Chapter 2 Hair loss; Causes, Clinical Manifestations, And Available Treatments Introduction
Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is characterized by a receding hairline
and/or hair loss within a given pattern on the scalp. This disorder, which can
effect both men and women, is an inherited condition, caused by a genetically
predetermined sensitivity in certain scalp hair follicles to the effects of the
androgenic hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is believed to shorten
the growth, or anagen, phase of the hair cycle, causing miniaturization of the
follicles, and producing progressively finer hairs. The production of DHT is
regulated by an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase (5AR).
Testosterone (T) secreted by the testis is the principal androgen
circulating in the plasma in men, whereas in women the adrenal and ovarian
steroids 4-androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate are the most
abundant circulating proandrogens. Human skin is an important site for the
biotransformation and metabolism of androgens (1). It has the potential to
enzymatically convert the primary adrenal androgen dehydroepiandrosterone
sulfate to dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiendrosterone to
androstenedione to T and then to DHT (1) (figure 7-8).
Figure 7: Major pathways of steroid biosynthesis
Figure 8: Steroid metabolism in target tissues
Cutaneous Androgen Metabolism
The primary ovarian proandrogen, ?4-androstenedione, can also be
converted to T in the skin. Published reports suggest that pretestosterone
androgens contribute significantly to the total androgenization of women,
especially in the second and third decades of life when
dehydroepiandrosterone and its sulfate are at their highest levels (2).
The skin is also one of the major sites of peripheral conversion of T to
DHT by 5a-reductase (5AR), and 5AR activity is especially high in areas of
high sebaceous gland density. 5AR activity has been demonstrated in plucked
pubic hairs, and DHT formation is elevated in hirsutism in women.
In order to eludicate the relationship between androgens and hair
growth, investigators assessed the metabolism of [3H]T and
[3H]androstenedione using a micromethod. In this study, it was demonstrated
that both anagen and telogen hair roots originating from 10 different body sites
contain two major enzymatic systems, namely 5a-reductase and 17ß-
hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. No significant relationship was found with
either T or androstenedione as a substrate between the androgen-mediated
growth of hair and the capacity to form 5a metabolites. Thus, the formation of
DHT and androstanedione (the 5a-reduced metabolite of androstenedione) in
androgen-dependent sexual beard hairs proved to be approximately the same
as in certain nonsexual hairs, for example, hairs of the nuchal site of the scalp
of women. However, a significantly greater formation of 5a-androstanes was
found in the frontal area of balding men than in the same area in nonbalding
men or women, regardless of whether the hairs were incubated with T or with
Since 5a-reduction is irreversible and oxidation at carbon 17 is favored,
androstanedione has been demonstrated to be the principal intracellular
androgen in human hair roots (3). In telogen hairs of all body regions, less
formation of 17-ketosteroids (androstenedione and androstanedione) was
found when hairs were incubated with T. Furthermore, the formation of 5a-
metabolites in telogen hairs was always considerably less than in
corresponding anagen hairs. Human hair roots were also shown to contain the
complex enzymatic machinery required to aromatize androstenedione to
estrone (3). This is an important finding that calls into question the simple
theory that DHT is the only active androgen responsible for miniaturizing hair
Thus, in considering androgen mediated disorders of the skin, it is
important to consider the activity of androgen metabolism of the skin and,
specifically, its effect on hair follicles. For example, the scalp has an
abundance of sebaceous glands, and these may be a major source of DHT to
hair follicles because of their close proximity. Because 5AR activity is high in
human scalp skin and because it may be highest in balding scalp sites, this
factor alone may be enough to induce AGA in genetically susceptible
Isozyme specificity
Cells in genetically programmed hair follicles express the genes
encoding the steroid enzyme 5AR. 5AR is a membrane-bound enzyme that
catalyzes the irreversible conversion of T to DHT with NADPH (nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced form) as a cofactor (4). Two
isozymes exist: the type I enzyme with an alkaline pH optimum, encoded by the
SRD5A1 gene, NCBI locus ID # 6715, localized to chromosomal position 5p15,
and the type II isozyme with an acidic pH optimum, encoded by the SRD5A2
gene, NCBI locus ID # 6716, localized to chromosomal position 2p23 (5).
Investigators have reported immunolocalization studies that showed that the
type I enzyme is expressed primarily in newborn scalp, and in skin and liver.
