People work programme

Table 3.3 Correction Coefficients – The EU-25 Member States37, 38

The non-EU Countries (and Romania and Bulgaria while in transition period for the calculation, and New Caledonia a French overseas territory)
Albania 80.2
Cape Verde 82.3*
Tanzania 61.7*
Moldova 58.5*
Rwanda 90.9*
Angola 121.8*
Argentina 54.9*
Ivory Coast 98.7*
Japan (Tokyo) 106.5 Nepal 78.8*
Sierra Leone 76.6*
Ghana 69.2*
Jordan 75.9*
New Caledonia 135.3
Turkey 85.9*
Barbados 127.5*
Costa Rica 70.8*
Guatemala 79*
Kazakhstan 121.6*
New Zealand 109.6 Solomon Islands 94.8 Uganda 69.4*
Côte d’Ivoire 98.7 Guinea(Conakry) 49.2*
Nicaragua 57.3*
Guinea-Bissau 100.7 Kyrgyzstan 84.3*
South Korea 117.3*
US 103.1*
Guyana 61.3*
Haiti 114.8*
Lebanon 92.3*
Sudan 55.1*
Botswana 58.1*
Venezuela 64.1*
Dominican Rep. 69.3 Hong Kong 94.8 Madagascar 84.7*
Bulgaria 80.4
India 47.6*
Malawi 73.1*
Paraguay 78.8*
Yemen 76*
El Salvador 76.6*
Mali 86.3*
Syria 70.6*
Canada 92.7*
Ethiopia 87.1*
Romania 73.9
Tajikistan 66.5*
37 For the EU-25 Member States based on the Council Regulation No 1895/2006 of 19 Dec 2006 (OJ L397, 30.12.2006) page 6, adjusting the weightings applicable to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities. For the other countries (and Bulgaria and Romania as most recent two EU Member States in transition) it is based on an updating of Council Regulation (EC) No 453/2007 of 25 April 2007 laying down the weightings applicable
from 1 July 2006 to the remuneration of officials of the European Communities
. Please note that the basis of the calculation of the two sets of coefficients differ in detail)
38 For countries where the correction coefficient is not available (not indicated in the table, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burundi, Liberia, Micronesia, Uzbekistan, Samoa, Somalia, Tonga, Zimbabwe), the Commission will decide on a case-by-case basis. For countries where there are multiple entries, but none of them exactly match the location of the fellowship, then the lowest coefficient for that country will be applied. For Iceland the rate of
Norway apples.
These are the new Correction Coefficients introduced for specific countries as per Commission Decision published in IA No 24-2008/08.05.2008, "Weightings applicable in third countries, Articles 12 and 13 of Annex X to the Staff Regulations.
  • 1. Initial Training of Researchers
  • 2. Life-long Training and Career Development (including Co-funding)
  • 3. Industry-Academia Pathways and Partnerships
  • 4. International Dimension – World Fellowships2
  • General introduction and approach for 2009
  • Marie Curie actions – Continuity, consolidation and simplification
  • Activity 1: Initial Training of Researchers
  • Activity 2: Life-long Training and Career Development
  • 2.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
  • 2.1.3. Expected impact of the action
  • This action will be implemented by two sub-actions, the European Reintegration Grants (ERG) and International Reintegration Gr
  • Call References FP7-PEOPLE-2009-RG
  • 2.2.1 European Reintegration Grants (ERG)
  • Introduction and objective of the action
  • Expected impact of the action
  • 2.2.2 International Reintegration Grants (IRG)
  • Technical content/scope
  • Expected impact of the action
  • Activity 3: Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
  • Call Reference FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IAPP
  • 3.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
  • 3.1.3. Expected impact of the action
  • 4.1.1. Introduction and objective of the action
  • 4.1.3. Expected impact of the action
  • 4.2.1. Introduction and objective of the action
  • Possible Return Phase for researchers from ICPC countries:
  • 4.2.3. Expected impact of the action
  • 4.3.1 Introduction and objective of the action
  • Projects under this action are expected to contribute significantly to constructing new and enhancing existing networks of ben
  • Activity 1: Initial Training of Researchers
  • Activity 2: Life-long Training and Career Development
  • Activity 3: Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways
  • Activities described in this chapter are not implemented through calls for proposals. The different initiatives aim to respond
  • The 2009 work programme contains policy support for the implementation of the four axes of the Communication (May 2008) "Europ
  • The measures to implement the activities will include:
  • 4.1. Support for a monitoring system on national policies on human resources in research and on their effects at the level of
  • 4.2 Support for EURAXESS-Researchers in Motion Activities23, 24
  • From June 2008 onwards a number of activities covered under the activity heading 'Specific Actions' and of the scientific dias
  • - To further expand the geographic coverage of the EURAXESS Services Network, to maintain its quality and improve its visibili
  • - To expand the capacity and ease of use of the EURAXESS Portal and to ensure its effective links with national portals throug
  • - To support to the effective implementation of the principles contained in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of C
  • Amounting to a total of EUR 3 250 000, the following activities will be implemented25:
  • 4Until the country becomes Associated to FP7 5As defined by UNSC resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999.
  • Annex 1.2 Countries eligible for the International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)32
  • Annex 2: Eligibility, evaluation, selection and award criteria
  • Annex 3: Community contribution and applicable rates
  • Table 3.1: Reference rates for monthly living allowances (cost of living index 100)36
  • Experienced researchers (4-10 years experience)
  • Experienced researchers (>10 years experience)
  • Source:

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