishes Agrippa to become a Christian; Agrippa stands with Festus and the group; they go aside and agree that Paul has done no wrong.
King Agrippa says to Festus, "We would set Paul free if he had not appealed to Caesar."
The determination is made to send Paul to Rome; he is delivered to Julius, Centurion of Augustas' band.
The band enters a ship at Adramyttium, they launch; Macedonian Aristarchus of Thessalonica is on board.
The ship stops at Sidon and Julius allows Paul to visit friends there; they launch again and sail under Cyprus.
After sailing over the Seas of Cilicia and Pamphylia, they make port at Myra, Lycia; Julius finds a ship from Alexandria which is sailing to Italy.
Sailing is slow for many days, they sail under Crete, by Salmone and by The Fair Haverns to the city of Lasea.
Paul perceives that sailing from there is dangerous and admonishes Julius, saying that the ship and lives are in danger; Julius believes the shipmaster and ignores Paul.
Knowing that Lasea is not a good place to winter in, they launch for Phenice to winter there; with a soft wind, they sail for Crete.
A tempestuous storm called Euroclydon arises; they let the ship drive without steering and run under the island Clauda.
The crew undergird the ship with ropes to hold it together; fearing a quicksand area, they strike sail and are wind driven.
Terribly tossed, the next day they throw the cargo overboard; on the third day they throw the ships tackling overboard.
After many days of tempest with no sun appearing, all hope of being saved is taken away.
After a long wait, Paul speaks and admonishes the Captain and Julius; he then tells them that an Angel of God stood by him and told him that there would be no loss of life though the ship would be destroyed.
Paul tells them that the Angel said that he must go before Caesar; the crew and prisoners are safe but will be cast upon an island.
After fourteen more days of storm in the Sea of Adria, about midnight, they sense that the water is going shallow; they sound for depth and then cast the anchors out back, drive forward, and wish for the daylight.
The ship's crew, about to flee, let down the lifeboat; Paul tells them that only those staying on the ship will survive; the lifeboat is cut loose.
Having not eaten for fourteen days, Paul tells all to end the fast; he tells them that not a hair will be shed; they all eat.
The total number on board is 276; they finish eating and cast their cargo of wheat into the sea.
Day comes, they see a creek opening, take up the anchors, run into the creek's mouth and the ship breaks up.
Centurion Julius keeps the soldiers aboard from killing the prisoners; all make shore, some swimming and some holding to boards from the ship.
All 276 land on the Isle Of Melita; the barbarous inhabitants there are kind; they build fires and all warm from the cold rain.
Paul gathers sticks for the fire; a viper grabs onto his hand; Paul shakes it into the fire; the Melitans await his death thinking he is evil.
The Melitans wait for Paul to die; when the viper does not kill him, they think he is a god.
Publius, Chief of the island, houses them; Paul heals his sick father; many are healed on the island and all are given gifts.
After three months, ships Castor and Pollux take them to Syracuse, Rhegium, and Puteoli where they stay with friends for seven days.
Brethren meet them at Ampliform and the Three Taverns; finally in Rome, Paul is allowed to live alone with only one guard.
Paul meets with the chief Jews of Rome; he tells them his plight and of his innocence saying, "For the Hope Of Israel I am bound with this chain."
The Rome Jews know nothing of Paul's arrest but know of his sect, that it is spoken against; Paul preaches a day from prophesy and of his own experience; some believe, some do not.
Paul relates that the Holy Ghost spoke through Elijah to their Fathers, telling them to go tell all; but the Jews heard and did not understand; their hearts waxed gross; they refused to hear and be converted.
Paul tells them that because of the Jew's refusal, salvation is sent to the Gentiles; the Jews depart, reasoning among themselves.
Paul dwells two years in a rented home in Rome and receives all that come to him.
Paul preaches The Kingdom Of God, teaching The Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence; none forbid him for two years.
September IMMEDIATE ONCAP and BC Advantage Funds are winners of CVCA’s 2006 ‘Deal of the Year’ Awards TORONTO: Canada’s Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (CVCA) is pleased to announce that BC Advantage Funds (VCC) Ltd is the recipient of the CVCA’s 2006 ‘Deal of the Year Award’ for the venture capital category and ONCAP LP is the recipient of the CVCA�
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