The type II isozyme protein is expressed primarily in genital skin, liver and the
Clinical Presentation of AGA
As previously noted, alopecia is a general term for hair loss and requires
further definition. Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common cause of
hair loss, presenting as loss of hair over the top (vertex) of the scalp in affected
men and women. AGA is associated with normal levels of estrogens and
androgens in both men and women. The term “androgenetic” alopecia denotes
that both a genetic predisposition and the presence of “androgens” are
necessary to cause disease expression. The specific mode of inheritance has
not been determined, however, it is believed by geneticists to represent a
Androgenetic Alopecia in Men
In men, AGA, also called male pattern hair loss, is characterized by hair
loss in the frontal and vertex areas of the scalp. Several patterns are commonly
recognized and classified according to the Hamilton and Norwood
classifications (7). These classifications are based on the degree of hair
thinning and the affected areas of the scalp (figure 9). AGA in men can begin
Androgenetic Alopecia in Women
In women, AGA, also called female diffuse thinning, presents with more
diffuse thinning in a mosaic pattern over the vertex of the scalp. The frontal
hairline is usually retained. Occasionally there is a prominent triangle of
thinning behind the retained frontal fringe (8). The width of the part over the
vertex is widened when compared to the back of the scalp, and onset is
The hair loss in women is usually less dramatic than that seen in men.
Originally, the degrees of thinning were divided into three categories by Ludwig
More recently, Savin (1994) devised a scale based on eight categories
of density and part width over the vertex of the scalp. There has been no
compelling evidence demonstrating that women effected with this disorder are
Virilization may be defined as the process of developing masculine sex
characteristics in a female. This phenomenon may include an increase in body
hair, facial hair, deepening of the voice, male-pattern baldness, and clitoral
enlargement. It may also result from excessive testosterone production in
endocrine glands or use of anabolic steroids. Onset and exacerbation of hair
loss often occurs at times of hormonal challenge, including the postpartum
period, use of oral contraceptives, and the early post-menopausal period.
Approximately 20% of Caucasian men are affected by the age of 20 with
incidence increasing 10% per decade. Fifty percent of Caucasian women are
affected by age 50 (8). Racial differences are noted with more Caucasians
Psychosocial Aspects
Recent studies on the quality of life in men and women with AGA show
that loss of scalp hair can have major psychologic effects. Men with AGA may
feel less attractive and older than their peers leading to diminished self-esteem,
stress, anxiety, depression, and social inadequacy. This is as true, if not more
Pathophysiology of Androgenetic Alopecia
Although the clinical presentation is different in men and women, the
underlying cellular processes causing AGA are thought to be similar. AGA is
mediated by androgens in both men and women. Androgens are produced in
men by the testes and adrenal glands. In women, androgens are produced by
Androgens produced peripherally by endocrine-sensitive hair follicles
and sebaceous glands also contribute significantly to circulating androgens in
both men and women. For the most part, men and women with AGA have
normal levels of circulating androgens (8).
The androgen dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent metabolite of the
androgen testosterone (T), causes a gradual, progressive shrinkage in the
length and caliber of genetically programmed hair follicles. This process is
called “miniaturization”. Miniaturization results from shortening of the anagen
phase and a decrease in the size of the dermal papilla and volume of matrix
Consequently, each successive hair cycle results in the production of
smaller, finer hairs which contribute less to the overall appearance and density
of the hair (9). Increased shedding of miniaturized hairs and minor
inflammation, as manifested by seborrheic dermatitis, may occur.
These biochemical events occur at the cellular level of the hair follicle.
Because the dermal papilla is highly vascularized, it is continuously bathed in
circulating androgens. It has been demonstrated that the dermal papilla is rich
in androgen receptors and is the primary target of androgen action (10).
During AGA mediated follicle miniaturization, 5AR irreversibly converts T
into the more potent DHT. DHT (or, less efficiently, T) is bound by an
intracellular cytosolic receptor, the androgen receptor (AR). This complex is
then translocated to the cell nucleus where it activates transcription of genes
with androgen-responsive elements (ARE) in their promoters (11).
ARs in the cells of the dermal papilla bind with circulating DHT, forming
DHT-AR complexes. These complexes are translocated and bind to specific
target sites on the DNA to the nuclei of the dermal papilla (figure). Activated
genes are transcribed which are believed to stimulate the overlying matrix cells
to mediate the androgen effects of miniaturization on the hair follicle.
