
Learning for Life
Week 6 Term 1
8th March 2013
Address: Second Avenue, St Peters SA 5069 East Adelaide School Website: http://eas.schoolconnect.com.au/ Department of Education and Child Development (DECD) Website: http://www.decd.sa.gov.au PRINCIPAL: VICKI STRAVINSKI
Adelaide Cup Holiday .Monday 11th March
Footsteps – Years 6/7 . Wednesday 13th March
Junk Food Jim Healthy Eating Performance – Reception to Year 3 . Thursday 14th March
Matilda Performance – Years 4 and 5 . Thursday 14th March
Asset and Landscaping Committee meeting .8.00am Thursday 14th March
School Assembly . 9.10am Friday 15th March
Adelaide Zoo Rooms 23, 25, 26 .Friday 15th March
Adelaide Zoo Rooms 9, 10, 11 .Monday 18th March
Young Leaders’ Day .Monday 18th March
Sports Day . Friday 12th April

Debating begins in term 2 and there are 5 debates Parent /Teacher interviews are a vital avenue for staff held in the schools competition over terms 2 and 3 at to report student achievement thus far and for both Pulteney Grammar on Tuesday evenings. All training parties to raise concerns they may have about a is done at school during school time. East Adelaide student’s progress. Next week, your child’s teacher will be sending out information about their interview If you would like your child to join a debating team process and an appointment booking sheet for you to please email Wendy.Jeffrey429@schools.sa.edu.au or complete with your preferred meeting times. contact the school office. Spaces are limited to 8 Interviews will be held across two and a half weeks to support staff and parents to find convenient times to meet. We will begin interviews the week starting SAPSASA SWIMMING
Last Tuesday 5th March 11 students represented our
school in the East Adelaide SAPSASA District Harmony Week commences the week beginning 18th Swimming Carnival held at the Norwood Pool. March through to Friday 22nd March. Each class will be participating in a range of tasks to support our theme Gabe H, Mia W, Harry B, Lessa M, Dylan T, Alanna H, of ‘Unity in Our Community’. We will be exploring Aidan G, Lara S, Caitlin W, Lily L and Emily S concepts around identity, self-esteem, diversity in competed against 13 other schools. For most of these communities, celebrating similarities and differences, swimmers, this was the first serious swimming carnival and a vast of other more complex concepts for our they had competed in, and all performed well. I’d like to thank them for their excellent behaviour, If you would like to assist in any way please see your sportsmanship and endeavour. For only a small child’s teacher and offer your support. You may like to number of swimmers to represent our school speaks come in and read some traditional stories from your volumes for their effort, attitude and ‘willingness to cultural background, or share a traditional story that have a go’; and sets a good example for others to has been passed down orally from generation to generation. You may like to take a small group of students for some cooking and/or food tasting. The list Many thanks also to the parents and spectators, who helped transport, supervise and cheer on the In next week’s newsletter I will inform the community of the range of tasks taking place in classrooms. Please remember that we will all be wearing orange on RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, RESILIENCE, RELATIONSHIPS
Please keep the 24th March free in your diary Managers: Julie Hannah & Lisa Starkey
Roster Reminder:
complete the planting of garden beds in front The day will end with a celebratory BBQ for volunteers and families. More information will be available in forth coming newsletters. ASTHMA INHALER RECALL
We have been advised by Asthma Australia that several batches of Ventolin and Asmol inhaler 2013 ICAS TESTS
medication for the treatment of asthma have been recalled by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Alphapharm, In 2013, the ICAS tests are available for students in years 3 – 7 in the following subjects: This voluntary recall of several batches of Ventolin and Asmol inhalers is due to a fault in the delivery These tests are not funded by the school. Parents mechanism of a small number of inhalers within each wishing for their child to participate in any of these batch. This can lead to less than the full dose being tests will need to complete an application form. Forms delivered for each puff. Asthma Australia has been will be available from the Community Noticeboard in advised that a medical assessment has determined the school front office from Week 6. Entries with that the overall risk to patients is low; however people payment need to be submitted to the uniform shop should still act to replace inhalers that could be during normal opening hours. The last date for
entries is Thursday 4th April.
If you have an inhaler from an affected puffer within an AFTER SCHOOL SPORTS
affected batch, the dose delivered may still treat your Winter Sports
asthma symptoms. You may need to take 1 - 2 extra All netball registrations are closed for the winter puffs to get the expected effect from your usual dose. season. We still require one Year 6 player for one of the winter teams. All the other teams are full. Ventolin Batch numbers KN7170, KN7173, KN7178, Registrations close on 12th March for all other winter sports. For basketball Year 4/5 played on Monday • Asmol Batch Numbers KL6790, KL6795, KL6796, nights, there are only 2 spots available and for Year Year 2/3 basketball still requires 7 players. If you have an inhaler from an affected batch you may We are still taking registrations for football and soccer. return it to your pharmacy for a replacement.
All asthma inhalers held at school in the First Aid
Summer Sports Presentation
room have been checked to ensure that they are
On Friday 5th April, we are having our Summer Sports not part of the recall. If your child self manages
presentation night in the School Gym. From 5.30 to 6.00pm there will be a sausage sizzle followed by the accordingly.
