
SUMMER 2002 VOL. 4 NO. 2
Every Meeting is a Learning Experience
A special disclaimer. NJ OCF does not specifically endorse any of the state- ments made in this article. Reading this article should not lead to any layperson making decisions about the type or Nothing takes the place of the active involvement of your psychiatrist in the usage of your OCD medication(s). If you have any questions regarding this article, or would like to investigate making medication changes, please first contact your psychiatrist to discuss this- his/her recommendation and supervi- that this can result in what she refers to as "discontinuation syndrome." It is getting the full therapeutic effect.
of the state of the art of medications for family's role in treatment- do's and don'ts.
ing, or send it to the doctor’s office in "non-responders," a termwhich can be divided into two categories: "treatment LOCATION REMINDER FOR
resistant" patients have failed to respond JUNE 10, 2002, MEETING!
while "treatment refractory" patients fail will be held on Monday evening,
June 10, at 7:00 p.m., in our new
location. The location is: University
treatment in great detail, including their Behavioral Healthcare Center
(UBHC), Room D205 on the Rutgers
University Busch Campus in
brain, their side effects, and their thera- Piscataway, New Jersey. The actual
address is 671 Hoes Lane. Directions
are inside!!!
holding its Annual Conference. I sincerely urge anyone interested in gleaning a wealth Anyone interested in family suite accomo- YOU CAN HELP.
dations in the area of the hotel, please call With production cost and postage rates climbing and our mailing list growing rapidly, we would like to mention thatany voluntary contribution would aid us to keep this CentralNJ Affiliate newsletter going. Any Comments?????
The staff of the Newsletter encourages all comments on ourpublished articles. Also, any letters and articles, which youwish to submit for our publications, are welcome.
The information in this newsletter should not be taken in lieuof proper medical and/or mental health professional services.
The Board of Directors of the New Jersey Affiliate of theObsessive Compulsion Foundation, as well as all other vol-unteers involved in the development and distribution of thisnewsletter, do not endorse any particular viewpoint or information presented here. Again, nothing takes the placeof proper medical/mental health professional services.
The Affiliate is a community of those who have an interestin Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and whose goals are: SPECIAL THANKS
! 1) To educate the public and professional communities ! 2) To support individuals afflicted and their significant others.
! 3) To support research into the causes and treatments of COSTCO - Bridgewater for their donation.
have given generously to the Affiliate.
Dr. Allen Weg - Vice President, Newsletter Editor NJAOCF 3RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Marriott Hotel, Somerset, NJ
Dr. Tamar Chansky
Dr. Chansky has written the book “FREEING YOUR CHILD” and will be speaking on that subject and more CEU credits pending for social workers and teachers WIN A FREE VACATION TO FLORIDA!
Ok, now that we’ve got your attention, we’d like to make our quarterly pitch for volunteers. Since we get solittle response to these requests, we thought that maybe we would ask to see if people might help us out withvery specific things.
We need people to deliver our quarterly newsletters to specific facilities in your area. Counseling centersand mental health clinics would be the first choice, of course, but also hospitals, libraries, multi- physicianpractices, etc. The idea is for you to make yourself known to an individual or individuals at these facilities,speak to them for a minute about NJ-OCF, and ask them to make the newsletters available to the profession-als who work there, and/or to the public who frequent their facility. Just contact Ina, and we will send you abunch of newsletters, then just let us know the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the facilitieswhere you left the newsletters. Even if you go to just 2-3 facilities, it would help us get the news out aboutNJ-OCF. Thanks! DON’T MISS
August 9 - 11, 2002
Dr. Michael Jenike “Q & A on Medication and Treatments” Dr. Pierre Blier, Keynote Speaker, “A Step Towards More Effective Pharmacotherapies” Drs. Edna Foa and Martin Franklin, CBT training seminars for Treatment Providers Centerpiece seminar on “Pure Obsessions” Centerpiece seminar on “Body Dismorphic Disorder” Seminars, Workshops, and Activity Suite with supervised programs for kids/adolescents Reception
More than 60 workshops, seminars, presentations and support groups For more information and a Registration Brochure, call
The Obsessive Compulsive Foundation at
(adults, teenagers, and children), their families and friends and the mental health professionals who treat them ALLI’S COLUMN
