Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae
Neuroscience Research Centre, Shahid Beheshti University, M.C., P.O. Box: 19615-1178, Tehran, Iran Educations
School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Title of Thesis: Evaluation of possible role of atropine, triazolam and diltiazem in protection against T-2 toxin in mice. Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Title of Dissertation: The contribution of the GABAergic system in the anti nociception activity of cannabinoids. Certificates
Certificate of completion post-doctoral studies (2003 - 2004), Faculty of Medicine, Post-doctoral associated Program Office, University of Calgary, Canada. Certificate of Generic Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) course, University of Calgary, Canada. Certificate of Animal Care and Use Certificate for Rats, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada. Certificate of IBRO Neuroscience workshop. Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. Present position
Assistant professor at Neuroscience Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, M.C. Work Experiences
Postdoc fellow in Dr. Pittman’s laboratory, Department of Physiology and Biophysics and Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Teaching assistant in Pharmacology lab for pharmacy students in school of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. Teaching Pharmacology and Toxicology for pharmacy students in school of Pharmacy, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran. Technical advisor in drug information centre. Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Member of executive committee and lecturer in Continuous Medical Education (CME) programms for Physicians and Pharmacists. Scholarships and Awards
Scholarship for 6 months by the Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education to continue education abroad towards the PhD degree completion Travel grant to attend the 4th FAONS Congress, Hong Kong. IBRO financial support to attend IBRO school of neuroscience, Melbourne Membership
Iraninan Medical Council Iraninan Society of Physiology and Pharmacology Research Skills

Pharmacological and Toxicological techniques:
Intrathecal cannulation, behavioural tests in animals, lethality and toxicity testing
Electrophysiological techniques: Patch clamp recording of current and voltage in brain slice Medical and Pharmacological statistics: SPSS, PRISM Synergistic Effects of PectaSol-C Modified Citrus Pectin an Inhibitor of Galectin-3 and
Paclitaxel on Apoptosis of Human SKOV-3 Ovarian Cancer Cells.
Hossein G, Keshavarz M, Ahmadi S, Naderi N.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(12):7561-8.
Evaluation of Anti-nociceptive and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Novel Chalcone
Razmi A, Zarghi A, Arfaee S, Naderi N, Faizi M.
Iran J Pharm Res. 2013 Winter;12(Suppl):153-9.
The role of cannabinoidergic system in prenatal neurodevelopment.
Naderi N.
Iran J Pharm Res. 2013 Spring;12(2):257-9.
A pilot study of polymorphism of adrenergic Beta-2 receptor and mild asthma: a clinical and
pharmacogenetic study.
Adimi Naghan P, Fahimi F, Nadji SA, Naderi N, Soleimani F, Masjedi MR.
Iran J Pharm Res. 2013 Winter;12(1):199-204.
The effect of polymorphisms of beta2 adrenoceptors on response to long-acting beta2
agonists in Iranian asthmatic patients.
Soleimani F, Fahimi F, Adimi Naghan P, Nadji SA, Morowati S, Naderi N, Masjedi MR.
Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Aug 28;12(4):383-90.
The role of potassium BK channels in anticonvulsant effect of cannabidiol in
pentylenetetrazole and maximal electroshock models of seizure in mice.
Shirazi-Zand Z, Ahmad-Molaei L, Motamedi F, Naderi N.
Epilepsy Behav. 2013 May 2;28(1):1-7

