P&g south africa 2004 hiv/aids report

P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 1
A. Introduction
B. Governance
Indicator 1.
Indicator 2.
Overall Strategy for Managing HIV/AIDS Risk Indicator 3.
Indicator 4.
Indicator 5.
Indicator 6.
Current and Projected HIV/AIDS Prevalence and Incidence Rates Indicator 7.
Current HIV/AIDS-Associated Costs and Losses Indicator 8.
Future HIV/AIDS-Associated Costs and Losses C. Workplace Conditions and HIV/AIDS Management
Indicator 9.
Workplace-Related HIV/AIDS Program and Interventions Indicator 10.
Indicator 11.
Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) Program Indicator 12.
Other Support and Counseling Programs and Measures Indicator 13.
Indicator 14.
Indicator 15.
General Health Care and Wellness Provisions Indicator 16.
Additional Benefits and Support for Employees with AIDS-Related Conditions 2 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
A. Introduction
Worldwide, 40 million people are infected withHIV/AIDS. Africa has been hit hardest, with infectionrates in some African countries running as high as 40 percent of the population. AIDS has become theleading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa, with more than 28 million people infected. The United Nations has recognized that HIV/AIDS is aglobal problem that must be fought. Hence one of itsMillennium Goals is to “combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, andother diseases.” The HIV/AIDS target is to halt and beginto reverse the spread of this disease by 2015. The UNhas pointed out that countries such as Brazil, Senegal,Thailand, and Uganda have shown that the spread ofHIV can be stemmed.
While HIV/AIDS has not had a significant impact onP&G’s global business, we know we need to be proactive. We have commitment from our CEO to playour part in combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Our vice president for sub-Saharan Africa is leading theCompany’s effort. He has implemented a program foremployees and their families which includes training,counseling, voluntary testing, and treatment. We areseeking ways to combine the distribution of AIDS drugswith our Safe Drinking Water Program, starting inUganda and Haiti. This will help prevent diseases associ-ated with unsafe water from impacting individuals withdepressed immune systems due to HIV. Finally, we havealso offered our management know-how and peopleresources to the U.S. government in South Africa to helpit deploy the $5 billion in aid promised by U.S. President,George W. Bush, to help combat this terrible disease. This report describes P&G’s South African HIV/AIDS poli-cy and program, using the Global Reporting InitiativeTMPilot Edition Resource Document. For more informationon this document visit:http://www.globalreporting.org/guidelines/HIV/hivaids.asp.
P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 3
B. Governance
Indicator 1. HIV Policy
2. Personnel Issues
P&G Sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS Policy
Policy Synopsis: The Company will assist in the The Company will not screen job applicants for HIV prevention of the spreading of HIV/AIDS via proactive employee and family awareness & prevention program,usually outsourced to Companies that are specialists in HIV status alone will not be used in any way to the field. HIV status alone will not influence employment discriminate against an employee with regards to or job security. Employees with HIV/AIDS will have the continued employment, training, promotion, or other same rights and obligations as other employees. The opportunities presented to employees.
Company will endeavor to offer medical plans that willassist HIV+/AIDS employees to have access to life pro- longing medication, and will in some cases supplement Some countries require a certificate indicating the applicant does not have HIV/AIDS, before issuing a workor residence permit. In such cases an employee who is 1. Employee Risk Reduction
HIV positive or who is not willing to be tested will not be able to be posted to those countries.
EducationP&G will ensure education & awareness program are made available to all employees. Research has Employees are not obliged to disclose their HIV status.
consistently shown that inadequate knowledge aboutHIV/AIDS is a primary reason for behaviors that lead to If an employee discloses to his/her Manager or to infection, and rapid progression of the disease from HIV Human Resources that he/she has HIV/AIDS, such information will not be divulged further without thewritten consent of the employee.
The program will include knowledge transfer via class-room settings and access to a specialized website to pro- The Company, via its education program, will sensitize mote self-knowledge, encouraging of voluntary “Know employees on how to deal with business colleagues Your Status” blood testing, 1:1 counseling, condom dis- who are HIV+ or have AIDS in a caring and supportive tribution, in-office posters, and annual “Family Days”.
manner. Employees who discriminate against employeeswith HIV/AIDS will be counseled and/or subjected to the P&G will provide this primarily via outsourcing to special- standard disciplinary procedures, which could result in a ists & trained counselors e.g. “Wellness Management” organizations in South Africa. This will be complementedby in-house resources i.e. peer educators and peer coun- Performance, Sick Leave, & Termination selors, under the guidance & training of specialists.
