At St Olave’s school, we are an open and inclusive community that is very proud of the achievements of all of our pupils in their academic, artistic and sporting endeavours. We celebrate our diversity and give our many visitors a warm welcome. We particularly welcome parents to our concerts, plays and sporting events, as well as to more formal occasions during the school year. The school walls are decorated with examples of pupils’ work, team photographs and photographs of trips and expeditions in which our pupils have participated. We make full use of electronic notice boards inside the school to enhance our displays. Our web site is updated regularly, and all parents are sent our fortnightly Newsletter in order to keep them fully abreast with the news of our active community. THE APPLICATION OF DATA PROTECTION LAWS TO TAKING, USING AND STORING IMAGES OF CHILDREN Parents who accept a place for their child at St Olave’s school are invited to agree to the school using anonymous photographs of their child and information relating to his or her achievements for promotional purposes, which may be published in the prospectus or on the web site, as well as displayed within the premises, and in bulletins sent to the school community. The consent form that we use for this purpose is attached at Annex A. (Full details of the school’s Data Protection Policy and of its Records Keeping Policy are available on request). USE OF IMAGES: DISPLAYS ETC We will only use images of our pupils for the following purposes:  Internal displays (including clips of moving images) on digital and conventional notice boards within the school premises,  Communications with the school community (parents, pupils, staff, Governors  Marketing the school both digitally by web site, by prospectus, by displays at educational fairs and other marketing functions both inside the UK and overseas, and by other means, such as PR. USE OF IMAGES: INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION All pupils are photographed on entering the school and, thereafter, at annual intervals, for the purposes of internal identification. These photographs identify the pupil by:  Year Group and form/mentor group  House They are securely stored in the password-protected area of the staff database, where access is restricted to academic, pastoral and school office staff. Any parent who so requests will be sent a copy of his or her son or daughter’s photograph. It is the same one that is sent home to parents in September. IMAGES THAT WE USE IN DISPLAYS AND ON OUR WEB SITE The images that we use for displays and communications purposes never identify an individual pupil, unless parents have given specific permission for this to happen, or it pertains to one particular child. Instead, they name the event, the term and year that the photograph was taken (for example, “First XV rugby team, Easter Term 2009”). We only use images of school activities, such as plays, concerts, sporting fixtures, prize-giving, school trips etc in their proper context. We never use any image that might embarrass or humiliate a pupil. Pupils are always properly supervised when professional photographers visit the school. Parents are given the opportunity to purchase copies of these photographs. STORAGE AND REVIEW Our images are securely kept in a password protected section of the school’s database. We have a procedure in place for regularly checking and updating our web site continually, when expired material is deleted. We follow BECTA guidance on e-safety. MEDIA COVERAGE We will always notify parents if the press wish to publish any photographs in which the children are to be named, and will make every effort to ensure that children whose parents or guardians have refused permission for images of their children to be used are not included in any photographs. For group photographs the school normally informs the press that it has a policy of not naming pupils. We will always complain to the Press Complaints Council (PCC) if the media fails to follow the appropriate code of practice for the protection of young people, including the children of celebrities. STAFF INDUCTION
All new teaching and office staff are given guidance on the school’s policy on taking,
using and storing images of children.

Parents are welcome to take photographs of their own children taking part in sporting and
outdoor events. When an event is held indoors, such as a play or a concert, parents
should be mindful of the need to use their cameras and recording devices with
consideration and courtesy for the comfort of others.
Parents are also reminded that copyright issues may prevent us from permitting the
filming or recording of some plays and concerts. We always print a reminder in the
programme of events where issues of copyright apply.
Everyone has a right to feel secure and to be treated with respect, particularly the
vulnerable. Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. Our Anti-bullying policy is
set out in the Parent Handbook and on the School website. The school is strongly
committed to promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, gender, gender
orientation or physical disability.
All pupils are encouraged to look after each other, and to report any concerns about the
misuse of technology, or a worrying issue to a member of the pastoral staff. The use of
cameras on mobile phones is not allowed when children are at school or on any school
trip or activity, or in the bedrooms of boarding houses, nor should photography used in a
manner that may offend or cause upset. The misuse of cameras in a way that breaches
our anti-bullying policy is always taken seriously and may be the subject of disciplinary

We have read the school’s policy on taking, using and storing of images of children,
which is found on the school website, and we agree that:
 The school may use our child’s image/recording on internal display boards (both digital and conventional) within the school.  The school may use our child’s image in material that is sent both electronically & by paper to the school community (parents, pupils, staff, Governors & alumni).  The school may use our child’s image in printed material that is sent to  The school may use our child’s image/recording on its web site, on marketing We understand that we may revoke or amend this consent at any time by giving written notice to the school. We agree to adhere to the school’s guidelines for the private use of cameras and recording equipment. (Signature of Parent or Guardian)…………………………………… Print Name……………………………………. Date ………………. (Signature of Parent or Guardian)…………………………………… Print Name……………………………………. Date ……………….


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