Aromatase, present in the outer root sheath of the hair follicle, is another
enzyme that plays an important function in AGA. This enzyme converts T and
DHT back into estrogens. Aromatase is approximately six times more
abundant on the female frontal scalp as compared to males, and may be
responsible for the less severe expression of AGA in women (12). It may also
explain retention of the anterior hairline in women.
Differential Diagnosis of Clinically Relevant Alopecias
In general, the clinical appearance and history of AGA in men is
straightforward and does not present a diagnostic challenge. Because the
pattern is more ambiguous in women, several other types of hair loss may
mimic AGA and should be kept in mind when evaluating patients.
Telogen effluvium
Women are especially prone to increased shedding of telogen hairs
from various physical insults, a condition called telogen effluvium. Acute and
chronic illnesses, pregnancy, abrupt hormonal changes, iron and dietary
protein deficiency, and many medications can all cause an increased shift of
hairs into the telogen phase with a resultant increase in shedding. This
shedding is accentuated along the frontal hairline and vertex of the scalp and
can easily mimic AGA. It has been shown that an episode of telogen effluvium
may hasten the expression of AGA in genetically prone individuals.
Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata (AA) is a putative autoimmune condition which usually
presents as patchy hair loss, but occasionally presents initially as increased
shedding and diffuse hair loss. The etiology of this disease, characterized by
For example, it is not understood, how the characteristic inflammatory
infiltrate that selectively attacks anagen hair follicles in AA is generated. Unlike
cicatricial alopecia, AA is a nonscarring form of hair loss. Among the many
factors under investigation in the pathogenesis of AA, the main areas of
concentration have been genetic constitution as well as nonspecific immune
and organ-specific autoimmune reactions. Treatment with intralesional
corticosteroid injections for localized patchy AA and topical immunotherapy for
extensive AA have proven successful in many patients, although all treatments
are palliative and do not change the prognosis of the disease.
Congenital atrichia
Congenital atrichia is a rare autosomal recessive disease of hair
development, characterized by the complete loss of scalp and body hair shortly
after birth. This disorder is noteworthy in that the loss of hair is often
accompanied by a clinically evident presentation of cutaneous papules.
Histologically, these papules denote artifactual indication of the total apoptotic
destruction of the hair follicle, and are differentially diagnostic for this mutation.
Evidence of linkage to chromosome 8p12 has been established, implicating the
human version of the mouse hairless (hr) gene as a candidate ortholog.
The hairless gene appears to have a multitude of functions, and its
relationship to thyroid hormone, transcriptional co-repression and apoptosis,
among other cellular events, is currently under intense investigation. Hairless
was the first gene identified to be implicated in hair cycle regulation, and it is
anticipated that this discovery will lead to a better understanding of the genetic
control of the hair cycle as the work unfolds.
More recently, Christiano et al mapped the first locus involved in
autosomal recessive hypodontia (tooth malformations) to chromosome 16, and
the search for this gene is also underway. Taken together, this line of
investigation should reveal a pathway(s) for the formation of epidermal
appendages, which may bring investigators closer to answering long-standing
mysteries in skin biology, such as the quest for elusive stem cells in the skin
Scarring or cicatricial alopecia
There are several types of hair loss which cause permanent destruction of the
follicles. Hair loss is usually patchy with obvious signs of scalp inflammation.
However, hair loss can be diffuse and the scalp may not appear clinically
inflamed. Early recognition and treatment are important to prevent permanent
The scalp shows loss of follicles and a biopsy is generally necessary in
order to establish a definitive diagnosis. Cicatricial alopecia may be caused by
lupus erythematosus, lichen planor pilaris, pseudopelade, morphea or folliculitis
decalvans. Some infections and neoplasms also scar the scalp. Kenalog
(triamcinalone malaete) may be indicated under some circumstances such as
a diagnosis consistent with an autoimmune component (e.g. lupus
erythematosus), however, as in AA, these disorders have an uncertain
Traction alopecia
Traction alopecia is caused by chronic traction (pulling) on the hair
follicle and is observed most commonly in African-American females
associated with tight braiding or cornrow hair styles. It is generally present
along the hairline. Men who attach hairpieces to their existing hair can
experience this type of permanent hairloss if the hairpiece is attached in the
same location over a long period of time.
Trichotillomania is a traction alopecia related to a compulsive disorder
caused when patients pull on and pluck hairs, often creating bizarre patterns of
hairloss. In long term cases of trichotillomania, permanent hairloss can occur.
