Microsoft word - sk-cdoc-1.0-20120625_en.docx

AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus (Certification Centre Ltd.) SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
Document Versions
Document Specifications
AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus (Certification Centre Ltd.) Version Specifications
Added chapter regarding the use of padding methods Contents
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification . 1   3.   General Structure of ENCDOC-XML Documents . 5   4.1.   Root Element (EncryptedData) . 6   4.2.   Transport Keys (EncryptedKey) . 7   SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
This document describes the document format, that is used by DigiDoc applications for the data (hereinafter: ENCDOC-XML). Encrypted DigiDoc presented in XML according to the international XML-ENC standard. XML Encryption Syntax and Processing. W3c Recommendation 10 December 2002. Eastlake 3rd D., Reagle J., Solo D., (Extensible Markup Language) XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. (XML-DSIG) March 2002. XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes. W3C Recommendation 02 May 2001 Digital Signature Act of the Republic of Estonia Padding method complying with ANSI X.923 standard XML Encryption Syntax and Processing (XML-ENC) defines the formatting, that enables structural presentation of encrypted data, and related security attributes (eg. transport keys). This document describes the formatting of DigiDoc encrypted documents, according to the XML-ENC standard, and is a sub-set of that standard. Digidoc encrypted document format (ENCDOC-XML) is a type of profile of XML-ENC that is in strict compliance with the XML-ENC standard, but the DigiDoc Library does not support all types of formats specified in the XML-ENC standard (eg. DES, 3DES, encryption of the contents of a SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
Encrypted document format ENCDOC-XML was created for the encryption of integrated data sets in order to enable secure transfer to the recipient or recipients, who can decrypt the received message using their Estonian ID card or equivalent encryption devices. Thus ENCDOC-XML does not enable the encryption of the content of just any element of a XML document (without start and end tags - XML-ENC „content“ formatting) or the encryption of just a part of a XML document (XML-ENC „element“ formatting). ENCDOC-XML supports only the encryption of the whole XML document or any other binay Encryption Standard or Rjindael) 128 bit transport keys, that are encrypted pursuant to the RSA 1.5 standard using the recipient´s certificate. The XML-ENC standard provides several possibilities for the the assignment of the recipient of the encrypted transport key: EncryptedKey – CarriedKeyName sub-element Since all mentioned elements are non-compulsory and depend on the application used, then we only use the last option, i.e. the recipient´s certificate must be added for each recipient separately. The certificate contains information about afore mentioned data and its format, and its meaning is contained in the certificate, and therefore it does not depend on specific applications. These non-compulsory elements are also allowed in the ENCDOC-XML format, and libraries, as well as applications, should support them, but not as a requirement nor The DigiDoc encrypted document format has the following critical features: enables the encryption of only one data set. If you need to store several different data sets in one encrypted file, then those data sets should be stored in a XML file in DIGIDOC-XML format, and then encrypted; enables the creation of encrypted transport keys for one or more recipients; the data set chosen for encryption may be a XML or any other binary file (Word, Excel, PDF, RTF etc.) enables the identification of the version of the library used to create the document and distinguish between possible new document formats that might be created in the future; this document format does not add any new XML elements to the existing XML-ENC format, because it utilizes other options provided by the standard; the ZLIB algorithm enables the compression of original data prior to encryption. SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