Hajikhani R, Ahmadi A, Naderi N, Yaghoobi K, Shirazizand Z, Rezaee NM, Niknafs BN.
Adv Clin Exp Med. 2012 May-Jun;21(3):307-12.
Gholamipour-Badie H, Naderi N, Khodagholi F, Shaerzadeh F, Motamedi F.
Behav Brain Res. 2013 Jan 15;237:190-9.
Sherafat MA, Ronaghi A, Ahmad-Molaei L, Nejadhoseynian M, Ghasemi R, Hosseini A,
Naderi N, Motamedi F.
Neurol Sci. 2012 Jun 29.
Naderi N, Majidi M, Mousavi Z, Khoramian Tusi S, Mansouri Z, Khodagholi F.
Neurochem Res. 2012 Apr;37(4):778-85. doi: 10.1007/s11064-011-0672-2. Epub 2011 Dec
Naderi N, Ahmad-Molaei L, Mazar-Atabaki A, Ronaghi A, Shirazi-zand Z, Motiei-Langroudi
SM, Eslahkar S.
Neurochem Res. 2012 Feb;37(2):279-87.
Naderi N, Ahmad-Molaei L, Aziz Ahari F, Motamedi F.
Modulation of Anticonvulsant Effects of Cannabinoid Compounds by GABA-A Receptor
Agonist in Acute Pentylenetetrazole Model of Seizure in Rat.
Neurochem Res. 2011 Apr 23.
Yousefpour M., Naderi N., Alizadeh, A.-M., Motamedi, F.

Volume 14, Issue 4, December 2011, Pages 389-396.
Saber-Tehrani A, Naderi N, Hosseini Najarkolaei A, Haghparast A, Motamedi F.
Neurochem Res. 2010 Jan;35(1):60-6.
Haghparast A, Naderi N, Khani A, Lashgari R, Motamedi F.
J Pain. 2010 Jan;11(1):32-43.
Haghparast A, Azizi P, Hassanpour-Ezatti M, Khorrami H, Naderi N.
Neurosci Lett. 2009 Dec 18;467(1):43-7.
Naderi N, Aziz Ahari F, Shafaghi B, Hosseini Najarkolaei A, Motamedi F.
Evaluation of interactions between cannabinoid compounds and diazepam in electroshock-
induced seizure model in mice.
J Neural Transm. 2008 Jun 25.
McDonald NA, Kuzmiski JB, Naderi N, Schwab Y, Pittman QJ.
Endogenous modulators of synaptic transmission: cannabinoid regulation in the supraoptic
Prog Brain Res. 2008;170:129-36.
Khakpour-Taleghani B, Lashgari R, Aavani T, Haghparast A, Naderi N, Motamedi F. The
locus coeruleus involves in consolidation and memory retrieval, but not in acquisition of
inhibitory avoidance learning task. Behav Brain Res. (2008) in press

Naderi N
, Haghparast A, Saber-Tehrani A, Rezaii N, Alizadeh AM, Khani A, Motamedi F.
Interaction between cannabinoid compounds and diazepam on anxiety-like behaviour of mice
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. (2008) 89:64-75.
Haghparast A, Khani A, Naderi N, Alizadeh AM, Motamedi F. Repeated administration of
nicotine attenuates the development of morphine tolerance and dependence in mice.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. (2008) 88(4):385-392.
Salimi M, Ghahremani MH, Naderi N, Amini M, Salimi E, Amanlou M, Abdi K, Salehi R,
Shafiee A. Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 4-[2-alkylthio-5(4)-(4-
substitutedphenyl)imidazole-4(5)yl]benzenesulfonamides as selective COX-2 inhibitors. Acta
Pharmacol Sin. (2007) 28(8):1254-1260.
Khodayar MJ, Shafaghi B, Naderi N, Zarrindast MR. Antinociceptive effect of spinally
administered cannabinergic and {alpha}2-adrenoceptor drugs on the formalin test in rat:
possible interactions. J Psychopharmacol. (2006) 20(1):67-74.
Khodayar MJ, Zarindast MR, Naderi N, Shafaghi B. Differential antinociceptive effect of
yohimbine in rat formalin test. DARU, (2005) 13(3): 105-109.
Naderi N, Shafaghi B, Khodayar MJ, Zarindast MR. Interaction between gamma -
aminobutyric acid GABAB and cannabinoid CB1 receptors in spinal pain pathways in rat. Eur
J Pharmacol. (2005) 514:159-64.
Richard B, Fahimi F, Naderi N. Improving risk factors in diabetic patients participating in a
weight management program. Southern Medical Journal, (2005) 98:496-7.
Shafaghi B, Naderi N, Tahmasb L. Anxiolytic effect of Echium amoenum in mice. Iraninan
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, (2002) 1: 37-41.
Presentations and Published Abstracts