The essential feature of trichotillomania is the recurrent pulling out of one's own
hair that results in noticeable hair loss.
Sites of hair pulling may include any region of the body in which hair
may grow (including axillary, pubic, and perirectal regions), with the most
common sites being the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Hair pulling may
occur in brief episodes scattered throughout the day or in less frequent but
more sustained periods that can continue for hours.
Stressful circumstances frequently increase hair-pulling behavior, but
increased hair pulling also occurs in states of relaxation and distraction (e.g.,
when reading a book or watching television). An increased sense of tension is
present immediately before pulling out the hair. For some, tension does not
necessarily precede the act but is associated with attempts to resist the urge.
There is gratification, pleasure, or a sense of relief when pulling out the hair.
Some individuals experience an itchlike sensation in the scalp that is eased by
the act of pulling hair. The diagnosis is not given if the hair pulling is better
accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., in response to a delusion or a
hallucination) or is due to a general medical condition (e.g., inflammation of the
skin or other dermatological conditions). The disturbance must cause
significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important
Clinical evaluation
Clinical evaluation of those experiencing hair loss should include
documentation of increased hair loss by actual hair counts. An average daily
loss of 50 to 100 hairs is normal. A careful medical history should be taken,
including recent surgeries or illnesses, dietary habits, weight loss, medications,
Clinical examination of the patient includes evaluating hair density,
pattern, length, and evidence of regrowth. The scalp should be checked for
signs of scarring alopecia including inflammation, obliteration of follicular
orifices, and atrophy. At a minimum, laboratory examinations, including thyroid
and iron evaluation, should be obtained. Serum ferritin levels are the most
helpful; desired values are 40-300 ng/ml. Women with AGA presenting with
regular menses as well as normal fertility do not generally require
Treatments for AGA
A certain degree of scalp hair loss at some point in life is almost
universal among all humans. Although this process is virtually the physiologic
norm, hair has such a powerful role in a person's psychosexual self-image that
anxiety about its loss will often prompt individuals to seek medical attention.
For the treating clinician, hair loss must be evaluated during the patient's
relatively brief visit, without the benefit of lengthy observation. Careful attention
should be given to history taking, and worried patients should be allowed to
express anxiety about the expected outcome (ie, rapid hair loss leading to total
baldness). A thorough history and physical examination usually helps focus on
possible causes of hair loss, and the absence of clues to specific disease may
differentially rule in a diagnosis of androgenetic alopecia. The treatment
options for androgenetic alopecia are limited to surgical restoration, artificial
prostheses (wigs and toupees), or medical treatment.
Surgical Treatments
Surgical treatment of alopecia includes hair transplantation
(macrografting and micrografting) and various forms of scalp reduction and
rotational movement of hair-bearing scalp. These procedures are obviously
better suited for pattern alopecia than for more diffuse forms. Consideration
should be given to the potential development of far more extensive alopecia
than was first anticipated, resulting in esthetic problems such as obvious scars
Hair Restoration Surgery (HRS)
Choosing to have hair restoration surgery is a major decision for most
people. HRS can often permanently change your appearance to a more
youthful look. A balding person rarely conjures up the image of youth and
vitality and, unfortunately, that is what most patients are striving for today. For
individuals who have not lost their hair, this information will be of little value. But
for those suffering from hair loss who wish their hair restored, HRS offers the
HRS currently offers the only permanent solution to AGA available. HRS
will restore hair that will grow naturally. This hair will require styling and
haircuts, just as in persons who do not suffer from AGA. The surgical treatment
of hair loss can be broadly divided into three main areas: hair transplantation,
Hair Transplantation
Hair transplantation is a surgical process, which takes hair from the
back of the head and moves it to the area of hair insufficiency. The fringe
(back and sides) of hair on a balding scalp is known as donor dominant hair
which is the hair that will continue to grow throughout life. The transplantation of
this hair to a bald area does not change its ability to grow due to the
transplanted hair retaining its genetic identity and, concomitantly, its longevity.
Donor dominance is the scientific basis for the success of hair transplantation.
