Patient Screening Form Patient Information
Body part to be examined:______________________________________________________
Reason for exam and/or symptoms:_______________________________________________________________________
How long have you had symptoms?_______________________________________________________________________
Medical Information
1. Have you had a reaction to a contrast medium or dye used for imaging? Yes
If yes, have you been premedicated? Yes
2. Have you had a prior imaging study (MRI, CT, Ultrasound, X-ray, etc.)?
3. Have you had a prior cystoscopy or endoscopy?
Type of Surgery:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________
Type of Surgery:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________
Type of Surgery:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________
Type of Surgery:_____________________________________________ Date:______________________
5. Do you have: diabetes vasculitis high blood pressure renal disease/disorder
multiple myeloma pheochromocytoma heart disease/disorder
lupus respiratory disease sickle cell anemia/trait congestive heart failure (CHF)
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) liver failure
allergies ______________________ ____________________ _________________________
_____________________ ____________________ _________________________
6. Do you take Actoplus Met, Avandamet, Diaben, Diabex, Diaformin, Fortamet, Glucophage, Glucovance,
Gluformin, Glumetza, Janumet, Kombiglyze, Metaglip, Metformin, Obimet, Prandimet, or Riomet? Yes
7. List current or recently taken medication and doses:_______________________________________ Unknown
8. Are you a smoker or a former smoker? Yes
9. Do you have a personal history of cancer?
If yes, describe type:_______________________________________________________________
Describe current or past treatments: (i.e. radiation or chemotherapy) _________________________
Date of treatment: _________________________________________________________________
10. Please list any additional information you feel pertinent to today's exam:_______________________
**Please complete and sign back of form** Form # CL072A Revised: 09-01-13 For Female Patients Only
1. Date of last menstrual period: __________________________
2. Are you pregnant or experiencing a late menstrual period?
If yes, was it a complete hysterectomy? (removal of ovaries and uterus)
Date of surgery:____________________________________
4. Are you taking oral contraceptives or receiving hormonal treatment?
Staff Use Only
Staff Notes:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Staff Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ Medical Records Release
Please sign the medical release below. This allows our facility to obtain your previous exams or prior medical history as it pertains to today’s exam.
Patient Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________
Social Security #:_____________________________________ Date of Birth:________________________________
Type of records requested:_______________________________________________________________________________
I hereby authorize and request you to release the complete medical records mentioned above, including copies of the reports in
your possession to Diagnostic Imaging Centers, PA.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Patient or Authorized Person
Patient Signature Patient Signature____________________________________ Date__________________________________________ Technologist________________________________________ Technologist___________________________________
5400 North Oak • Kansas City, MO 64118 • 816-455-5959
4911 S. Arrowhead Drive, Suite 100 • Independence, MO 64055 • 816-795-7040
301 NE Mulberry, Suite 100 • Lee’s Summit, MO 64086 • 816-554-0040 13795 S. Mur-Len Rd, Suite 100 • Olathe, KS 66062 • 913-397-7272 5500-5520 College Blvd. • Overland Park, KS 66211 • 913-491-9299 4801 Main, Suite 200 • Kansas City, MO 64112 • 816-561-5151
Form #CL072B Revised: 09-01-13
GAZZETTA UFFICIALE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA Serie generale - n . 238 Lo studio AD 2000, finanziato dal servizio sanitario britannico, merita una considerazione particolare in quanto ha il follow-up più lungo mai realizzato su pazienti affetti da AD in trattamento con inibitori dell’AChE (3 anni), ed è uno dei pochi RCT pubblicati ad avere considerato come outcome primario il ris