Suppression of transient 40-Hz auditory response by haloperidol
suggests modulation of human selective attention
Jyrki Ahveninena,b,c,*, Seppo KaÈhkoÈnena,b,d, Hannu Tiitinena,b, Eero Pekkonena,b,c,
Juha Huttunenb,c, Seppo Kaakkolac, Risto J. Ilmoniemib, Iiro P. JaÈaÈskelaÈinena,b,e
aCognitive Brain Research Unit, Department of Psychology, PO Box 13, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
bBioMag Laboratory, Medical Engineering Centre, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa,
cDepartment of Neurology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
dDepartment of Psychiatry, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, Helsinki, Finland
eMassachusetts General Hospital-NMR Center, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA
Received 14 June 2000; received in revised form 7 August 2000; accepted 8 August 2000
Cognitive processes including selective attention may depend on synchronous activity of neurons at the gamma-band
(around 40 Hz). To determine the effect of neuroleptic challenge on transient auditory evoked 40-Hz response, simulta-
neous measurement of 122-channel magnetoencephalogram (MEG) and 64-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) was
used. Either 2 mg of dopamine D2-receptor antagonist haloperidol or a placebo was administered orally to 11 healthy
subjects in a double-blind randomized crossover design in two separate sessions. The subjects attended to tones
presented to one ear and ignored those presented to the other ear. Haloperidol signi®cantly suppressed the transient
40-Hz electric response to the attended stimuli, while no signi®cant effect was observed in the electric responses to the
unattended tones or in the magnetic responses. The present result suggests that dopamine D2 receptors modulate
selective attention. q 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. Keywords: 40-Hz response; Auditory; D2 receptors; Dopamine; Event-related potentials; Magnetoencephalography; Electroencephalo-
Selective attention refers to the ability to pick relevant
the electrically and magnetically observed responses have
stimuli embedded in a vast amount of information. The
been shown to be synchronized at the gamma band [13].
neurochemical basis of this fundamental function remains
EEG studies indicate that the transient 40-Hz response is
to be elucidated. Previous studies have indicated the dopa-
enhanced by selective attention [18] and gradually attenu-
mine system may be associated with higher-order atten-
ated after long-term stimulation due to lessened vigilance
tional processes such as mental set-shifting or working
[10]. It is produced by a separate source than the 40-Hz
memory [4]. In addition, selective-attention de®cits have
steady-state response [13], postulated to represent summa-
been found in disorders of dopamine system, including
tion of overlapping middle-latency auditory evoked
responses [6]. Thus, it might represent an essential compo-
Higher-order cognitive processes, such as selective atten-
nent of auditory attention and perceptual processing.
tion, may be based on synchronization of neural discharges
The transient auditory 40-Hz response is attenuated by
in the gamma-band (around 40 Hz) [5,18]. In the human
g-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA)-agonist temazepine [8],
auditory system, a transient 40-Hz response can be detected
and modulated by cholinergic muscarine receptors [2].
with electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencepha-
The dopaminergic modulation of transient 40-Hz auditory
lography (MEG) [13]. After 20±130 ms from stimulus onset,
responses has not yet been studied. However, other event-
related potential (ERP) components related to selective
* Corresponding author. Tel: 1358-9-191-23761; fax 1358-9-
attention have been shown to be affected by dopamine D2-
receptor antagonists, such as droperidol [15]. Therefore, we
E-mail address: jyrki.ahveninen@helsinki.® (J. Ahveninen).
0304-3940/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
J. Ahveninen et al. / Neuroscience Letters 292 (2000) 29±32
studied the effects of the dopamine D2-receptor antagonist
band-pass ®ltered off-line at 32±48 Hz. The data were
haloperidol on the transient auditory 40-Hz response with a
simultaneous 122-channel MEG and 64-channel EEG
Each two-channel MEG sensor unit measures two inde-
pendent magnetic-®eld gradient components, dBz/dx and
Two milligrams of haloperidol (2 £ Serenase (1 mg,
dBz/dy, the z-axis being normal to the local helmet surface.