Candidates for HRS are those individuals with hair loss that have
sufficient donor hair from the fringe of the scalp to transplant to the balding
area. In the past, many bald patients were not suitable candidates for HRS but
modern techniques have advanced the art of HRS so that many more persons
Hair transplantation surgery has improved tremendously over the past
decade. The days of plugs and corn rows are gone for the most part, and the
age of single hair-, micro-, and mini- grafting has arrived. Through the use of
the these variable sized hair grafts along with new and improved
instrumentation, the accomplished hair transplantation surgeons can create a
natural hair appearance that is appropriate for each individual patient. Single
hair-grafts have the finest and softest appearance. Although they do not
provide great density, they do provide the critical soft hairline that is the
transition to thicker hair. Examining the hairline of a nonbalding person will
show the presence of numerous single hairs in the very frontal hairline.
Micrografts are small grafts containing 2-3 hairs that are placed behind the
hairline to provide a gradually increasing hair density. Next, minigrafts contain
4 or more hairs are placed well behind the hairline so that the single hair and
micrografts can blend naturally into the density provided by these larger grafts.
The side-effects of hair transplantation surgery are relatively minor
consisting of mild pain and discomfort after the operation, swelling which may
move down to the eyes, and the formation of scabs over the grafts which take
approximately one week to resolve. Serious problems of bleeding, scarring,
and infection are rare as the scalp is very well vascularized. Modern hair
transplantation surgery is comfortable, predictable, and, in the proper hands,
the results are generally pleasing to most patients.
Progressive hair loss or the desire for more density, requires serial
transplant procedures. Modern techniques, however, generally allow HRS
specialists to transplant larger number of grafts, often reducing the number of
procedures needed to complete a satisfactory result (15).
Scalp Reduction
Scalp reduction surgery may be defined as the surgical removal of bald
scalp. The concept of reducing the amount of bald scalp prior to hair
transplantation surgery is logical. Since the amount of bald scalp is reduced,
the number of grafts required to cover the residual bald area could be
significantly reduced as well. In skilled hands, scalp reduction can be a very
Reasonable candidates for this procedure are patients with excellent
density hair on the sides and back of the scalp, and scalp laxity that can be
stretched upward to cover the bald area that is to be excised . In order to
prevent problems such as scarring, stretch back of the bald area, and the
creation of an unnatural appearance called a slot deformity, careful planning
and expert surgical skills are required to achieve appropriate results. The side
effects of scalp reduction surgery are minor consisting of pain, swelling, and
numbness. These typically resolve after surgery.
Scalp Flaps
Scalp flap surgery entails moving entire segments of hair bearing scalp
into a bald area. Typically, a dense hairline is immediately reconstructed after
just one operation. The classic operation is known as the Juri flap that was first
performed by Dr. Jose Juri of Argentina in the early 1970’s (16). It involves
taking a very long and narrow peninsula of hair bearing scalp which extends
from the temple to the back of the head and rotating it approximately 90o from
its original position to a new location at the hairline. This provides an
instantaneous hairline reconstruction not available with other techniques. There
are other variations of Dr. Juri’s original procedure that achieve similar results.
Patients with frontal baldness exclusively may be good candidates for
this approach since reconstruction of the hairline is the primary goal of this
procedure. However, more extensively bald persons have also been known to
benefit from this procedure with proper planning.
A different type of scalp flap, called a scalp lift, is very useful for treating
hair loss in the crown of the scalp. This procedure involves moving the fringe
hair on the sides and on the back, upward towards the center of the bald area
in a U-shaped pattern. Used in combination with hair transplantation, a patient
with significant hair loss can achieve excellent hair restoration results.
The potential risks and complications associated with these techniques,
are formidable however, and may include scarring, poor hair direction, loss of
flap viability, greater bleeding, tissue necrosis, loss of donor, and greater
discomfort. There are fewer practitioners of these techniques due primarily to
In conclusion, surgical hair restoration, provides many potentially
attractive benefits to the individual suffering from AGA. A critical element in
the decision to pursue this surgery must include choosing the most qualified
hair restoration expert. This should be a doctor who has performed the
selected technique successfully on many patients. He/she should also be
ready and willing to demonstrate his/her expertise with before and after
photographs as well as patient referrals, as this field of medicine is as much an
Medical treatments
Medical therapy for androgenetic alopecia can be divided into the
following categories: (a) nonspecific promoters of hair growth, (b) topical and
systemic anti-androgens, (c) 5-reductase inhibitors.
Minoxidil is the best known drug in the category of medical AGA
treatment. Minoxidil is an oral medication used to treat refractory hypertension.
It was noted to cause hypertrichosis (increased nonsexual hair growth).