Sometimes in mid panic attack Ifeel alone. No matter where you THERE MAY BE A SOLUTION. KEEP READING!
are you always need someone byyour side to help you through it.
Here's a known fact: parentsdon't understand. My parents tell The Ninth Annual OCD Conference is being held in Philadelphia, PA, this summer from August 9 to 11, 2002.
The registration fee for the conference is $150.00 for the entire weekend, but even though that is for three days, it is still very expensive and may be a financial burden for some.
But, keep reading, because there may be a simple solution to the problem, if you are willing to volunteer some time. your anger and panic out on.
Write something. Your parents There is a need for Room Monitors throughout the weekend.
don't have to understand but youneed to understand yourself.Talk A Room Monitor is one who would be in attendance of a workshop, introduce the speaker, assist with giving out handouts during the presentation, make sure the speaker has a full glass of water on hand, and maybe give directions to attendees trying to find their way to different workshops.
The conference coordinator is looking for people from NJ to assist as Room Monitors. It is a first come, first serve basis!! You will be required to attend an orientation meeting/train- ing session to learn of your responsibilities for the weekend, question and he stated: "Becausewhen you have OCD you feel so and to receive your ID badge and train. In exchange for working as a Room Monitor, the $150.00 registration fee is there for you whenever you feeldown will help you cope withthat. So now that I have told For more details on how to apply to be a Room Monitor, To answer your question: Myparents still don't understand. Ittakes a lot of getting used to.
Granted, I have been patient, but Website Update
sometimes I wish I could putthem in my shoes.
The website name has changed- it is now www.NJOCF.org (wedropped the "A"). Most of this newsletter will be posted at the site, as is the previous newsletter. You can also find information about theupcoming NJ Affiliate annual conference, videos for sale, and general information about the organization. A chat room is now operational,and you can email us from the website.
by Allen H. Weg, EdD
Another is a series of metaphorical shot because he thought it might help.
stories that illustrate issues related to the disorder of OCD and its treatment, singing helped (the Beatles’ "Do you want to know a secret," in case youwere wondering.). As I searched my had told me that it wouldn’t hurt, and I abdomen. He had said, "Don’t worry, it won’t hurt," but as he approached If I can learn to trust that "it’s just "labeling the OCD," then I greatly didn’t often tell the truth, but my doc- rollers, about a foot or so from me.
slow, calm voice, "Allen, have I ever Dr. Weg, Vice President of the OCF New Jersey Affiliate, runs an independent practice called Stress and Anxiety Services of New Jersey in the East Brunswick are. He can be reached at 732-329-1378, or see his website at www.StressAndAnxiety.com. hurt more than a little bit, and that if I WANT TO HAVE A SUPPORT GROUP IN YOUR AREA? WE CAN HELP!
If you look at the back of this Newsletter, you will see that there is only a small handfull of support groups for OCD aroundthe state. It is one of the goals of NJAOCF to help create more of these groups. We at NJAOCF recieve at least a couple ofphone calls every month asking for support groups in areas of New Jersey where there are none. Northern counties andsouthern counties are especially devoid of groups.
If you are interested in having a group in your area, we can help. Here's how: 1)If you want to have a group, you need to find a place to meet. Local churches, synagogues, libraries, high schools, hospi-tals, and community mental health centers are good places to find free rooms. If you say you will be working with the NJAffiliate of the OC Foundation, it might also give you some "clout." 2)Determine the day and time- this will in part be determined by room space availability- no more than twice a month isneeded, and once a month is often a good place to start. An hour and 15 minutes or an hour and a half is usually the length. 3) Contact us. Call Ina Spero at 732- 828-0099. We can put your name and contact number on our website and in ourNewsletter. We will announce the formation of your group at our quarterly meetings. We will help to put out the word.
You can also do your part by letting local mental health professionals and facilities know about the group (sometimes thismeans going door to door with a flyer). Decide whether this is a group only for adults, only for sufferers, or open to every-body- we reccomend the latter- friends, family, and children with OCD. 4) Once you have a minimum number of people- 5 is enough to get started, let us know. We will give you some guidelinesabout how to run the group, provide you with handouts that you can give to members of the group, and answer questionsthat you may have regarding the mechanics of how to facilitate group discussion.- Don't worry if you've never done any-thing like this before. We will "hold your hand" in the early phases of the group until you feel more comfortable. WE AREHERE TO HELP! 5)If you have any questions of a clinical nature regarding running or forming a group, you can phone Dr. Allen Weg at 732-329-1378. OCD SUPPORT GROUP