Orion-Pharma, Espoo, Finland), suf®cient to affect cogni-
The position of the subject's head relative to the MEG
tive performance without side effects (e.g. dysphoria,
instrument was determined by measuring magnetic ®elds
akathisia) [9], or a matching placebo was administered
produced by three marker coils attached to the scalp. Before
orally to 11 right-handed healthy paid volunteers (aged
the measurement, the location of the marker coils in relation
20±28 years; six females) in a double-blind, randomized
to cardinal points of the head (nasion, left, and right pre-
crossover design, 3±4 h before the recording (to reach
auricular points) were determined using an Isotrak 3D-digi-
peak effects [12]). The subjects were instructed to avoid
tizer (Polhemus, Colchester, VT, USA).
alcohol for at least 48 h, and caffeine and tobacco for
The magnetic 40-Hz response amplitudes for both
12 h, before MEG and EEG recordings. The subjects
attended and unattended stimuli were quanti®ed as the
reported having had no neurological or psychiatric disorders
mean amplitude during the latency range of 30±130 ms
or using no drugs for 2 weeks before the study. None had
from the channel pair showing the highest response
been exposed to any class of neuroleptics. The study was
amplitude over the left and right temporal areas
approved by the National Agency for Medicines, Finland,
uau dBz=dx2 1 dBz=dy21=2. Four MEG variables
and Ethics Committee of the Department of Clinical
were calculated for each subject in each drug condition as
Neurosciences, Helsinki University Central Hospital. Writ-
follows: responses ipsilateral to the ear stimulated with (1)
ten informed consent was obtained after the procedures had
attended or (2) unattended stimuli and responses contralat-
been fully explained to the subjects. All experimental
eral to the ear stimulated with (3) attended or (4) unattended
sessions were carried out between 08:00 and 12:00 h, and
stimuli. The dipole source of the gamma response was
the sessions were separated by 1 week.
modeled using a spherical head model with a subset of 34
During the recordings, the subject sat in a comfortable
channels above each hemisphere. The dipole locations were
chair in a magnetically shielded room (Euroshield, Eura,
®tted at consecutive peaks of the magnetic gamma oscilla-
Finland) with the head inside a helmet-shaped 122-channel
tions (only for responses contralateral to the ear stimulated)
whole-head MEG instrument [1] (Neuromag, Helsinki,
during 30±130 ms post-stimulus, during which the magnetic
Finland). The subjects were presented, dichotically through
and electric 40-Hz responses have been observed to be
ear pieces and plastic tubes, with standard (700 Hz to the
synchronous [13]. The source loci were estimated by calcu-
left ear, 1100 Hz to the right ear, P 0:44 for each), and
lating the mean of the dipole-®t x-, y-, and z-coordinates of
deviant (770 Hz to the left ear, and 1210 Hz to the right ear,
P 0:06 for each) 50-ms pure tones (with 5-ms rise and fall
The amplitudes of the electric 40-Hz response for both
times) at 60 dB above the individually-determined subjec-
attended and unattended stimuli were quanti®ed as the mean
tive hearing threshold. The stimuli were presented asyn-
amplitude during the latency range of 30±130 ms analyzed
chronously to the left and right ears. The inter-stimulus
using a signal-space projection (SSP) [17] calculated from
interval (ISI) was random at 210±410 ms. The subjects
signals obtained at 12 sites around frontal and vertex elec-
were to attend to tones presented to one ear and to silently
trodes (F1, Fz, F2, FC1, FCz, FC2, C1, Cz, C2, TP1, CPz, TP2).
count the number of deviants, while ignoring tones
Because of insuf®cient signal-to-noise ratio (fewer summa-
presented to the other ear. The ear to be attended was coun-
tions), the electromagnetic signals elicited by the deviant
tones were not analyzed. The EEG data of one subject
The magnetic 40-Hz response was measured with a 122-
was rejected because of excessive noise.