However, the mechanism by which it stimulates hair growth is unknown. Clinical
trials have shown that a 2% solution applied topically to the scalp can stimulate
When applied topically, minoxidil topical solution has been shown to
stimulate hair growth in individuals with AGA. Although the exact mechanism of
action of minoxidil in the treatment of AGA is not known, there may be more
than one mechanism by which minoxidil stimulates hair growth, they include:
vasodilation of the microcirculation around the hair follicles which may stimulate
hair growth; direct stimulation of the hair follicle cells to enter into a proliferative
phase: resting phase (telogen) follicles being stimulated to pass into active
phase (anagen) follicles; alteration of the effect of androgens on genetically
predetermined hair follicles: minoxidil may affect the androgen metabolism in
the scalp by inhibiting the capacity of androgens to affect the hair follicles.
Following topical application of minoxidil topical solution, minoxidil is
poorly absorbed from normal intact skin, with an average of 1.4% (range 0.3 to
4.5%) of the total applied dose reaching the systemic circulation. The effects of
concomitant dermal diseases or occlusion on absorption are unknown. Serum
minoxidil levels resulting from topical administration are governed by the drug's
percutaneous absorption rate; increases in surface area of application do not
result in proportionate increases in the serum minoxidil level.
Steady state is achieved by the end of the third dosing interval
(36 hours) when the drug is administered twice daily. Approximately 95% of the
systemically absorbed minoxidil from topical dosing is eliminated within 4 days.
The metabolic biotransformation of minoxidil absorbed following topical
application has not been fully determined.
Known metabolites exert much less pharmacologic effect than minoxidil
itself and all are excreted principally in the urine. Minoxidil does not bind to
plasma proteins; its renal clearance corresponds to glomerular filtration rate
and it does not cross the blood brain barrier. Minoxidil and its metabolites are
hemodialyzable, although this does not rapidly reverse its pharmacological
Increased hair growth has not been associated with increased systemic
absorption of topical minoxidil. The onset of hair growth stimulation requires
twice daily applications of minoxidil topical solution for 4 or more months, and
is variable among patients (17). Upon discontinuation of topically applied
minoxidil, new hair growth has been anecdotally reported to stop and
restoration of pretreatment appearance to occur within 3 to 4 months.
Competitive vs. noncompetitive vs. uncompetitive inhibition
Prior to discussing the anti-androgens utilized in the treatment of AGA, a
short overview on the general properties of enzyme inhibition may be
appropriate, as this reaction plays a critical role in the mechanism of action of
a number of substances under discussion. There are three known classes of
inhibition with respect to enzyme kinetics as described in the literature (18).
They are, competitive, noncompetitive, and uncompetitive inhibition,
Enzyme kinetics from a metabolic perspective
The kinetic properties of enzymes have been intensively studied for
almost a century, starting soon after Buchner demonstrated that alcoholic
fermentation was a chemical process, thereby disposing of the theory of
vitalism that had dominated physiological thinking for much of the preceding
century (19). Enzymes have long been studied both out of interest in
understanding how they act as catalysts and as a way of delineating their role
in the regulation of metabolism. However, regardless of whether the primary
concern of the investigator is mechanistic or metabolic, kinetic experiments are
designed as if the primary or sole objective were to shed light on mechanisms
of action. It is well understood that most enzymes operate physiologically in
complex mixtures with other enzymes and many metabolites as well as their
substrates and products, yet often the first step in studying an enzyme, is to
purify it and remove it from its physiological context. However desirable it may
be to derive information about the mechanism of action of a given enzyme, this
practice presents profound drawbacks when one seeks to extrapolate such
information onto its putative physiological role.
Kinetics at constant rate
The usual type of steady-state experiment involves measuring the rate
that is produced by setting the concentrations of substrates, products,
effectors, etc. at predetermined values. It is crucial to realize that this is not
what happens in a living system. Virtually all substrates are products of other
enzymes; virtually all products are substrates of other enzymes; their
concentrations are all variables that respond to the activities of all the enzymes
in this system, not just that of the enzyme towards which the experimenter's
attention is directed. As Atkinson (20) pointed out over two decades ago, many
enzymes operate in a regime far closer to fixed rates than to fixed
concentrations, in other words most enzymes are required to turn over their
substrates at the rates at which they arrive, and the concentrations of
substrates and products have to adjust to whatever values are necessary to
Competitive inhibition
Competitive inhibition is a term used to describe enzymatic activity in
which two or more different substrates compete for the same enzyme (figure
11). One indication that competitive inhibition may be occurring is when the
degradation of one substrate is repressed in the presence of another substrate.
