Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum Emerging Opportunities in Biotechnology & Medicine Saturday, March 17, 2001 Speak ers John Hall Richards, Ph.D. 626/395-6040 Professor of Organic Chemistry & Biochemistry Caltech, Pasadena, CA
Dr. John Richards has had a long and illustrious career in science and technology, and has been a professor oforganic chemistry and biochemistry at Caltech since the 1950’s. Dr. Richards has been and continues to be aconsultant to numerous highly successful ventures, including service as a corporate scientific advisor to AppliedBiosystems, a division of Apelera, and a member of the scientific advisory board of Paracel Inc., which will bepresenting latter today.
As part of his journey, Dr. Richards has seen the early stages of biotechnology flower. The technology that madebiotechnology possible, the automated gene-sequencing machine, was developed right here at Caltech by one of Dr. Richards’ graduate students Leroy Hood. Panelists Yu-Cong Tai, Ph.D. 626/395-8317 Associate Professor of EE Caltech, Pasadena, CA
Dr. Tai is an expert on micro-machines and Micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) research. His researchinterests include MEMS technology, microsensors, microactuators, microstructure, MEMS systems, and MEMSscience. Back in 1997, Dr. Tai thought it would be interesting to concoct a network of living brain cells wiredtogether to electrodes and incorporated into a silicon chip, and so he did it. Dr. Roger Crossley 626/397-5850 GalvaniX Pasadena, CA
GalvaniX is a Pasadena-based, early stage startup that harnesses the nerve stimulation technology that was spun outof Huntington Medical Research Institute.
Roger as a long history of medical research including responsibilities for the clinical development of the blockbusterdrug Tagamet in the early 1970’s. Prior to starting GalvaniX, he spent a decade at the helm of Vestar, where hegrew the company from 20 with a single nascent technology, to 200 person integrated pharmaceutical company thatraised over $100 million. Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum Venturing in B2B Net Markets: Industry Update Speakers (Cont’d) 626/403-6632 California Technology Ventures Pasadena, CA
California Technology Ventures is a Pasadena based venture capital fund that focuses its investments in early stagecompanies in the Technology and Life Sciences.
Three recent investments his company has made include investments in Oncotech, a company that helps physicians screen the best cancer therapies, Digital Gene Technologies, which combines genomics and bioinformatics to identify and determine anatomical distribution and expression patterns of the genes contained in any cell or tissue sample, and FeRx, which uses its patented Magnetic Targeted Carrier technology for the site specific delivery and release of pharmaceutical agents. Dr. Amit Kumar 626/396-8300 Acacia Research Corporation Pasadena, CA
Acacia Research Corporation is based in Pasadena and develops and operates life science and enabling technologycompanies. The company’s first major investment is in CombiMatrix Corporation, which is developing atechnology to allow the Company to rapidly produce customizable biological array processors, which aresemiconductor-based tools for use in identifying and determining the roles of genes, gene mutations and proteins.
Dr. Kumar was founding president and chief executive officer of Signature BioSciences, a private life sciencecompany developing technology for advanced research in genomics, proteomics, and drug discovery. Dr. Kumarwas previously New Technology Program Manager at Idetek Corporation where he invented and developed thecompany’s platform technology. He held senior management positions with IDEXX Laboratories (Nasdaq:IDXX)following that company’s acquisition of Idetek. Dr. Kumar also worked with Oak Investment Partners as anEntrepreneur in Residence.
Dr. Kumar received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Occidental College in 1986, and after graduate studiesat Stanford University and the California Institute of Technology, received his Ph.D. from Caltech in chemistry in1991. Subsequently, he was a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University from 1991-1993, where he developedpatented techniques for building biochips and related devices. Dr. Kumar has co-authored over 40 publications anda dozen patents, many of which have been licensed by companies such as Becton Dickinson, Caliper Technologies,and Kimberly Clark. He has been an advisor to many private and public companies. Larry Sousa 310/208-8444 Protein Pathways, Inc. Los Angeles, CA
His Los Angeles based company adds value to raw genomic sequence data by discovering previouslyuncharacterized protein interactions and networks of functionally linked proteins. This can speed drug discovery.
Larry was previously Senior Vice-President of Research at Amgen, Inc., where he built a fully integrated genomicsprogram with a staff of more than 200, leading to the clinical testing of one of the first products of the genomics era,osteoprotegrin. He is also renowned for his leadership in having discovered and developed Amgen's secondmarketed drug, Neupogen which is one of Amgen’s four products that contributed to sales of over $2 billion dollarslast year. Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum Venturing in B2B Net Markets: Industry Update Speakers (Cont’d)
He is author and co-author of more than 100 publications and holds eight patents. His scientific andbusiness acumen is impeccable. Case Presenters Dr. Kwang-I Yu 626/744-2000 Paracel, Inc. Pasadena, CA
Kwang-I Yu, Ph.D., founder, President and CEO. Dr. Yu was a former TRW Fellow, Dr. Yu founded and directedCoyoteworks, TRW's center for high-speed computing systems, overseeing joint R&D relationships with Sybase,Sony, Applied Biosystems and Caltech. He previously directed the Information Systems Business Area withinTRW Space & Defense. Dr. Yu serves as a member of the Advisory Council of the Keck Graduate Institute,Claremont Colleges. Education: BS, Physics, University of Richmond, Virginia; Ph.D., Computer Science,California Institute of Technology; Executive Management Program, Stanford University.
Dr. Yu grew Paracel from a small venture that was spun out of technology he developed while at TRW into what itis today, a division of Celera. Paracel makes parallel processing supercomputer and software that permits highlyautomated genomic sequence and text analysis to take place. Nathaniel David, Founder 858/622-8528 Director, Business Systems of Syrrx, Inc.
Ned was primarily responsible for assembling Syrrx and currently serves as Syrrx's Director of BusinessDevelopment.
He received his AB in Biology and Biochemistry from Harvard and his Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biologyfrom the University of California, Berkeley.
As one of the earliest employees of Cell Genesys, Inc., Ned was one of the genetic engineers responsible fordeveloping the Xenomouse, a transgenic animal now marketed by Abgenix, Inc. During his doctoral work, Neddeveloped novel methods for the production, purification, and crystallization of cell-surface receptors. Caltech/MIT Enterprise Forum Venturing in B2B Net Markets: Industry Update Speakers (Cont’d) Moderator Daniel Kimbell 626/683-4547 Christie Parker & Hale LLP Pasadena, CA
Dan is a California attorney and is registered to practice before U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Dan’s practicefocuses exclusively on intellectual property law with an emphasis in domestic and foreign patent and trademarkcounseling, licensing and prosecution.
Dan has prosecuted hundreds of patents in a variety of the chemical arts, biotechnology, medical devices,mechanical devices and system, and internet related systems and business methods, and counsels companies onestablishing patent and trademark portfolios.
P A T I E N T M E D I C A L H I S T O R Y Date ______________________________________________Refer ing Physician __________________________________________ Primary Care Physician _______________________________________Patient’s Name ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________ Age ______Reason for today’s visit and prior treatments _______