In the event of an employee with AIDS being medicallyunable to continue in his/her present duties, the Company will attempt to place such an employee in Work Place Services will ensure that first aid boxes in the an alternative position which s/he is fit and capable workplace include personal protective equipment e.g.
disposable gloves and protective eye gear, to protectagainst accidental HIV contamination.
When an employee is no longer able to continue inemployment due to capacity reasons the Company’s First Aiders and other employees will be trained for rules governing ill health retirement will apply, and only thereafter will incapacity be considered.
4 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
Factors that will be taken into account will be: • The possibility that continued employment is against The Policy complies with several other P&G policies, the employee’s interest e.g. the continued stress of including the Global HIV/AIDS Policy, Maintaining a working may accelerate his/her illness.
Productive Work Environment, Employee Privacy, and • The possibility that continued employment is not in Employment. It has been integrated with other P&G the employer’s interest e.g. the employee is no longer South Africa workplace policies and procedures. able to perform his/her job satisfactorily.
It is the Company’s intent to manage AIDS related inca- The Policy complies with the South African Department pacity situations in a similar manner to how we manage of Labour “Code of Good Practice.” It also complies Company initiated separations. Based on current prac- with the following South African legal instruments: tices, which may be amended from time to time, the • The Constitution’s provision for equality and freedom packages payable would range from 2 to 7 weeks per completed year of service, depending on the geography within the Sub-Sahara Africa organization.
• Basic Conditions of Employment Act• Employment Equity Act • Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair All standard Company plans will be applied equally to all employees, irrespective of HIV/AIDS status. All employees will receive Company benefits in accordance with the • Compensation for Occupational Injuries and rules and conditions of such plans, as amended from Medical support will be provided to all employees in Although not part of the Policy, an application has accordance with the rules of the health care delivery been submitted to seek funds to help family members system (medical aid) of which the employee is a mem- of supply chain employees. These funds would be from ber. The Company commits to using medical aid pro- U.S. President George W. Bush’s Emergency Plan for gram that have HIV/AIDS support that is at least in line AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which is a 5-year, $15 billion with the Community. The Company may, at its sole dis- initiative to turn the tide in combating the global cretion, supplement unsupported elements of associated Policy ReviewThis Policy will be regularly reviewed to keep it appropri-ate and abreast of latest national and internationaldevelopments and standards.
Other Related Information
History and ResponsibilitiesThe Policy was created in March 1998 and revised inMarch 2004. The following have responsibility for its for-mulation, control, and implementation:• Vice President, Sub-Saharan Africa – Philippe Bovay• Human Resources Associate Director, Sub-Saharan • General Manager, South Africa – Burkhard Pieroth• Human Resources Manager, South Africa – Thulani P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 5
Indicator 2. Overall Strategy for Managing HIV/AIDS Risk
The following chart describes the overall strategy being used to manage the HIV/AIDS risk to P&G’s South
HIV/AIDS Strategy
Phase One:
1. Present a case study to Company top management Internal impact: Salary, benefits, training,
2. Conduct a Human and Environmental Audit both internal (i.e. workforce) and external (i.e community, External impact: Customers, suppliers, health
Phase Two:
Assess direct cost and losses and map impacts over Policy formulation, health programs, pension fund, Phase Three:
Present findings to top management, negotiate health care benefits, In-company education, financial commitment, and prioritize the areas needing provisions, training plans, recruitment plans, Strategic planning – market, people, products, money. Phase Four:
Designate responsibility and authority to attend to the Union consultations. Health plan negotiations. issues, reporting to Company Management Team as a Retirement & insured benefits planning. Education plans. Financial plan. Human Resource Strategy.