Clinically, one way in which drugs can block the action of a receptor is through
binding to the receptor as would the substrate but without producing the same
action. The drug competes with the endogenous ligand. This effect is therefore
Because it literally is a competition between the drug and the normal
ligand for binding to the receptor, the drug’s inhibition can be overcome by
adding sufficient ligand. The maximal effect of the receptor is unchanged—
but, critically, the observed effect may be decreased based on the variability of
a given concentration of ligand in the presence of the inhibitor.
If the inhibitor binds to the same site as the substrate or if the inhibitor
directly block the binding of the substrate it is called a competitive inhibitor (i.e.
both the inhibitor, I, and the substrate, S, cannot be bound to the enzyme, E,
simultaneously). Schematics of several models for competitive inhibition are
Figure 11: Competitive inhibition. Model 1 is the simplest model of competitive inhibition, where I and S occupy the same binding site. In models 2-4 binding of I blocks the binding of S because of overlap in the two binding sites. Model 5 shows a conformational change upon binding I that then excludes binding S.
Noncompetitive inhibition
If the inhibitor binds to a site different from the substrate it is called a
noncompetitive inhibitor (i.e. both the inhibitor, I, and the substrate, S, can be
bound to the enzyme, E, to form complexes EI and ESI simultaneously).
Schematics of several models for noncompetitive inhibition are shown below
Figure 12: Noncompetitive inhibition. Both I and S can bind to the enzyme, however, upon binding I there is a conformational change to the active site (C=catalytic center) which does not allow the substrate to be converted to product.
Uncompetitive inhibition
Finally, one may consider the kinetics of uncompetitive inhibition, or
more specifically the uncompetitive component in mixed (competitive and
noncompetitive) inhibition. The distinction is important, as pure uncompetitive
inhibition is rare enough in physiologic systems to be dismissed as having little
metabolic importance, whereas mixed inhibition with an uncompetitive
component is by no means rare and its metabolic consequences can be
profound. If the inhibitor binds only to the ES complex and not to the enzyme
alone it is called uncompetitive inhibitor. A schematic for a model of
uncompetitive inhibition is shown below.
Figure 13: Uncompetitive inhibition. The inhibitor, I, cannot bind to the enzyme directly. The inhibitor, I, can bind only after the substrate, S, binds and a conformational change occurs at the I binding site. When both S and I are bound (the ESI complex) there is a conformational change to the active site (C) which does not allow the conversion of S to product.
Anti-Androgens Cyproterone acetate
Cyproteroneacetate (Androcur)is a progestin with potent
antiandrogenic action. It competes with 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone for binding
to its receptor. It causes loss of libido, suppression of gonadotropin secretion,
and gynecomastia in males. In females, it has been utilized in the therapy of
hirsutism and virilization. In both sexes, it has been utilized in the treatment of
acne and baldness. In males, it has been used to treat precocious puberty
(males < 9 yr), to inhibit libido in sexual deviants, and in the therapy of prostate
Flutamide (Eulexin) is a potent competitive inhibitor of the binding of
dihydrotestosterone to the androgen receptor. It is used in combination with
GnRH agonists in the therapy of metastatic prostate cancer. This combination
produces a potent blockade--termed maximum androgen blockade (MAB)--of
the biological actions of circulating androgens, since GnRH agonists reduce
the circulating levels of androgens by suppressing the release of LH from the
anterior pituitary and flutamide inhibits DHT binding to its receptor (21).
Bicalutamide (Casodex) is a newer anti-androgen related to flutamide
with similar mechanism of action. The drug has fewer side effects than
flutamide; in particular, it produces minimal diarrhea, night blindness, and
alcohol intolerance, which are side effects of flutamide. The most common side
effect is hot flashes. It is used in combination with GnRH agonists to produce
Finasteride 1 mg (Propecia®, Merck) was approved by the US FDA
December, 1997 for the treatment of male pattern hair loss (androgenetic
alopecia, AGA) in men only. Safety and efficacy were demonstrated in men
between 18 and 41 years of age with mild to moderate hair loss of the vertex
Efficacy in bi-temporal recession has not been established (22).