The obligatory elements and attributes provided in the XML-ENC specification have been integrated without any modifications. ENCDOC-XML formatting contains those non- obligatory XML-ENC elements, that enable the identification of the suitable key for the decryption of the recipient or display recipient´s data in the application. cdoc extension is used in order to distinguish files encrypted in DigiDoc format. 3. General Structure of ENCDOC-XML Documents <?xml  version="1.0"  encoding="UTF-­‐8"  ?>    <denc:EncryptedData  Id=?  Type=?  MimeType=?  xmlns:denc=  >      <denc:EncryptionMethod  Algorithm=  />      <ds:KeyInfo  xmlns:ds=  >  <!-­‐-­‐  one  encrypted  transport  key  for  each  recipient  -­‐-­‐>          <denc:EncryptedKey  Id=?  Recipient=?  xmlns:denc=  >              <denc:EncryptionMethod  Algorithm=  />              <ds:KeyInfo  xmlns=  >                  (<ds:KeyName/>)?      <!-­‐-­‐  recipient´s  certificate  -­‐-­‐>                  <ds:X509Data>                      <ds:X509Certificate  />                  </ds:X509Data>                  (<ds:CarriedKeyName/>)?              </ds:KeyInfo>              <denc:CipherData>      <!-­‐-­‐  RSA  1.5  encrypted  transport  key  -­‐-­‐>                  <denc:CipherValue/>              </denc:CipherData>          </denc:EncryptedKey>      </ds:KeyInfo>  <!-­‐-­‐  encrypted  Data  -­‐-­‐>          <denc:CipherData>                  <denc:CipherValue/>          </denc:CipherData>  <!-­‐-­‐  meta-­‐information  about  the  document  and  creator  -­‐-­‐>      <denc:EncryptionProperties  Id=?>          (<denc:EncryptionProperty  Id=?  Target=?  Name=  />)+      </denc:EncryptionProperties>  </denc:EncryptedData>    Thus the ENCDOC-XML is a container <EncryptedData /> containing encrypted data and SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
Encrypted Data – encrypted and compressed data in the form of Base64.
Transport keys – original data is encrypted using only one 128 bit AES key, which is
encrypted with an individual certificate corresponding to the possible recipient/decryptor of each document. The structure of the transport key or <EncryptedKey> contains the AES transport key encrypted with the relevant person´s certificate, and the relevant certificate itself, which is used to identify the relevant private key needed for the decryption of the 4.1. Root Element (EncryptedData)
Each encrypted DigiDoc file has a root element <EncryptedData> with the following
ID – unique marker of the element. ID attributes can be used in encrypted documents, but it
is not required and applications should not presume their existence. Type – a non-compulsory attribute, that indicates whether encrypted data constitute the
content of some XML element (Type=““) or (Type=““). This attribute is not used here, because encrypted DigiDoc files may contain binary data. MimeType – refers to the type of encrypted data. If the data was compressed using the
ZLIB algorithm prior to encryption, then in encrypted DigiDoc files this attribute designated the value „ noes/iana/assignments/media-types/application/zip“. In addition, mime type „“ is used in case the original data is a DigiDoc (digitally signed) document. If the data is compressed prior to encryption, then the initial mime type (if it was used) is saved in the sub-element <EncryptionProperty>, xmlns - must
use XML-ENC namespace: Encrypted DigiDoc files use XML-ENC namespace abbreviation „denc“, which is added to all elements from the relevant namespace, i.e. <denc:EncryptedData>. In encrypted XML documents each element <EncryptedData> always has a sub-element. SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
EncryptionMethod – the attribute´s algorithm value indicates the algorithm used for the
encryption of data. For the time being only 128 bit AES transport keys are used in encrypted DigiDoc files, and therefore the value of the attribute is always "". 4.2. Transport Keys (EncryptedKey)
Each encrypted DigiDoc file contains one or more transport keys. The root element <EncryptedData> contains sub-element <KeyInfo>, which in turn contains all elements <EncryptedKey>. Each such element contains at least: element <EncryptionMethod>, with attribute algorithm value „“ and indicates that the value of the AES transport key is encrypted with the corresponding recipient´s public certificate using the RSA 1.5 method. corresponding recipient´s certificate in the form of –base64 in sub-element <ds:KeyInfo><ds:X509Data><ds:X509Certificate>. the real encrypted AES transport key in the form of –base64 in sub-element <denc:CipherData><denc:CipherValue>. In addition, the element <EncryptedData> may feature: recipient attribute – some readable name or marker for the recipient. Applications often use the CN