July 200


LOCATION: Portsmouth Yacht Club, New Castle, NH.
DATE: July 12, 2001
TIME: 7:05PM
PRESENT: Cmde. Roth V/C Coffey R/C Scott
Capt. Carson Capt. Chambers Capt. Jefferson
Capt. Rushforth P/C Williams Capt. Watson
Capt. Pappas Sec. Fleming
ABSENT: Capt. Kennedy Capt. Atwood, Treas.

Prior to opening the B of D's meeting Cmde. Roth asked that each member
wishing to speak on any given subject wait in turn to allow the current
board member speaking to finish their comments. This would allow Sec.
Fleming to better record each speakers comments and perhaps complete the
Board's business in a shorter period of time.
Cmde. Roth then called the meeting to order at 7:05PM by noting a
quorum of the B of D was present. He then asked Sec. Fleming to report
on the minutes of the last meeting of June 14, 2001.
Sec. Fleming asked if all members present had received a copy of the
notes of the June 14TH meeting of the Board of Directors. He then
asked for any corrections to, or omissions from the report. With no
questions being raised or additions being requested by the B of D Cmde.
Roth asked for a motion to accept the Secretary's report. Capt. Pappas
moved for acceptance; seconded and so voted. The log book contains the
written report.
Treas. Atwood being away on vacation did not submit a financial report
to the Board covering the past 30 days of activities.

R/C Scott reported that the 4TH of July Breakfast was well attended with
over 100 participating in the function. Reservations for the Shaw
Bros. Concert are off to a slow start. The Pot Luck Supper was well
attended with over seventy participating in the event. The Past
Commodore's Cocktail Party drew 123 members and guests with 23 of the
26 Past Commodores attending the function. The past month in total has
been both a busy and successful month.
There being no further questions or discussion V/C Coffey moved for
acceptance of the report as given, seconded, and so voted.
V/C Coffey reported that he had contacted the Back Channel Canvas
Company to measure the canvas needs of the Eastern Launch and that he
should have a quote on the canvas work within the week. While doing
cleanup maintenance in back of the storage shed a colony of ants were
found and destroyed. A small amount of stone was purchased to fill in
back of the shed to eliminate any future reoccurrence of the problem.
A number of additional maintenance items were addressed on the docks,
and mooring barrels modified to lengthen the service life of the
moorings particularly out at the Isle of Shoales. The mooring up river
will be serviced before the end of the week. Fuel prices remain
constant with the earned margin also remaining healthy for the month.
P/C Williams questioned the allocated dock area for dinghy tie up. A
general discussion of the number of dinghy spaces available and the
general assignment of space allocated to the dinghies followed. After
discussion the Board agreed with V/C Coffey's management of the
available space.
There being no further questions or discussion Capt. Rushforth moved for
acceptance of the report as given, seconded, and so voted.
Cmde. Roth reported the following applications for membership have been
received this past month and sent to the Membership Committee for
Rodney Brock Sponsored by Capt. J. Pappas & P/C E. Wright
Thomas Duderwicz Sponsored by Capt. Gebow & Capt. Chambers
Cmde Roth further reported that the Membership Committee had met this
past Monday night to interview six prospective applicants who do not
have the necessary sponsors. An interview was conducted with each, and
a membership application given to each to fill out and return to the
committee. Upon receipt of the application each applicant will be
invited to attend several social functions to meet a cross section of
our membership and familiarize themselves with the club. Their
application will then be reviewed by the full Membership Committee.
Forty one invitations were sent out to people who had made inquiries of
how to join PYC. Cmde. Roth commented that the interview application
format followed generated very positive comments from both the
Committee and the applicants.
An Insurance Committee has been formed with Capt. Chambers as its
chairman. Capt. Jefferson and Capt. Kennedy have agreed to also serve
on the committee. Their immediate assignment to review all potential
exposure to PYC for insurance purposes. Along with this committee Capt.
Graper has been named our attorney of record should there be any need to
be provided with copies of any formally recorded documents involving PYC
insurance. A general discussion followed as to the actual
responsibilities of Capt. Graper and his involvement in future actions.
Capt. Graper's assignment met with the approval of the Board.
There being no further questions or discussion P/C Williams moved for
acceptance of the report as given, seconded, and so voted.
9/10/98 Vision Committee Capt. Carson
7/12/01 Contingency fund Policy P/C Williams
Cmde. Roth asked for any committee reports on current business to be
brought before the Board of Directors.
*P/C Williams passed out copies of his recommendations of how to proceed
with the use or nonuse of the existing contingency fund. A general
explanation of the report and general discussion by the Board followed.
Further review of the Contingency Fund management policy was tabled
until the next Board meeting.
Capt. Carson reporting for the Vision Committee, that he would be sending out a survey rating the current services provide by our staff management and the members opinions of the effectiveness of the current club policies and those needed for the future prosperity of the club. V/C Coffey reported that the mooring contracts would be completed during the coming week. Further that the House & Dock rules regarding boat length for slips would remain as published for the balance of the season. A future study would be done to determine the boat lengths for miscellaneous slips in question. NEW BUSINESS: Cmde. Roth asked for any reports on current business to be brought before the Board of Directors. Cmde Roth read a letter from Capt. C. Clark and Capt. McCormack recommending P/C Fleming for Life membership. After general discussion the Board recommended that P/C Fleming's nomination for Life Membership be forwarded to the general membership for approval at the annual meeting. Cmde. Roth asked for a motion to return the membership application fee of Mr. Joseph B. Calan. Mr. Calan has accept a career reassignment to a different area of the country and would not be able to be an active member of PYC when elected. This met with the Board's approval. Treas. Atwood will issue a check for the full amount of Mr. Calan's application fee. The next item of business, Cmde Roth read three letters received during the month regarding the review of slip lengths. A letter from P/C Courteau's letter explained in detail the actions taken by his committee in establishing the revised slip lengths in 1999. P/C Caruso wrote of his desire to possibly purchase a larger boat for his current slip, which with the reduction in allowable boat length for his assigned slip would limit the selection of boats he would be able to purchase. A third letter from the House and Docks Committee advised that a boat in excess of 36' - 0' in length would, in their opinion, be detrimental to the safety of a part of the current dock system and could possibly create a hazard for boats approaching the fuel docks. They stated that from their observation the pilings in the west end of the docks are not in the best of condition. This in addition to the need to provide overall maintenance to the dock connectors along the entire dock. After general discussion the Board agreed to leave the current slip lengths as published in the House and Dock Rules. Further, to have a professional engineering review initiated to ascertain the maximum boat length feasible to be accommodated by the PYC dock system. A letter was received from Rita Thornton informing the Board that she had sold her boat and had no further use of her slip. A general discussion followed as to the proper procedure to follow regarding the balance of the slip usage for the season. The Board decided to follow the current House and Docks rules and leave the slip unassigned for the balance of the season. There being no additional new business Cmde. Roth announced the next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on August 9, 2001 starting at 7:00 PM at the Portsmouth Yacht Club, New Castle, NH. This meeting adjourned at 9:15PM William F. Fleming Secretary * memo placed on file

Source: http://portsmouthyc.org/WP/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/July-2001-BOD.pdf

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P R I M A R Y C A R E can both be characterized by loss of consciousness anda fall.9 Syncope is suggested by an onset while the pa-tient is erect and by a brief duration (10 seconds), EPILEPSY flaccid muscle tone during the event, pale color, coldand clammy skin, or electrocardiographic abnormal-ities. Tonic–clonic seizure is suggested by an onsetwhile the patient is asleep or awake and

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