HIV/AIDS Impact Management Plan:
The following is the management plan for HIV/AIDS: 3. Communicate the HIV/AIDS Workplace ProgramThere is presently no vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS, and 1. Communicate and implement the HIV/AIDS Strategy.
research has shown that the most effective way to slow The strategy is determined by the Leadership Team and down its spread is to reduce the rate of transmission serves to demonstrate management’s commitment to from infected to uninfected people. The first step toward addressing HIV/AIDS in the workplace.
this end is providing awareness and knowledge of thedisease, which in turn will alter behavior. It is for this 2. Roll out the HIV/AIDS Policy & Program reason that the bulk of the workplace program will pivot The policy is determined by the Leadership Team and around the prevention strategies of education and serves to give direction and guidance to the balance of training, in an endeavor to encourage employees to the organization with regard to the expected code of make informed choices and decisions and take good practice related to employees infected with and 6 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
4. Implement the components of the HIV/AIDS 5. Second HECATE Corporate Theatre on HIV/AIDS: Humans do not exist in a vacuum, so any holistic pro- • Message of the play: value of voluntary testing and gram needs to address the well-being of the infected and affected, too. To this end, the workplace programwill work to extend the life expectancy and quality of life 6. Third HECATE Corporate Theatre on HIV/AIDS: of employees living with HIV/AIDS, in a humane manner.
“Secrets & Lies.” • Message of the play: impact of disease on people’s Measurement of internal and external risk lives, families, and other social structures.
The following baseline measures will be established:1. Conduct a Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions 7. HIV/AIDS Family Day (December 1).
Effectiveness of communication strategy will be meas- ured by quarterly Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions improvement measures (versus baseline), utilization of the Web site and peer educators’/counselors’ feedback.
Note – Prevalence surveys to be conducted by external Indicator 3. Preparedness and Contingency
organizations, partnering with union officials as Planning
Standard succession planning will be used, factoring in a A risk analysis and impact assessment will be determined percentage to accommodate turnover. The percentage by conducting a Human and Environmental Audit, which will be based on the outcome of prevalence testing results. Institutional memory will be achieved through 1. Internal costs audit of salary, bonuses, benefits, the use of Standard Operating Practices which docu- ment organizational procedures and results. 2. External impact on customers, suppliers, health care Biannual Organizational Health Assessments will be con- 3. Determine the financial and human resources needed ducted and appropriate/relevant action plans developed to implement the balance of the workplace program at the time of conducting assessments. Anticipation isthat employee morale will not be static and the Communication Plan
Employee Assistance Program will continue to beoffered. Plans are in place to include supplier’s position(policy and program) on HIV/AIDS as a component of 1. Deploy the sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS Strategy, sub- the supplier evaluation system currently applicable when Saharan Africa Policy, and South Africa Program to the Current assessment is that the market is not forecasted 2. High-level launch of sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS to dwindle due to emerging middle- to upper-income Strategy, sub-Saharan Africa Policy, and South Africa markets, for the nature of the products we manufacture Program to the organization. First HECATE Corporate Cost projections are based on World Health 3. Department heads to talk about HIV/AIDS during their Organization-documented HIV/AIDS statistics. These indi- cate a financial impact that will be absorbed into salaryand administration costs. Updated cost projections, spe- 4. Steering Team to have a standing 30-minute slot at cific to P&G South Africa prevalence rates and employee risk profiles, will be conducted as part of the ImpactStudy (under Workplace Program).
P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 7
Indicator 4. Monitoring and Reporting
Indicator 5. Stakeholder Involvement
Employee representatives have been involved in the The sub-Saharan Africa HIV/AIDS Strategy and Policy, development of the policy and program. The Leadership and South Africa Workplace Program will be regularly Team has approved the budget and given overall reviewed to keep them appropriate and abreast of latest national and international developments and standards.
Reporting will be available to the public, stakeholders, The policy and program were updated after a bench- etc., via the P&G Web site and updated annually.
marking exercise with other leading companies in South Employees will have access to additional information via Africa. As shown below, gaps were identified and cor- a dedicated intranet site and reinforcement e-mails.
