Nigel Coventry
Tourism Awards
winners just
PO Box 1430, Paraparaumu Beach, New Zealand.
Subscription rates
Tel/Fax 64-4-2987-747.
on application.
August 21st, 2002
If at first you don't succeed.
Try, try, try-again lodge wins the
Food stylist
ly: “For those who expect and
enjoy the finer things in life.”
NZ flavour
Other winners:
Major hotels and resorts: Mer-
Motels and motor inns: Anchor
Holiday parks: Te Anau Top 10
Transportation services: Kiwi
Experience, Auckland; (over)
Buying an authentic piece of New Zealand? Look for a registered trade mark of authenticity andquality for Maori arts and craftsFor further details contact Moana Davey (04)4730880 or check out the website Other New Zealand Tourism Awards winners.
400 at conference
MORE than 400 attended the

(from pg 1)
annual tourism conference
Backpacker: Stonehouse Ac- Royal Lakeside Novotel Rotorua,
yesterday and today while
more than 650 were at to-
Adventure: NZONE “The Ulti- angu, Rotorua, (Eco-tourism).
night's awards gala.
Leisure activities: Black Cat Special awards: (Major category
New TIA board
Eco-tourism; Hiking New Zea- telton and Akaroa (Visitor activi-
land, Lyttelton;
Heritage attractions: Rotorua Seymour College of Tourism and
Visitor attractions: Wai-o-tapu marketing and development).
Retail and restaurants: Ancient Innovator awards: Waimangu
Organised group tours and ice to the environment); Wai-o-
touring: Black Cat Group, Lyt- tapu Thermal Wonderland, Ro-
Conventions: Fieldays 2001, ment and training); Hawke’s Bay
Tourism media and visitor in- ment); Opera in the Pa, Rotorua,
formation: Jasons Travel Media (Culture and heritage).
Tourism service providers: The Distinction award: Rotorua
Sir George Seymour National Museum; Hiking New Zealand, College of Travel and Tourism, Lyttelton; Kiwi Experience, Auck- Regional development: land.
Glacier Guides, Franz Josef,
were finalists three times this
Commended: Hawke’s Bay Part- year. But they did not win any
nership (Regional development); awards or receive any commen-
Kaikoura - world leader
Opera in the Pa, Rotorua, (Con- dations.
KAIKOURA District this week
officially becomes the first
Green Globe community in

New Zealand and possibly only
the second in the world. Green
Globe Asia Pacific CEO Grae-
me Worboys is due to present
the town Mayor with a com-
memorative certificate.

ITOC - the Inbound Tourism Operators’
Oz tops with Americans
Council - congratulates winners in this year's
SINCE last year’s terrorist at-tacks in the US, research shows annual New Zealand Tourism Awards.
a majority of Americans now pre-fer to travel to English-speakingcountries.
Our tour operator members, who collectively
handle 50% of the total holiday visitor
vey of 1,010 adults conducted inJuly - who indicated earlier they arrivals, look forward to doing business with
if money were no object, declinedsubstantially.
Four of the top five countries of ITOC was established in 1971 and is the Trade
Association of the Inbound Tourism Industry
were English-speaking. For thesixth year in a row, Australia re- in New Zealand.
mained the preferred destina-tion, when cost is not an issue.
More words to watch for.
Small airline keeps flying
AIR Wairarapa/Air Kapiti say
they will continue flying be-
Moriarty asks councils
tween Masterton/ Paraparau-
for co-operation
mu and Auckland, despite Air-
NZ’s price cutting.
COUNCILS calling for power totax tourism are putting short- Sustainable biz confab
Langley on MAP
WALKING the Talk is the
theme of the Sustainable Busi-
ness Conference at Waipuna
Hotel and Conference Centre,
Auckland, on October 25 and
25. Details:
Winery helps Wellington
Behind the opera
Larner joins Bay Tourism
KRISTINE Larner has replaced
Jan Haynes as marketing ex-
ecutive-international with
Hawke’s Bay Tourism. Ms Larn-

