Rx tier 0 flyer 4-8-08 rev.indd

H o w B l u e C r o s s
o f N o r t h e a s t e r n
P e n n s y l v a n i a ’ s
T i e r 0 ( Z e r o ) C a n
S a v e Y o u M o n e y
What Is Tier 0?
Who Can Get Tier 0?
We’re pleased to announce we have added another tier Members of an insured employer group with our of drugs to our multi-tiered prescription drug program. multi-tiered prescription drug program are eligible for This fourth tier includes approximately 65 generic drugs with a cost of $0— that’s right, no copayment! Tier 0 does not apply to members with a single-tier Many of these generic drugs are used to treat chronic, coinsurance prescription drug program (i.e., 50%, 20%) high-cost conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or prescription drugs covered under Major Medical.
heart disease, osteoporosis and gastric refl ux. Tier 0 generic drugs, which are safe and effective, Where Can I Find a List of Tier 0 Drugs?
are often considered the best therapies—and the best We’ve attached a current list of Tier 0 drugs for your buys—to treat the common conditions above.
convenience. Beginning July 1, 2008 the list will be added to Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania’s What Are the Benefi ts of Tier 0?
Prescription Drug Formulary on www.bcnepa.com under “Prescription Drug Benefi ts.” • Copay-free access to important drug therapies so How Can I Get Started?
Ask your doctor if a Tier 0 generic drug could work • You’re getting a “best buy”— tried and true for you or your family members. He/she must write therapies proven to be safe and effective you a new prescription for a Tier 0 generic drug.
Saving Money With Tier 0 Drugs
$420 a year
Tier 0 Drugs:
$240 a year
per month
per month
$240 a year
$120 a year
per month
per month
$120 a year
$420 a year!
per month
Why pay more without getting more?
Please note that self-funded group benefits may differ from benefits and services described herein. Consult your Summary Plan Description for complete details of your program. Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania administers health care plans offered by Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Highmark Blue Shield, First Priority Health® and First Priority Life Insurance CompanySM.
Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania Prescription Drug Formulary Tier 0 Drug List
Effective July 1, 2008
Cardiovascular Medications
Other Antihypertensives
Calcium Antagonists
diltiazem, diltiazem ER, diltiazem SR, diltiazem SA nadolol/bendrofl umethiazidequinapril w/HCTZ Thiazide and Related Drugs
HMG-COA Reductase Inhibitors
Potassium Sparing Diuretics
Autonomic and CNS Medications
Sedative/Hypnotic Drugs
Beta-Adrenergic Antagonist Drugs
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
Endocrine Medications
Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs
Alpha Blockers
Other Endocrine
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Gastrointestinal Medications
Proton Pump Inhibitors
Urological Medications
oxybutynin ER
This list is subject to change at any time.

Source: http://as13759.http.sasm3.net/Include/aboutwilkes/hr/Tier0Flyer.pdf

An investigation into the optimization of release profile of lithium carbonate from matrix-type tablets containing carbopols, pemulen and eudragits

Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2003) 33-38 Received: June 2002 Accepted: February 2003 An Investigation into the Optimization of Release Profile of Lithium Carbonate from Matrix-type Tablets Containing Carbopols, Pemulen and Eudragits Reza Aboofazeli*, Seyed Alireza Mortazavi Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Scie


FOR SCHOOL NURSES ✦ The metered-dose-inhaler, or MDI medication that is used in the school set ing is a short-acting bronchodilator. Beloware some of the ones currently used. ✦ These are the medications which a student with signedpermission from a healthcare provider would be al owed✦ The indications for use of these medications are:1. To relieve symptoms of bronchospasm. This could

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