presentation from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. All teams from Year 2 to Year 7 who have participated in summer The batch number is found by removing the canister sports in Term 1, 2013 are invited to attend. This from the inhaler tube and locating the batch number on includes netball and basketball from Term 4, 2012 and the bottom of the canister label, near the expiry date. Term 1, 2013. Family and friends are welcome to For further information contact your local pharmacist, Keep an eye out in upcoming newsletters for further the Asthma Foundation on 1800 278 462 or the TGA http://www.tga.gov.au/safety/alerts-medicine- WHOLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY
A whole school assembly will be held next Friday 15th SCHOOL DRESS CODE
March at 9.10am in the school gym. It will be hosted It is wonderful to see that all our students wear school by the students in Room 4 and Room 10. Parents and colours everyday. I also encourage parents to remind their children, particularly those in years 5-7, that jewellery and make up is not part of our school dress SCHOOL CROSSING MONITORS
These students are the monitors for Week 7. Students
Acceptable jewellery consists of a watch, earrings that 8:30 – 8:50am Abbi
are either, sleepers or studs, a signet ring and a thin 3:10 – 3:30pm
chain with a memento of religious significance. RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, RESILIENCE, RELATIONSHIPS
Kytons Easter Fundraiser
We had the pleasure of four Year 10 Pembroke School students visiting the Reception classes Wednesday afternoons to assist students and teachers with classroom activities. Every five weeks placements are these delicious Hot Cross Buns for Easter through the rotated so that students understand and experience Parents & Friends Group fundraiser which is on now! how they can make an active contribution as active Order forms have been sent home and are due back citizens. Teachers and students wrote reflective at school by Tuesday 12th March. Share them with comments about their skills and attitude towards your family and work colleagues as all funds raised will mentoring others in their Community Journal as part of go towards landscaping the school grounds. The Pembroke students were absolutely amazed with END OF DAY STUDENT DEPARTURE
the experience and raved about it to others and the All students are asked to meet their parents promptly Reception students loved the interactions and support! after school, or walk straight home at the end of each They came back sad on Wednesday, as it was their day after the siren has sounded. In the interests of last visit but the Year 1 classes look forward to the children’s safety, we don’t want students playing on next group of community volunteers. We are playgrounds or loitering around buildings unsupervised individuals and schools in our community. Thank you to staff and students for their involvement in HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION SESSIONS
making it a worthwhile and exciting experience. Dora Iuliano The following High Schools are conducting information sessions for families of students who are entering Year 8 in 2014: Glenunga International High School – Wednesday 20th EAST ADELAIDE SCHOOL
Marryatville HS – Thursday 4th April from 9.30 to East Adelaide now has a direct line for advising when your child will be absent from school. The number we Charles Campbell College – Wednesday 8th May at This number will go direct to a message asking you to Norwood Morialta High School – Tuesday 14th May Families are requested to contact the schools for COMMUNITY NEWS
If you need to speak with a staff member please ring Adelaide Blue Light is organising an All Star Sports
Disco for children between the age of 8 to 16 years from 7 pm to 9.30 pm on Friday 15th March 2012 at the LOST PROPERTY
Please check the lost property baskets located in the double storey building foyer for clothing items, lunch Come dressed as your favourite Sports hero or team boxes or drink bottles that may belong to your child. and win a prize for the best dressed. Canteen facilities We also have a supply of personal items in the front are available. Great giveaways and prizes will be office; including sunglasses, keys, purses and awarded on the night. Cost $5.00 per child and is a jewellery. Please see a staff member if you feel any of Police supervised locked in disco. Please contact 8172 these items may belong to you. Remember to name all items of uniform so that they may be returned to Young Adelaide Voices Come and Try
Sessions being conducted for 5 - 10 year olds on Wednesday 10th April and 11 - 16 year olds on Thursday 11th April. For more info and registration, phone 8362 3885 or email choiroffice@yav.asn.au SCHOOL UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS
Monday – Thursday 8.30 – 9.15am
St Peters Fair
Tuesday afternoons 3.15 – 4.15pm
Come and join us at the St Peters Fair on Saturday 23 Open during the school term.
March from 10.30am – 4.00pm at Dunstone Grove – Linde Reserve, Stepney. There will be market stalls, kids’ entertainment, face painting, rides, food and more. Also featuring the Amazing Drumming Monkeys and The Bees Bees! Contact the City of Norwood Payneham and St Peters Council on 8366 4555 for further information. RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, RESILIENCE, RELATIONSHIPS

Source: http://eas.schoolconnect.com.au/uploads/File/Newsletter/2013/wk6tm1news2013.pdf


3 - PRINCIPLE well 10, erythromycin is included to inhibit the growth of U.u. MYCOFAST US identifies U.u. and M.h. growth after a 24 hourincubation in a liquid medium. During growth, U.u. and M.h. metabolize 5 - PRECAUTIONS urea and arginine respectively resulting in a color change of the medium, • The reagents are intended solely for in vitro use and must be MYCOFAST® US which


Behandelmethodes; Ter handreiking, heb ik hier een aantal behandelmethodes verzameld die vaker tot veel, toegepast worden bij indicatie Whiplash en Whiplash-“verdacht”. Bedenkt wel goed, niet alles werkt bij iedereen. De een kan direct al heel veel baat hebben bij een behandeling, terwijl die behandeling bij een ander de klachten alleen maar verergert. Bovendien wil direct resultaat

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