rected. The policy and program have been reviewed withthe Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) The metrics to assess progress against indicators 1-3 are A. Evaluate and monitor effectiveness of interventions:1. Individual • Biannual Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions • Fiscal year-end measures vs. baseline on death incidence, sick and compassionate leave usage B. Assess and improve Company benefits:1. Health care coverage2. Retirement funds3. Group life insurance4. Group personal accident5. Funeral benefits6. Innovative HIV/AIDS benefit funding • Voluntary testing• Anti-retroviral treatment 8 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
South African Benchmarking Exercise
Policy Elements
P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 9
C. Workplace Conditions and
HIV/AIDS Management

Indicator 6. Current and Projected HIV/AIDS
Indicator 9. Workplace-Related HIV/AIDS
Prevalence and Incidence Rates
Program and Interventions
Current assessment is modeled on published South The following details the specific HIV/AIDS Awareness & African statistics. Assumption is that 10 percent of the Treatment Program for P&G South Africa. It is consistent organization is HIV-positive, with 1.5 percent having with the P&G sub-Saharan Africa Policy on HIV/AIDS. It AIDS. Specific P&G data is not available at this time but reflects the medical and legislative environment in South will be developed as part of a commissioned Impact Study to be completed during the next year.
The program comprises the following five sections:1. Awareness & prevention2. Medical treatment of employees who are HIV-positive Indicator 7. Current HIV/AIDS-Associated
3. Medical treatment of employees with AIDS Costs and Losses
4. Death & related issues5. Goals & measures At this time, no costs or losses due to HIV/AIDS have • P&G will arrange for awareness and education programs for its employees via specialists in the field,i.e. the wellness program.
Indicator 8. Future HIV/AIDS-Associated Costs
• The wellness program will include at least quarterly and Losses
group meetings at the P&G offices; availability for one-on-one private counseling with counselors; At this time, no future costs or losses due to HIV/AIDS training of peer educators and counselors; conducting of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions (KAP) surveys and analysis; an annual Family Day in which employee spouses and children are also directly reached.
• P&G will make available to employees a Web site dedicated to HIV/AIDS, to encourage self-education.
• P&G will place awareness posters and free condoms in • P&G and the wellness program will encourage partici- pation in Know Your Status via voluntary blood testingat the associated wellness or government clinics. The wellness program will include pre- and post-test counseling, with complete employee confidentiality maintained.
• Post-exposure prophylactic (PEP) drugs will be made available to employees or spouses who are rape victims, or to employees who come into contact with the body fluids of another employee in a work-related 10 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
accident. The drugs must be administered within 72 etc. P&G’s current health care program covers hours of the incident and continue for 30 days to reduce the risk of HIV infection’s occurring due to • It has been medically established that an up-to-5- month treatment of Nevirapine significantly reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission. The current health Medical Treatment of Employees Who Are HIV-Positive care program generally covers the cost of Nevirapine. • The Company will fund the premium for a Should coverage be insufficient relative to treatment comprehensive health care insurance plan that chosen by the physician, P&G will supplement has robust HIV/AIDS coverage, at minimum in line with community standards. Employees may include • At some point, employees with AIDS become too ill their dependants on the plan, with the premium at to continue to work in any capacity, and they go to employee expense. The Company will aim to secure hospices or remain at home until death. While the preferential rates from the health care plan for current health care program covers part of the hospice accommodation, facilities are insufficient and hence • Vitamins and nutritional supplements are recognized home-based care is needed. This may not always be by the medical community as important to delaying available if there is no immediate family at home full- the onset of AIDS. P&G’s current health care program time, and the current health care program does not cover this item. P&G will therefore cover the cost of • Individuals who are HIV-positive need to be tested outsourced home-based care for the approximately every six months to track viral load. This testing three to four months for which this service is usually monitors progress of the disease and determines when intensified medication with anti-retrovirals • In order to ensure access to ARV’s, viral load testing, (ARVs) is required. P&G’s current health care program and counseling, P&G will continue to pay for the health care program for up to one year.
• It has been medically established that an up-to-5- month treatment of Nevirapine significantly reduces mother-to-child HIV transmission. P&G’s current health • Funeral costs, including the casket, burial plot, and care program generally covers the cost of Nevirapine. family and friend reunion, can be high in South Africa.
Should coverage be insufficient relative to treatment P&G funds an African Funeral Insurance coverage chosen by the physician, P&G will supplement the cost.
which is sufficient to fund the costs of a casket and burial plot. This coverage is currently in line with • Vitamins and nutritional supplements are recognized • P&G South Africa funds a life insurance program as by the medical community as important to help pro- part of its retirement funds (Pension and Provident long the lives of individuals with AIDS. P&G’s current Funds). In the event of death, the employee’s family is entitled to a lump sum payment equivalent to three • Anti-retrovirals (ARVs) are recognized by the medical times the employee’s annual gross salary. This cover- community as instrumental in prolonging the lives of age is currently in line with community practices.
individuals with AIDS. P&G’s current health care • P&G will endeavor to locate an expert in estate program covers the cost of ARV treatment up to planning and will assistance who will offer consulta- ZAR35,000 per year (US$4,700), which is sufficient tion to employees with HIV/AIDS, on a pro bono basis.
