Recent Dental Products and Technology you may
Notice at Fraser Smith Lowe

Rondoflex: A micro-sandblaster from Germany which allows us to
clean and roughen tooth surfaces before they are restored. Your
mouth may feel sandy or gritty, as though you have been to the
beach, but the fillings bond much stronger!
Diagnodent: Laser technology which allows us to identify decay in
hard to find areas like in pits and fissures (grooves) in teeth.
Tooth Mousse: A fantastic new preventive product, saturated in
calcium and phosphate ions extracted from milk, which you can
apply at home to “at risk” teeth. Ideally suited to people
experiencing decay, or wearing orthodontic braces, with sensitive
teeth, or for the elderly who often have reduced salivary flow.
Ni-Ti Files: We are now routinely using Nickel titanium files for
your root canal therapy. These are super-flexible instruments
capable of bending around corners to clean and shape infected root canals. This new technology has further improved our abilityto “save” abscessing teeth.
Invest In Yourself!
If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you do good.
You’ve heard it a million times before, but have you ever really
“The highest compliment our patients listened? Like many old-fashioned recipes for success, this simpleadage has the ring of truth. That’s why many people are investing can give us is the referral of friends, the time and money in themselves- to become more fit, moreaware, more attractive.
Even if your lifestyle won’t let you hit the gym on a regular basis,tooth whitening takes only a minimal investment of your time, and the rewards are well worth it. Today’s modern tooth whiteningtechniques are safe and effective when undertaken in theprofessional environment of our practice.
Life’s little lapses like tea, coffee, smoking, or red wine can Team at Fraser Smith Lowe Dentists
gradually leave surface stains that are easy to remove. Just gettingolder or inheriting a darker tooth colour can also dim your smile.
Dental Assistants
Some smiles have lost their sparkle due to root canal treatments, fluorosis, or tetracycline use. Tooth whitening has become the first therapy of choice for millions of people just like you. For a brighter, whiter smile, please give us a call. There’s nothing old-fashioned or experimental about it! FRASER SMITH LOWE DENTISTS LTD
PHONE: 09 576 7676 FAX: 09 576 2672
“Join the NZ Warriors in getting the best mouthguards oral health. Here are just some of the ways in which available from our dentists, at Fraser, Smith & periodontal disease (gum disease) may affect other conditions Lowe”.Daniel Anderson (Head Coach of NZ Warriors) you may have, or those that you may develop.
Heart Disease and Stroke
The facts are compelling: People with periodontal disease are almost twice as likely to suffer from coronary artery Oral Health Centre for Home-care Products
disease as those with disease-free gums. Research As a service to our patients we now have a wide range of oral presented by the American Heart Association found that 85% health products available at lower prices than local of heart patients studied had periodontal disease. The most supermarkets. Ask our friendly staff for assistance in selecting likely explanation is that somehow plaque and oral bacteria the appropriate toothbrushes, floss, mouthrinses, whitening find their way into the blood stream and contribute to the products, etc for your whole family. Allow us, your dental thickening of the walls of the coronary arteries, therefore professionals, to assist with making these important decisions- restricting the nutrients and oxygen needed by the heart.
Diabetes and gum disease affect each other equally.
Best Practice Programme Award
Diabetics are more likely to have gum disease than most people. And gum disease itself makes it more difficult for the Following our practice renovations last year, we were delighted diabetic to control blood-sugar levels.
to be just the sixth practice in N.Z. to be selected by Braun Oral- Premature Birth
B to participate in their Best Practice Programme. Again, the connection is clean. Pregnant women who have This award is made in recognition of dentists’ commitment to periodontal disease may be as much as seven times more preventive dentistry and continuing professional development.
Clean Your Tongue
likely to have a baby born too early and too small. Why Staff News
exactly this happens is not yet clear, although some research You know you should brush and floss regularly to protect your suggests that gum disease may increase levels of certain teeth and gums, and to help battle bad breath. But don’t stop Much of the credit for any successful business can often be biological fluids that induce labour. We strongly suggest that there! Your tongue can contribute to bad breath and trap attributed to having a stable, well trained & happy staff. We are any patient considering pregnancy come and see us for a full harmful germs, even after brushing, flossing and rinsing.
fortunate to have a wonderful team of 4 dentists, 5 part-time You can clean your tongue with a toothbrush. Rinse your brush hygienists, 2 receptionists, 1 practice manager, & 4 chairside with warm water, and brush from back to front. A teaspoon is nurses. Maree Millar and Debbie Fisher first started work for The Three-Minute Daily Commitment
also effective. Rinse a spoon under warm water then stick out your tongue, and place the spoon at the back of your tongue We all know that we need to brush, floss, and rinse. Even so, Thanks for your understanding during the year when the with the open side down. Drag it forwards to the front tip.
most of us only brush about one-third of the recommended practice is closed for the odd day when we are attending time, and most of us treat flossing as something we don’t training courses. We feel confident that the benefits far out Smile Facts
have time for. Flossing removes plaque and bacteria from weigh any temporary inconvenience caused. We also have a between teeth and below the gumline where your toothbrush one hour staff training session every week.
just can’t go, thereby preventing periodontal disease, a During 2003 Richard Lowe had his first child (Zachary), as did Jennifer Cross (Sophie). Both Leanne Skinner & Rachel Walker Make flossing a daily habit. Choose a floss that works best for are currently expecting their second children during 2004 and you- thick or thin, flavoured or unflavoured, waxed or unwaxed.
will be taking some maternity leave.
• Many adults are unaware that they are still candidates for Sports and Dental Health
braces and an improved smile at almost any age.
The Numbers
• From the distance of a football field, the only facial About 5,000 kiwis damage their teeth every year playing sport characteristic we can notice is a person’s smile.
The number of first teeth children have.
(these are only the ones reported to ACC). 35% of all sports • Three quarters of adults believe that an unattractive smile The number of teeth the average adult has injuries involve the head & face. Sports with a higher risk can hurt a person’s chances for career success.
include rugby, league, hockey, swimming, cricket, basketball, We are smile experts, and we’re enthusiastic about helping to 1938 The year the first nylon toothbrush was introduced.
soccer, netball and squash. Males are twice as likely to make your smile sensational. Ask us to show you some of our The century (BC)from which the earliest false teeth damage their teeth, compared to females.
“before & after photos” of cases we have done.
Dentist-made, laminated mouthguards offer the best The minimum times per year that you should have your protection and are recommended for all age groups. Many The Mouth-Body Connection
teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist.
athletes damage or lose teeth when wearing cheaper “boil &bite” or stock type mouthguards which can offer a false sense Researchers are providing more evidence each day of an important connection between your overall health and your


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Wendy Patrick Mazzarella Deputy District Attorney 330 W. Broadway, Suite 1200 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 531-3260 Wendy Patrick Mazzarella is a Deputy District Attorney in the San Diego District Attorney’s Office. Before joining the District Attorney's Office Ms. Mazzarella was a Deputy Public Defender for San Diego County. Most of her

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Alternative behandlingsmuligheder inden for reproduktiv medicin: stor ståhej for ingenting. Akupunktur – en behandlingsmetode inden for reproduktiv medicin: mangel på beviser på en effekt er ikke lig med bevis på manglende effekt. Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Afdeling for Obstetrik og Gynækologi, Göteborg Universitet Matts Wikland, Fertility Centre Scandinavia, Göteborg Urban Waldenstr

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