The investigation of the effect of endocannabinoid′s palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) on
pentylentetrazol ( PTZ) induced kindling in male rats. Aghaee I, Rostampour M, Motamedi F,
Babaei P, Khakpour B, Naderi N. 18th Iraninan Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology.
Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
Effect of morphine on spontaneous activity of neurons in the rat nucleus cuneiformis. Abbas
Haghparast , Nima Naderi, Fereshteh Motamedi. 18th Iraninan Congress of Physiology and
Pharmacology. Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
Evaluation of the effects of cannabinoid compounds either alone or in combination with
diazepam on anxiety-like behaviour in the mouse hole-board test. Neguin Rezaii, Nima
, Abbas Haghparast, Amir-mohammad Alizadeh, Fereshteh Motamedi. 18th Iraninan
Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology. Mashhad, Iran, 2007.
Chronic administration of nicotine retards the development of morphine dependency and
tolerance in mice. Abbas Haghparast, Nima Naderi, Abbas Khani, Amir Mohammad
Alizadeh, Fereshteh Motamedi. Neuroscience Research, Volume 58, Supplement 1, 2007,
Page S65.
Nicotine and morphine interactions; new protocol for morphine dependency in mice. Abbas
Khani, Abbas Haghparast, Nima Naderi, Amir-Mohammad Alizadeh and Fereshteh
Motamedi. Neuroscience Research, Volume 58, Supplement 1, 2007, Page S65.
Interaction between cannabinoid compounds and diazepam on anxiety-like behaviour of mice
in the elevated plus maze. Nima Naderi; Abbas Haghparast; Neguine Rezaii; Abbas Khani;
Fereshteh Motamedi. IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience, Melbourne, Australia, 2007.
electrophysiological study. Abbas Haghparast, Nima Naderi, Fereshteh Motamedi. IBRO
World Congress of Neuroscience, Melbourne, Australia, 2007.
Cannabinoid-mediated suppression of inhibitory synaptic transmission to magnocellular
neurons of supra optic nucleus. Nima Naderi, Quentin J Pittman, The 4th Congress of
Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience Societies (FAONS), Hong Kong, 2006.
Effect of Intrathecal administration of cannabinoid and GABA agonists on formalin test in rat.
Nima Naderi, Bijan Shafaghi, Mohammad Javad Khodayar, Mohammad Reza Zarrindast.
17th Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Kerman University of Medical
Sciences, Kerman, Iran, 2005. P490.
The role of spinal beta-2 adrenergic receptors on formalin–induced pain in rat. Bijan
Shafaghi, Mohammad Javad Khodayar, Nima Naderi, Mohammad Reza Zarrindast. 17th
Iranian Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences,
Kerman, Iran, 2005. P504.
Anxiolytic effect of Echium amoenum in mice. Bijan Shafaghi, Leila Tahmaseb, Nima Naderi.
50th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research. September 2002,
Barcelona, Spain, Revista de Fitotrapia 2002; 2 (S1): A132.
Evaluation of possible role of atropine, triazolam and diltiazem in protection against T-2 toxin
in mice. Nima Naderi, Hasan Yazdanpanah, Hamid Reza Rasekh, Bijan Shafaghi, Farshad
Roshanzamir, Khalil Abbasi. First International Congress of Asia Pacific Association of
Medical Toxicology (APAMT-1), September 1997, Tehran, Iran, p. 78.
Possible roles of diphenhydramine, triazolam, diltiazem and ketotifen in protection against T-
2 toxin toxicity. Hasan Yazdanpanah, Hamid Reza Rasekh, Farshad Roshanzamir, Bijan
Shafaghi, Nima Naderi, Khalil Abbasi,. Fifth European Fusarium Seminar, Szeged, Hungary,
1997, p. 397.


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