• Individuals with AIDS need to have tests conducted every two to three months for various reasons, e.g. to measure effectiveness of the ARV treatment via • 80 percent of employees would have subjected tracking of viral load, full blood count, and differential themselves to voluntary Know Your Status testing. blood and liver testing due to the toxicity of ARVs, Statistics will be gathered by the wellness clinic.
P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 11
• 80 percent of employees would have accessed the The program budget is included in Human Resources’ specialized Web site on HIV/AIDS. Statistics will be department budget but dedicated to the HIV/AIDS Workplace program. It will be administered by the • The Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions (KAP) of program owner in conjunction with the Human employees would have improved, as measured by the pre- and post- KAP surveys conducted by the wellnessclinic.
• P&G will have qualified in-house peer educators Indicator 11. Voluntary Counseling and
and/or counselors at a ratio of 1:50. This is the current Testing (VCT) Program
practice recommended by medical specialists.
The voluntary counseling and testing program is under Confidentiality and Non-Discrimination Concerns discussion with the service provider, and details are not Workplace Program management is outsourced to a third party. Employees are not obliged to disclose theirHIV status. If an employee discloses to his or her manag- er or to Human Resources that he or she has HIV/AIDS, Employees are not obliged to disclose their HIV status. If such information will not be divulged further without an employee discloses to his or her manager or to Human Resources that he or she has HIV/AIDS, suchinformation will not be divulged further without the The Company, via its education program, will sensitize employees on how to deal with HIV-positive or AIDS-infected business colleagues in a caring and supportive The Company, via its education program, will sensitize manner. Employees who discriminate against employees employees on how to deal with HIV-positive or AIDS- with HIV/AIDS will be counseled and/or subjected to infected business colleagues in a caring and supportive standard disciplinary procedures, which could result in manner. Employees who discriminate against employees dismissal. As of this date there have been no instances with HIV/AIDS will be counseled and/or subjected to of grievances or legal action brought by employees.
standard disciplinary procedures, which could result in dismissal.
Indicator 10. HIV/AIDS Budget
Indicator 12. Other Support and Counseling
The South African Workplace Program budget is Programs and Measures
approximately ZAR200,000 (US$28,000) per annum.
The breakdown is as follows: Currently HIV/AIDS support and counseling are available under the standard Employee Assistance Program offered by the Company. As the HIV/AIDS Program is deployed, peer educators and counselors will be trained and additional support will be provided as part of the Voluntary Counseling and Testing program.
Voluntary Counseling & Testing Clinic TOTAL ESTIMATE 199,250
usd1:zar7 USD 28,464
12 P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report
Indicator 13. HIV/AIDS Education and
Indicator 15. General Health Care and
Training Program
Wellness Provisions
Communication of HIV/AIDS Strategy, Policy, and All employees are placed on the Company’s medical Programs is via presentation format, reinforcement insurance plan, Discovery Health. It is the employee’s e-mails, and material accessible on the Company’s choice whether to place his or her spouse and/or addi- intranet. The awareness and education training program tional dependants on the same plan. Medical insurance will be deployed using the following methodologies: coverage is applicable and standard for all levels of per- • Industrial theatre productions• Sponsored Family Day All P&G employees and their dependants have access to • P&G’s “AIDS Insite” Web site medical insurance coverage (including sexually transmit- ted diseases) even though P&G has no permanent on-site clinic. Please refer to South African government Web sites for details of what is covered by the public • Employee Assistance Program (EAP) educators • EAP counselors• Classroom HIV/AIDS training It has been medically established that an up-to-5-monthtreatment of Nevirapine significantly reduces mother-to- The training will be given to all P&G South Africa child HIV transmission. The current health care program permanent and temporary employees. The work force is generally covers the cost of Nevirapine. Should coverage 100 percent proficient in the business language, English, be insufficient relative to treatment chosen by the physi- and all have a minimum of Grade 12 education.