Wheeler here
Norris criticises airports
er has worked for Accor, Waipu-
WHILE airlines globally are
na Hotel and Conference Cen-
“Swimming in red ink”, air-
tre, CDL and, more lately, Man-
ports are earning fat profits,
gapapa Lodge.
points out AirNZ CEO and MD
Ralph Norris. The airline indus-
Zealand (11th edition), Diving Storm indoors.
try lost $5,700 million last
year and is set to lose a fur-
ther $2,700 million this year.
“The strange thing is that the
survivors are getting thin and
many of our suppliers are look-
ing pretty plump,” he adds.
Ja! Gudday, mate
A couple with German accents
TIA highlights obstacles to
asked various questions andwhile talking said they were pick- tourism development
ing up a rental that afternoon.
The Auckland “ambassador” Top job in Hawaii
Japan getting older
JAPAN’S over 65 population
made up 4.9 percent of total
in 1950 and 17.2 percent in
2000. The figure is expected to
rise to 28.9 percent by 2025,
according to PATA.
Search for arts centre
Nelson City Council sold theformer United Video property Art museum for city
new public art museum in
April. Details:
Golden steps
Facelift for old pub
Train fans go on water
Ross, Westland, now offer per-sonalised eco-tours of their area.
CONFERENCE facilities, a res-
taurant, bar, swimming pool
spa and sauna and 32 rooms
are planned for the former
Ariki Hotel, Stoke. It’s be giv-
en a new name too say Auck-
land property developers
More visitors down south
Michael Martin and Alex Lee,
who bought the property last
* A train trip to the Propecia Rally
OAMARU and Omarama visitor
year for $550,000. A Nelson
centres had 3,960 visitors
family has since joined the de-
through their doors in July, a
41 percent increase.
PATA ponders masterplan for Pacific
PATA is drawing up a master plan for the Pacific,
Each has its own trade show, ATE, Trenz and Bula, which will focus on delivering services which are more relevant to each of the many groups that com- “Perhaps PATA could conduct roadshows to key source markets in the America’s and Europe un- PATA director Peter Semone has been in New Zea- der a Pacific banner," he wonders.
“PATA will endeavour to identify the unique char- “This would create economies of scale and a fo- acteristics of the Pacific members and create a rum where independent ‘national’ identity would delivery system that can most effectively and effi- be less important that showcasing the ‘Pacific.’ ciently meet their demands,” he tells IT.
There might also be demand to conduct roadshows “Sadly, the New Zealand chapters - among the
into key emerging source markets, such as the originals of PATA - have basically died,” he adds.
“The reason for this can be attributed both to the Mr Semone says New Zealanders still see them- recent ‘corporate’ focus of PATA and the changing selves as having a role in the continued growth dimensions of the tourism industry in New Zea- and development of Pacific island neighbours.
“Here, PATA can work with the Islands to develop Relevance
supply-side capacity," he adds. " PATA can also Mr Semone says there appear to be many other assist in improving dialogue in and among the Pa- organisations that have sprung up in recent years cific island nations that will facilitate tourism and they have replaced the relevance of the PATA growth. PATA’s role can be similar to that of SPTO, chapters - or so it was perceived by many here.
but on an international rather than regional scale." “While there is no lack of energy to try and revivethe chapter movement, the question of relevance Thrifty to get new look
will continue to be an issue with the increaseddemands on people’s time.” TOURMASTERS South Pacific are launching their Mr Semone says that PATA is still looked upon as Thrifty tours product, complete with new logo, look and image, in Auckland on September 4. GM Gra- It has the opportunity to play a role in identifying ham Allen says the product is the most compre- hensive FIT type in the market. It features 44 tours These include coping with growth and defining the future. Mr Semone comments: “PATA has the abil- “The daily departures are guaranteed,” he tells IT.
ity to influence decision makers and indirectly in- “And we offer two tier accommodation. The prod- uct is popular with VFR inbound customers who “For the developed tourism countries like New Zea- arrive with no travel plan and often visit VIN cen- land, PATA’s role should be to communicate is- tres and retail agents with their overseas credit sues for the greater good of the tourism industry." cards ready to be sold a New Zealand domestic Mr Semone adds that PATA can also play a part in package," Mr Allen says. Retailers need to be aware minimising the inefficiencies of Australia, New Zea- of the convenience of domestic wholesaling. “There land and the Pacific Islands operating independ- are good commissions, great value and, for the cus- tomer, a convenient and simple method of selling." Sustainability = change = growth
IF you are serious about sustainability you can’t gy for this – the two aren’t mutually exclusive and afford to wait for change to be forced upon you.
businesses need to be sustainable and competi- “You have to go out and make it happen – to lead and innovate,” according to Fiordland Travel GM To be sustainable means to change – to change means to grow and move forward. Customer ex- “Currently we are grappling with complex noise pectations and perceptions should be harnessed issues on several of our vessels – not because we to help drive that change. This also helps sustain- have to, but because we want to continue improv- ability in a financial sense, he adds.
ing the quality of customer experience and reduce our environmental impacts," he says.
Sustainable management is about honesty – ei- “Our overnight vessel on Doubtful Sound has had ther you care and commit, or you don’t. "Either an expensive state of the art sewage treatment you take the long-term view and protect our natu- plant fitted on board." The company also volun- ral attractions and the environment, or you don’t.” tarily contributes a per head donation to help fund He points out that while DoC manages Fiordland research of the dolphin pod in Doubtful Sound.
National Park the fiords are managed by South- More detail
“We accept that resource consent processes now Another anomaly is the Milford Road, managed by take longer and require much more detailed infor- Transit, but step off it, and you enter the national mation including assessment of perceptual issues park. “Technically if I had a dog, I could walk it such as the impact an activity might have on the along the highway to Milford, but as soon as it left intrinsic values of an area,” Mr Walker says.
the road to poop, I could be prosecuted for taking “The times are certainly changing! Sustainable a dog into a national park,” he added.
management is an ongoing process and comes at Aircraft
“Another example and apparent anomaly, is the Sustainability is about the long term and achiev- airspace above the national park. Civil Aviation ing strategic outcomes. “You can’t protect the en- controls this, yet the activities of planes and heli- vironment and your business today, and not copters can be intrusive and have significant im- pacts on the national park. Conflicts particularly For Fiordland Travel, planning for sustainability arise when aviation activity is in close proximity with the negotiation of long-term concessions and to people on the ground who may be enjoying a consents to operate. They provided the company wilderness experience," Mr Walker says.
with the certainty to invest and develop its prod- Where boundaries and issues overlap, it is essen- ucts knowing that in some cases, there would be tial that agencies get together and plan an inte- grated management regime. "At Doubtful Sound, Mr Walker says that securing 20-year consents for DOC have sought to control activities on the fiord its two recently commissioned overnight vessels (which they don’t manage) by placing restrictions on the road that takes people there," he says Outcomes
"Wouldn’t it be better if the plans for the road and “Sometimes strategic outcomes are not so imme- the fiord agreed on overall outcomes for the area? diately clear. A few years ago, we applied to estab- We need integrated plans and we need certainty.
lish additional moorings at Milford Sound. A lim- We also need consistency in interpretation and ited number of suitable sites had been identified in the management plan. At the time the author- ities were curious about the need for this given Concerning Milford Sound, Mr Walker says the that our current facilities appeared perfectly ade- sustainable solution to 400,000 visitors a year is quate. They were, but will they be in 10 or 20 years to spread the traffic. So Fiordland Travel intro- duced a price differential to encourage groups to The company's DOC concessions are for even long- move to off-peak times. “This has been singularly er terms. The certainty this provides has been im- unsuccessful, but has improved yields as custom- portant to protect and justify the initial and ongo- ers happily pay more to continue using their de- ing capital outlays needed to establish viable prod- He asks: “Should DOC and Transit introduce re- “Sustainability isn’t just about the environment – strictions on the number of vehicles that can be it is also concerned with profitability and provid- on the road at any one time? Will alternative road, ing the where-with-all for a business to grow and gondola or monorail proposals address the issue, remain strong. Sustainable management finds the and can the environmental cost of these be justi- “I acknowledge that competitive aspects are often Mr Walker believes Milford can handle signifi-
as compelling as sustainability. I make no apolo- cant growth - but only if it’s spread throughout
the day.