channel planar gradiometer and the simultaneous mastoid-
The effect of haloperidol on amplitude of the 40-Hz
referenced electric 40-Hz response with a 64-channel EEG
magnetic response over the contralateral and ipsilateral
using an electrode cap with 64 Ag/AgCl electrodes. Verti-
hemispheres to the attended ear was tested by a 4-way
cal and horizontal eye movements were recorded with an
(attended ear by drug by attention by hemisphere) repeated
electrooculogram (EOG). The recording pass-band was
measures ANOVA with contrasts. The effect of haloperidol
0.03±100 Hz for EEG and MEG data and 0.5±30 Hz for
on SSP of electric 40-Hz response was analyzed using a 3-
the EOG (sampling rate 394 Hz for each). The analysis
way (attended ear by drug by attention) ANOVA with
period was 800 ms (including a 100 ms pre-stimulus base-
line). Epochs containing over 150 mV peak-to-peak
Corroborating previous observations [18], the transient
changes in the EOG and EEG or over 3-pT/cm MEG
40-Hz electric response was signi®cantly enhanced by
changes, as well as the responses to the ®rst few stimuli
attention (F 1; 8 13:2, P , 0:01) in the placebo condi-
of the sequence, were automatically rejected. At least 500
tion. Fig. 1 shows the electric 40-Hz auditory response
artefact-free responses for the attended, and 500 for the
elicited by the attended tones during the haloperidol and
unattended tones, were recorded, averaged and digitally
placebo conditions in a representative subject. A signi®cant
J. Ahveninen et al. / Neuroscience Letters 292 (2000) 29±32
Fig. 1. Transient electric 40-Hz auditory response elicited by the attended tones presented to the right ear in one subject.
drug main effect (F 1; 8 6:6, P , 0:05) and a signi®cant
A recent PET study indicated that haloperidol signi®-
drug by attention interaction (F 1; 8 13:8, P , 0:01)
cantly reduces glucose utilization in the frontal and anterior
indicated that that the transient 40-Hz auditory electric
cingulate cortex [3]. This was interpreted to re¯ect binding
response was attenuated by haloperidol (Table 1). The a
of haloperidol in the striatum and other D2-rich areas, which
priori contrasts indicated that this attenuation by haloperi-
results in an increased GABAergic inhibition of the thala-
dol was signi®cant for the 40-Hz electric response elicited
mus, and ®nally reduces neocortical activity [3]. The
by the attended stimuli (F 1; 8 21:8, P , 0:01), but no
suppression of 40-Hz response to attended stimuli could,
signi®cant effect was observed for the response to unat-
therefore, re¯ect haloperidol-induced hypoactivity in the
tended stimuli (Table 1). According to the ANOVA, the
frontal and anterior cingulate cortex, brain regions that are
effects caused by haloperidol were very similar in the
known to be crucial for selective attention.
subjects attending to the left- and right-ear stimuli.
Despite the EEG results, no signi®cant haloperidol effects
The differences in the amplitude of the transient 40-Hz
were found in MEG. MEG detects only the activity of audi-
magnetic response by haloperidol were not statistically
tory-cortical sources oriented tangentially to the temporal
signi®cant (Table 2). The dipole-source locations of the tran-
scalp surface [11]. In EEG, these sources project to the
sient 40-Hz magnetic response were not affected by the drug
fronto-central electrodes (used in the present analysis).
or the level of attention. Supporting previous ®ndings [13]
However, radial activity within, for instance, the frontal
the dipole sources of transient 40-Hz magnetic responses
brain regions might additionally contribute to the signal
were, on the average, located bilaterally 5 cm lateral to the
recorded at the fronto-central EEG leads. As already
sagittal and 1 cm anterior to the coronal (determined with left
mentioned, haloperidol signi®cantly reduced the activity
and right pre-auricular points) mid-line of the head.
in the frontal lobes [3], unfortunately, the contribution of
The amplitude of the transient 40-Hz auditory electric
these regions on the transient auditory 40-Hz responses is
response for the selectively attended tones was signi®cantly
not well known. The absence of the dopamine D2-receptors
reduced by administration of the dopamine D2-receptor
from the human primary auditory cortex [7], the suggested
antagonist haloperidol, but no such effect was observed
origin of the magnetic 40-Hz response [13], however, might
for the response to the unattended stimuli. During the
partially explain the absence of signi®cant haloperidol
placebo condition, the previously reported [18] enhance-
effects in MEG. It has to be also noted that at the cellular
ment of 40-Hz response by selective attention was clearly
signi®cant. The present results thus suggest that the block-
age of dopamine D2 receptors speci®cally abolished the
Amplitudes of the 40-Hz electric response (mV)
attentional modulation of sources affecting the transient
auditory gamma oscillations. This basically supports
previous result [15] that the processing negativity (PN),
elicited by selective attention, was reduced by the dopamine
D2-receptor antagonist droperidol (with a slightly different
J. Ahveninen et al. / Neuroscience Letters 292 (2000) 29±32
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