Propecia® is not approved for use in women or children. Finasteride has been
approved for this same indication in Australia, Argentina, Mexico and New
Zealand and approval is being sought in more than 20 other countries.
Efficacy of Finasteride
Efficacy has been demonstrated in three double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled studies in 1,879 men between 18-41 years of age with mild
to moderate androgenetic alopecia. Two of the studies enrolled men with mild to
moderate vertex loss, the third investigated mild to moderate loss in the anterior
mid-scalp area with or without vertex balding. Primary end-points were hair
count (assessed by photographic enlargements of a representative area of
active hair loss) and patient self-assessment; secondary end-points were
investigator assessment and ratings of global photography.
Clinical improvement was seen as early as three months in the patients
treated with finasteride and led to a net increase in scalp hair count and hair
regrowth. These effects have been maintained through two years in these
studies and for up to three years in open-extension studies. Improvements have
Side effects
Adverse effects are minimal. Results in men treated with finasteride for
benign prostatic hyperplasia, where five times the dose has been studied in
men for up to 6 years, have revealed no long-term problems or new effects
over the longer period. In patients with AGA treated with 1 mg of finasteride
daily for 12 months in controlled studies, 1.4% of finasteride treated patients
versus 1.6% of placebo treated patients discontinued therapy because of
adverse drug experiences, and 1.2% of finasteride treated patients versus
0.9% of placebo treated patients discontinued because of drug-related sexual
Sexually related adverse effects reported as possibly, probably or
definitely drug or placebo related were decreased libido, erectile dysfunction
and ejaculation disorder. Analysis showed that 4% of 945 men treated with
finasteride and 2% of 934 men treated with placebo reported one or more of
these adverse effects (p=0.04). These problems resolved in all men who
stopped therapy with finasteride because of these effects, and in 58% of those
In older men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, PSA levels are
decreased by 50% with finasteride therapy and consideration should be given
to doubling the test level returned by men undergoing this test while taking
Finasteride is not indicated for use in women.
Mechanism of action
It is thought that finasteride interrupts a key step in the pathogenesis of
AGA, in those patients who are genetically predisposed. Finasteride is a
preferential, competitive inhibitor of the intracellular, Type II, 5 alpha-reductase
isoenzyme which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a more
In humans, the Type II 5 alpha-reductase isoenzyme is primarily found
in the root sheath of the hair follicle, prostate, seminal vesicles, epididymis,
fetal genital skin and in fibroblasts from normal adult genital skin, as well as
liver, and is responsible for two-thirds of circulating DHT. In target organs,
finasteride treatment is thought to result in selective androgen deprivation
affecting DHT without lowering circulating levels of testosterone, thus
preserving the desired androgen mediated effects on muscle strength, bone
In AGA, the balding scalp contains miniaturized hair follicles and
increased amounts of DHT compared with non balding scalp, and finasteride
treatment produces inhibition of the isoenzyme, resulting in a rapid reduction in
Finasteride has no affinity for the androgen receptor, no androgenic,
anti-androgenic, estrogenic, anti-estrogen or progestational effects, no effect
on cortisol, thyroid-stimulating or thyroxine levels, and no effect on plasma lipid
profile or bone mineral density. Circulating levels of testosterone and estradiol
are increased by 15% but remain within the physiologic range.
Androgenetic alopecia occurs frequently in both men and women. It is
mediated by the action of DHT, a potent metabolite of testosterone, in
endocrine-sensitive hair follicles. It can be the cause of significant social and
emotional distress. By understanding the clinical presentation, differential
diagnosis, pathophysiology, as well as current armamentarium of medical and
surgical interventions for this condition, one may begin to appreciate the
potential for the development of novel therapies.
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CURRICULUM VITAE Dr. V. Rama Mohan Gupta, M.Pharm, Ph.D Principal & Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutics, Pulla Reddy Institute of PharmacyNear Dundigal Air Force AcademyAnnaram (V), Jinnaram (M) Medak (Dt)Andhrapradesh – 502313Ph. (M) 91-9490081629, (O) 08458-274464/65E-mail: Research Interests: Development of different multiparticulate carrier systems to target different organs a
What Will Jesus Do? Duncan MacIvor “What would Jesus do?” This question has become a practically meaningless cliché. It’s not a bad or disrespectful question – in fact, it’s a very good one to ask, provided that it means, “What would Jesus want me to do?” Some people who go for the fad of wearing WWJD wrist beads are genuinely seeking the Lord’s wisdom for moral behavio