in starting a new OCD support group.
end. Make a right and then the 2nd left.
We videotape our annual conferences and the speakers from our quarterly meetings, and provide copies of them to anyone interested. All moneys charged are pumped back into NJAOCF to help defray the costs of the organization. The following arevideotapes now available for purchase and pickup, or delivery: "Red Flags, Relapse, and Recovery,", Jonathan Grayson, PhD 9-11-00 "Families and OCD: How to Coexist," Elna Yadin, PhD 12-11-00 "Flying Towards the Darkness", NJAOCF First Annual Conference: Parts 1 & 2 discount "Flying Towards the Darkness"- Part 1 only, Allen H. Weg, EdD NJAOCF 1st Annual Conference, 9-17-00 "Flying Towards the Darkness"- Part 2 only: The OCD Panel NJAOCF 1st Annual Conference, 9-17-00 “Generalized Anxiety Disorder and OCD”, David Raush, PhD, 6-11-01 “OCD Spectrum Disorders”, Nancy Soleymani, PhD, 9-10-01 "Living With Someone With OCD.", Fred Penzel, PhDPart I- NJAOCF 2nd Annual Conference, 9-23-01 "The OCD Kids Panel"Part II- NJACOF 2nd Annual Conference, 9-23-01 NJAOCF- 2nd Annual Conference, 9-23-01Parts I and II “Panic and OCD”, Allen H. Weg, EdD, 12-10-01 “Medications and OCD”, Dr. Rita Newman, 3-11-02 Add $3.95 each for S & H: ___________@$3.95 ea________ Send check or money order (sorry, no credit cards accepted yet!) made out CNJAOCF and mail to: CNJAOCF60 Mac Afee RdSomerset, New Jersey 08873-2951 Questions? Call Ina Spero at 732-828-0099 Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State ________________________ Zip Code_____________ Phone number ________________________________________ DIRECTIONS AND MAP
continued from front page
above, Dr. Newman went over manyother medications and how they mightbe used to help treat OCD. She discussed how Atypical Antipsychotics (named so because, compared to moretraditional antipsychotics likeThorazine, Mellaril, and Trilafon, atypical antipsychotics have less sideeffects), such as Zyprexia , Seroquil,and Risperdol, may often be prescribedas part of the medication regime forOCD treatment. She also spoke atlength about Mood Stabilizer medica-tions, such as Lithium, Tergratol,Trilaptow, Topomax, Limictol, and andValproic Acid, which are sometimesused to help potentiate, or increase theeffectiveness, of the SSRI medications.
Dr. Newman wrapped up her presenta-tion reviewing most of the other classes NEW LOCATION FOR NEXT QUARTERLY MEETING!!!
of psychiatric medications, and explain-ing what role, if any they play in the take place on Monday evening, June
idea that if a patient doesn’t respond to 10, at 7:00 p.m., will take place at a
new location. The location is:
University Behavioral Healthcare
Center (UBHC), Room D205 on the
fic light (about 3 miles), turn left onto Rutgers University Busch Campus in
Piscataway, New Jersey. The actual
address is 671 Hoes Lane.
often, if someone is refractory to certain From 287 Northbound:
From the South Via the New Jersey
stay in the left lane to make a left onto From 287 Southbound:
Park exit, turn right onto River Road.
At the third traffic light (about 3 miles) From Route 1, traveling North or
South: Take Route 1 to Route 18 North,
From Hoes Lane:
From Route 130, traveling from the
South: Take Route 130 North to Route
From the Garden State Parkway
North and South, and from the north
taking the NJ Turnpike:
ask the receptionist how to get toRoom D205.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Support Groups NON PROFIT ORG.

Source: http://www.ocdnj.org/Documents/newsletters/2002/june02a.pdf

Microsoft word - gresik new patient intake form.docx

DR. CHRISTINE M. GRESIK ELMHURST MEMORIAL HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY ASSOCIATES NEW PATIENT MEDICAL HISTORY DATE: ______/______/______ NAME ( LAST, FIRST, MI ):_____________________________________ Sex: r Female r Male Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Age: ______ Marital Status: r Single r Married (how long) ________ r Divorced r Separated r Widowed

Microsoft word - 95191f59.doc

THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuisapothekers -- Commissie Analyse en Toxicologie HALOPERIDOL Geldt voor: Patiënten met psychotische stoornissen. Het is ook mogelijk haloperidol in een EDTA-buis te bepalen Mits consistent afgenomen (zelfde tijdstip) en afhankelijk van de doseringsfrequentie kan bloedspiegel 12-24 uur na de Bij depot preparaat zo d

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