Special Legislative Edition
Voting is taking place NOW through Tuesday evening to elect our delegate. Our delegate is our voice at both MRM and the APhA Na-tional Meeting in San Diego. Tonya Kelley, Paul Morales and John Meyers are running for the position and their profiles can be seen on the secure browser when you vote. VOTE NOW!!!!! Delay of Tamper-Proof Prescription Pads by Allison Strobel
Congress has passed legislation to delay the requirement of the tamper-proof prescription pad for Medi- caid patients by six months. The new start date is not April 1, 2008. This delay will help “properly educate health care providers and adequate supplies of tamper-resistant pads (to be) produced”. (ASHP) The tam-per-proof prescription pad will be required all Medicaid written prescriptions. For more information please visit Nebraska Pseudoephedrine Regulations by Alyssa Gonitzke (Source: Nebraska Pharmacist Association)
The Nebraska state legislature eased sale restrictions for behind the counter sales of all drug products containing pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine effective September 1, 2007. Products include common medications like Sudafed and Claritin D. State law now limits sales to 3.6 grams daily and a limit of 9 grams monthly by a customer, matching the current federal limits for these products. Exceptions are made for products on medical order or prescription. These regulations were enacted to combat the use of these medications in production of methamphetamine. Other provisions in the law include requiring valid customer identification for the purchase show- ing proof of age of 18 years and keeping the medication behind the counter or in a locked case. Retailers must keep a logbook of transactions of these products that is maintained for two years. The logbook re- quirement does not apply for sales of less than 60 mg of pseudoephedrine, such as single dose packages, Retailers found in violation of these regulations are subject to fines of $50 a day for first offense Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy Applies for Electronic Reporting System by Lauren Bodhaine
The Minnesota State Board of Pharmacy is currently in the process of applying for federal grants to fund a Schedule II and III controlled substances electronic reporting system. If they are able to obtain sufficient funding, the Board would establish a system in which all Schedule II and III prescriptions dispensed in the state of Minnesota would be electronically reported to the Board. Prescribers and dispensers who are actively involved in a patient’s treatment would then be able to access that patient’s CII and CIII profile over the previous six months. The Board hopes to have this system in place by January 1, 2009, but this is subject to change based on the time involved in obtaining the appropriate funding from the federal govern-ment. Potential Proposals to be Discussed at MRM
AACP resolution “AACP supports the position that by the year 2020, the completion of a PGY1 accred-
ited residency program should be a requirement for all new pharmacy school graduates who will be pro- viding direct patient care”. The American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists House and Board of Re-gents of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy adopted this resolution this year. Proposal: APhA-ASP supports the requirement of more non-pharmacy based science courses such as bio-chemistry, anatomy/physiology; as pre-requisites to pharmacy school. Proposal: **1** APhA-ASP does not support the use of RX-only medication samples disbursed by physi- cians. This practice removes pharmacists from their role in evaluating patient’s medication profiles, and is therefore discouraged. **2** APhA-ASP encourages the use of drug vouchers by physicians as a means to provide samples to pa-tients at no cost. Proposal: APhA-ASP supports that technicians should be required to give the graduated cylinders with correct amount of liquid to the pharmacist for checking to reduce the errors when reconstituting the medications. Register for MRM!!!
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to hear debate on these hot topics and more at MRM. There
will also be networking opportunities and lots of fun in downtown Minneapolis. Register by fol-
lowing the link from our website:

ASP Student Newsletter written by: Paul Morales, ASP Secretary 2007 Contact Paul at with any questions or to submit articles or events.


Microsoft word - study supports traditional diabetes therapy claim, email release.docx

Study supports traditional diabetes therapy claim A clinical trial by researchers at The University of Auckland’s Liggins Institute has shown that an extract of fresh olive leaves appreciably reduces some risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes. A paper published today in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS ONE presents results of the randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossove

J. Mol. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2001) 3(2): 179-184. Enterococcus faecalis MDR Transporters 179 JMMB Symposium Enterococcus faecalis Multi-Drug Resistance Transporters: Application for Antibiotic Discovery Deborah vR. Davis1, James B. McAlpine1*, Christopher class, the first members of which were discovered in 1953 J. Pazoles1 , M. Kelly Talbot1, Elisabeth A. Alder1, Abbie (Charney et

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