PATA publications
now at AUT
Hotel investment confab
THE second annual Australia
and New Zealand Hotel Invest-
* Tourism Auckland CEO Grae-
ment Conference is to be held
in Sydney on August 28. Reps
here are directors Terry Ngan
and Stephen Hamilton. Details:
09-3098898, fax 3098980.
Hotel for station
Workshop planned
3737599, fax 3737419
Belly laugh
Buyers considering Treble
Cone ski area
German opportunities
Keep 'em posted
Island lodge gets go-ahead
Sorry, who?
MORE than 270 million
Chinese, a fifth of the coun-
try’s population, are named
either Li, Wang or Zhang,
making them the three most
Bed tax still awake
popular names in the world.
Li, Wang and Zhang make up
7.9 percent, 7.4 percent and
7.1 percent of China’s popu-
lation respectively.
Seminars, in two ticks
Email marketing made easy.
AS part of KiwiHost’s “two tick” campaign to helpstamp out poor service, one of its directors John HOW people are really using the internet - it’s not Wren has been travelling the country delivering the way they tell you. Why you should get your presentations on “how to improve your business customers to visit your website less, not more of- results.” Seminars have been held in places as ten. Why most savvy internet users refuse to buy on-line. How smart marketers are replacing web-sites and other media with email. And how one If you're involved in the events and
marketer generated 30 percent of their sales with sponsorship sector and you're not a
email for only two percent of their marketing budg- New Zealand Events Update subscriber
et! All this is promised in marketer Malcolm Auld’snew book Email Marketing Made Easy, available you don't have all the tools you deserve.
online. Details: 0061-2-99073353 or
ACCOUNT MANAGERS (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch)
Tranz Scenic is New Zealand’s long distance passenger train service.
Recently this business separated from Tranz Rail and is now committed to being the premium
long distance passenger transport network in New Zealand.
It is an exciting time for the company as we pass through the innovative stages desired to grow
the business.
Three positions exist for experienced Account Managers based in Auckland, Wellington and
Christchurch. The role includes:
* Providing liaison with key major account customers to maximise relationship opportunities
* Expand sales through assigned customers, and obtain new sales through canvassing
You must be an exceptional communicator and a highly motivated individual with extensiveexperience in managing high value accounts. Tourism Industry experience is essential.
Telesales/Sales Support Representative
A position exists for a Telesales/Sales Support Representative based inWellington.
* You must have experience in outbound telephone sales in the tourism
industry, and a proven track record in achieving targets.
Tranz Scenic 2001 Ltd., PO Box 1824, Wellington. Vacancy: (Please state which posi-
tion you are applying for) Attn: Sharyn du Fresne


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Granting Defendant’s Motion for Summary I. MOTION PRESENTED Defendant Frontier Community Services, Inc. (“FCS”) has moved for summary judgment onPlaintiff Susan Schwager’s claim that FCS interfered with her rights under the Family and MedicalLeave Act (“FMLA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 2601-2653, by terminating her employment with FCS the dayafter she returned from FMLA-covered leave. The

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