attribute on the DN field of the recipient´s certificate. Key Name – in sub-element <ds:KeyInfo><ds:KeyName> Other Key Name - in sub-element <ds:KeyInfo><ds:CarriedKeyName> Above mentioned additional attributes can be used for connecting information displayed on screen with the relevant transport key, but since these are non-compulsory elements, then applications should not depend on their use or stipulate requirements regarding their (<EncryptionProperty>) in the transport key, which is not supported by the encrypted DigiDoc format. XML-ENC standard enables the moving of transport keys within the document, and connection of the keys with encrypted data via special reference elements or ID attributes, that the encrypted DigiDoc format also does not support. This format presumes that all transport keys are contained in the <EncryptedData> sub-element <KeyInfo>. SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
4.3. Encrypted Data
The data in encrypted using the 128 bit AES transport keys and saved in the form of base64 <EncryptedData> in sub-element <CipherData>/<CipherValue>. 4.4. Meta Data
Encrypted DigiDoc documents may contain meta data in element <EncryptionProperties>. This element contains one or more <EncryptionProperty> elements, that contain saved information about the initial data of some information. Element <EncryptionProperties> may itself have the attribute: Each sub-element <EncryptionProperty> may have: Target attribute – reference to the element´s <EncryptedData> ID attribute in the form of „#<id-value>“ Any other attributes and real content. In the encrypted DigiDoc format a special
attribute Name is defined, and the value of this name is used to distinguish between
special types of meta data.
Name=“LibraryVersion“ - contains the name and version of the library used to create the relevant document in the form of „<name>|<version>“. Name=“DocumentFormat“ - contains the name and version of the encrypted DigiDoc document format in the form of „<name>|<version>“. The current relevant format and version is „ENCDOC-XML|1.0“. Name=“Filename“ - contains the original file name of the encrypted document. Name=“OriginalSize“ - contains the initial byte size of the encrypted document. Name=“OriginalMimeType“ - contains the original mime type of the encrypted document. It is used only if the data was compressed using the ZLIB algorithm prior to encryption, and thus the previous mime type had to be removed from the attribute <EncryptedData MimeType=““> and the attribute was used before. For example, in case of encrypted and compressed DigiDoc documents the element always contains the mime type of the digitally signed DigiDoc document: „“. Name=“orig_file“ - is used only in case the encrypted data is a digitally signed DigiDoc file. In that case each DigiDoc document datafile (element <DataFile>) is bytes>|<mime-type>|<datefile-id-attribute>“. SK-CDOC-1.0-20120625
Encrypted DigiDoc Format Specification
In CDigiDoc and JDigiDoc libraries PKCS#7 and X.923 standard padding methods are used for the creation of encrypted DigDoc files. The padding method was modified as of CDigiDoc library version 3.5.1 and JDigiDoc library version (both released in April 2012). Using the padding method with CDigiDoc library versions before 3.5.1 and JDigiDoc library PKCS#7 padding is always added by systemic libraries (in case of CdigiDoc it´s the OpenSSL library; in case of JDigiDoc it´s the Bouncy Castle library); X.923 padding is added by CDigiDoc and JDigiDoc libraries on certain conditions, but not always. Libraries differ in the default use of padding. Using the padding method with CDigiDoc 3.5.1 and JDigiDoc and subsequent library PKCS#7 padding is always added by systemic libraries; X.923 padding is always added by CDigiDoc and JDigiDoc libraries. Note: Encrypted files created with DigiDoc libraries using the padding method modified as of April 2012 may in special circumstances not be compatible with prior versions of


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Publikationen des Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie im Zentrum für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie von 1991 - 2013 O r i g i n a l a r b e i t e n 1. Koch K, Drewelow B, Liebe S, Reding R, Riethling AK. Die Pankreasgängigkeit von Antibio-tika. Chirurg 1991;62:317-322 Drewelow B, Koch K, Riethling AK, Liebe S. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of antibacterial agents in pancreatic t

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