Additional training and precautions will be provided tofirst aid staff who might be exposed to HIV while Post-exposure prophylactic drugs will be made available responding to an accident. Employees are encouraged to to employees or spouses who are rape victims, or to bring their family members for additional training during employees who come into contact with the body fluids of another employee in a work-related accident. Thedrugs must be administered within 72 hours of the The effectiveness of the program will be monitored via incident and continue for 30 days to reduce the risk of biannual KAP surveys versus baseline results and direct HIV infection’s occurring due to the incident.
Care for HIV-Positive EmployeesVitamins and nutritional supplements are recognized by Indicator 14. Condom and Femidom
the medical community as important to delay the onset Distribution Program
of AIDS. P&G’s current health care program covers these.
Currently condoms are available in both men’s and Individuals who are HIV-positive need to be tested every women’s restrooms. Replenishing of stock is done on a six months to track viral load. Testing monitors progress daily basis as part of bathroom hygiene procedures. The of the disease and determines when intensified treat- product is supplied by a government organization, which ment with anti-retrovirals (ARVs) is required. P&G’s cur- has responsibility for quality assureness.
rent health care program covers these costs.
P&G South Africa 2004 HIV/AIDS Report 13
ARVs are recognized by the medical community as instrumental in prolonging the life of individuals with As per current standard plan terms and conditions, AIDS. P&G’s current health care program covers the cost when an employee is no longer able to continue in of ARV treatment up to ZAR35,000 per year (US$4,700), employment due to capacity reasons, the Company’s which is sufficient for full-time treatment.
rules governing ill-health retirement will apply, and onlythereafter will incapacity be considered.
At some point, employees with AIDS become too ill tocontinue to work in any capacity, and they go to hos- In addition to the above, P&G will endeavor to locate an pices or remain at home until death. While the current expert in estate planning and will assistance who will health care program covers part of the hospice accom- offer consultation to employees with HIV/AIDS, on a pro modation, facilities are insufficient and hence home- based care is needed. This may not always be available ifthere is no immediate family at home full-time, and the current health care program does not cover this item.
When an employee is no longer able to continue in P&G will therefore cover the cost of outsourced home- employment due to capacity reasons, the Company’s based care for the approximately three-to-four months rules governing ill-health retirement will apply, and only for which this service is usually needed.
thereafter will incapacity be considered.
Employees will become aware of the program via inter- At some point, employees with AIDS become too ill to nal communications and the internal Web site.
continue to work in any capacity, and they go to hos-pices or remain at home until death. In order to ensureaccess to ARVs, viral load testing, and counseling, P&G Indicator 16. Additional Benefits and Support
will continue to pay for the employee’s health care pro- for Employees With AIDS-Related Conditions
In the event an employee with AIDS is medically unable Funeral costs, covering the casket, burial plot, and to continue in his or her present duties, the Company family and friend reunion can be high in South Africa.
will attempt to place such an employee in an alternative The total can reach ZAR42,000 to 70,000 (US$6,000 to position which he or she is capable of doing. When an $10,000). P&G funds a South African Funeral Insurance employee is no longer able to continue in employment coverage to the value of ZAR8,400 ($1,200), which is due to capacity reasons, the Company’s rules governing sufficient to fund the costs of a casket and burial plot.
ill-health retirement will apply, and only thereafter will This coverage is currently in line with community • The possibility that continued employment is against P&G South Africa funds a life insurance program as part the employee’s interest; e.g. the continued stress of of its retirement funds (Pension and Provident Funds). In working may accelerate his or her illness.
the event of death, the employee’s family is entitled to a • The possibility that continued employment is not in lump sum payment equivalent to three times the the employer’s interest; e.g. the employee is no longer employee’s annual gross salary. This coverage is currently able to perform his or her job satisfactorily.
It is the Company’s intent to manage AIDS-related incapacity situations in a similar manner to how wemanage Company-initiated separations.
The Procter & Gamble CompanyCorporate Sustainable Development2 Procter & Gamble PlazaCincinnati, Ohio 45201 U.S.A.
2004 Procter & Gamble.
All rights reserved.
Printed in U.S.A.

Source: http://secret.cl/content/pdf/01_about_pg/corporate_citizenship/sustainability/reports/pg_south_africa_2004_hiv_aids_report.pdf


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