
Featured Generic Drug List
Hundreds of featured generic drugs available!
30-day supply $4.00* 90-day supply $10.99* Additional savings are also available on most other prescriptions.
Visit your
Paradis Shop N Save

*The day supply is based upon the average dispensing patterns for the specifi c drug and strength. The program, as well as the prices and the list of covered drugs, can be modifi ed by Paradis Shop N Save at any time without notice at the discretion pharmacy for details.
**These Women’s Health prescription medications are available in a 28-day supply* for $9.95 each or an 84-day supply* for $29.85 each ***These Men’s Health prescription medications are available in a 30-day supply* for $9.95 each or a 90-day supply* for $29.85 each. VALUE-BASED PROGRAM – THIS IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. The program is not an insurance policy and does not provide insurance
coverage. healthy saver plus is not meant for individuals participating in federally qualifi ed program. Savings are available exclusively through
participating pharmacies. The range of the discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and services rendered. This program does not make
payments directly to providers. Members are required to pay for all health care services. You may cancel your registration under the Paradis Shop N
Save healthy saver plus program at any time by contacting 1-866-315-6421. This program is administered by Medical Security Card Company, LLC of
Tucson, AZ.
Featured Generic Drug List
Hundreds of featured generic drugs available!
30-day supply $4.00* 90-day supply $10.99* Additional savings are also available on most other prescriptions.
Visit your
Paradis Shop N Save

*The day supply is based upon the average dispensing patterns for the specifi c drug and strength. The program, as well as the prices and the list of covered drugs, can be modifi ed by Paradis Shop N Save at any time without notice at the discretion pharmacy for details.
**These Women’s Health prescription medications are available in a 28-day supply* for $9.95 each or an 84-day supply* for $29.85 each ***These Men’s Health prescription medications are available in a 30-day supply* for $9.95 each or a 90-day supply* for $29.85 each. VALUE-BASED PROGRAM – THIS IS NOT HEALTH INSURANCE. The program is not an insurance policy and does not provide insurance
coverage. healthy saver plus is not meant for individuals participating in federally qualifi ed program. Savings are available exclusively through
participating pharmacies. The range of the discounts will vary depending on the type of provider and services rendered. This program does not make
payments directly to providers. Members are required to pay for all health care services. You may cancel your registration under the Paradis Shop N
Save healthy saver plus program at any time by contacting 1-866-315-6421. This program is administered by Medical Security Card Company, LLC of
Tucson, AZ.

Source: http://www.paradisshopnsave.com/featured_generic_drug_list_2.pdf


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