President’s Jottings by Deborah Czernecky
Looking back on 2005, it indeed was a very successful year! We had wonderfully
talented speakers giving presentations including “NAG Special Exhibitions Coordination”
by Christine Lasalle, “Composition” with Aili Kurtis, David Von Fraassen from Wallacks,
“Critique Night” with Laurie Hemmings, Allison Fagan's “Coloured Pencils” presentation
and Jim Weller's demonstration of abstract watercolour art. Our Annual Awards nights
were very well attended and successful. Finishing off the year, we had a marvelous trip to Montreal for the Provence exhibit.
I hope everyone had a relaxing, restful holiday and is ready to move ahead in 2006 with
re-charged batteries and renewed inspiration. “No Day Without a Line."
Best Wishes to you and yours for the New Year.
Sharon A. McKenna(613)
hanging/takedown dates this Spring at the
Hanging times, strictly 09:00 - 09:30 AM.
Keith Yach will now be co-ordinating the
hanging operation, so if you have not Andrew Fay of the Ottawa School of Art
signed up at the previous month’s hanging,
will assist in this popular evening. Bring
remember to call him (224-6835) to book one or two of your paintings for Andrew’s
your space. Paintings are limited to one advice.
only, maximum size framed: 30x40 inches.
(If you would like an escort to the parking
Please note: For Awards’ show entries,
lot after the meeting, do mention it to one
January Presentation - Cubism and Kandinsky by Alberta Dickson
January’s meeting welcomed two women who brought speakers to schools to teach young students more to us subjects they obviously have spent a lot of time about art. Did you know that the Gallery’s Volunteers’ with. The first, sometimes called the ‘seminal Circle has been active for 40 years, and has more than movement of the twentieth century’, causing the 200 members? Did you know one of its activities is the greatest upheaval in art since the Renaissance, Study Group (meets Wednesday mornings)? Watching reinvigorating other artistic fields such as music and our presenters, you get a very good idea of the interest, architecture, controversial and exciting, Cubism, enthusiasm, and scholarship, which the structure of an presented by Kathryn Mikoski, both entertained and art museum can foster. Th M
educated us. The second topic, Kandinsky, by Betty Group choose one subject each year to look at in
Deavy, gave the story of a very interesting private and depth—this year’s is Abstract Contemporary Art. Each public life of a major artist, along with very beautiful person spends the season researching (using Gallery images of his work.
slides) a movement or an individual artist within that area. They present their work mainly for each other. If invited, they will speak to other organizations, and we
Ms Mikoski and Ms Deavy are members of the National were all, I think, delighted by their coming to us this
Gallery’s Volunteer Circle—that group that provides month.
docents when you visit an exhibition and sends
Selection date for new artists is April 19, 2006. Call author of The New Acrylics: Complete Guide to the New 594-8513 for submission information.
Subject: EXPERIMENTAL ACRYLICS. Enhance your abilities with acrylics through non-representational,
Merrickville Fine Art Festival (Victoria day loose and abstract approaches. Weekend)
Website: or call Denis Sat., Sun., Mar. 4 and 5, same times, $165.00
St. Louis (1-613-269-2618). The deadline for entry is
ArtQuest Holidays again offers a week-long
Doris Michniewicz has ‘Twenty Paintings”, Allegra instructed opportunity to practice and play: a learning
(Music Schools), 1439 Youville Dr., Ottawa, until March holiday for painters and photographers in Giverney,
France, home of Monet’s Gardens. Either June 9-16, or
*(Of interest, Allegra is available for artists, without fee
June 23-30. $2500.00, plus airfare. Contact Janice
or percentage. A vernissage, if you exhibit there, is
encouraged, at your own organization, for a Sunday, Deadline commitment
“A Brush with Nature”, Herb Van der StaayAt Rothwell Gallery, February 1 -28,
Top Court in India Rejects Novartis Drug Patent - Low-Cost Drugs in Poor Nations Get a Lift in Indian Court NEW DELHI — People in developing countries worldwide will continue to have ac-cess to low-cost copycat versions of drugs for diseases like H.I.V. and cancer, at leastfor a while. Production of the generic drugs in India, the world’s biggest provider of cheap medi-cines, w
Meeting Report: Moving Upstream—Evaluating Adverse Upstream End Points for Improved Risk Assessment and Decision-Making Tracey J. Woodruff,1 Lauren Zeise,2 Daniel A. Axelrad,3 Kathryn Z. Guyton,4 Sarah Janssen,5,6 Mark Miller,2,7 Gregory G. Miller,3 Jackie M. Schwartz,1 George Alexeeff,2 Henry Anderson,8 Linda Birnbaum,9 Frederic Bois,10 Vincent James Cogliano,11 Kevin Crofton,9 Susan Y. Eu