Microsoft word - 091305minutes.doc

Minutes of Regular Meeting
September 13, 2005

Board President Sue Roth called the Public Session to order at 5:08 p.m. in the Conference Room at the
Scotts Valley Unified School District, 4444 Scotts Valley Drive, 5B, Scotts Valley. Board Members
present: Sue Roth, Allison Niday, and Marshall Wolf with Joseph Espinola arriving at 5:10 and Chuck
Walker arriving at 5:30. Administration present Tim Cuneo, Interim Superintendent.


Board President Sue Roth called the Closed Session to order at 5:11 p.m. in the Conference Room at the
Scotts Valley Unified School District, 4444 Scotts Valley Drive, 5B, Scotts Valley. Board Members in
attendance were Sue Roth, Allison Niday, and Marshall Wolf. Joseph Espinola arrived at 5:10 and Chuck
Walker arriving at 5:30. Also in attendance was the Interim Superintendent, Tim Cuneo. Patricia Kelban,
Chief Business Official and Susan Silver, Appointed Superintendent, joined the Closed Session at 5:45
There were no public comments
Board President Sue Roth at the Scotts Valley City Council Chambers, One Civic Center Drive, Scotts
Valley, reconvened the Public Session of meeting at 7:08 p.m. All Board Members were present.
Administration present: Tim Cuneo, Interim Superintendent and Susan Walker, Assistant
Superintendent Educational Services and Patricia Kelban, Chief Business Official.

Board President, Sue Roth reported:

MSP Espinola/Niday 5-0 giving direction to counsel regarding litigation.


Certificated Personnel Action Report of September 13, 2005. MSP Niday/Wolf 4-0 to
approve new hire of Donna Ramos, mathematics teacher, at Scotts Valley High School and to grant a .10
FTE Leave of Absence to Margaret (Peg) Edwards, Independent Study teacher.
Classified Personnel Action Report of September 13, 2005. MSP Niday/Espinola 4-0 to
approve resignations of Laura Boostani, Instructional Aide, Brook Knoll; Tiffany Reynolds, Instructional Aide, Brook Knoll; Jackie Heald, Instructional Aide, Brook Knoll; Peggy Moran, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent. New hire of Jennifer Perry, Instructional Aide, Brook Knoll; Patricia Collins, Yard Duty Supervisor, Scotts Valley High School; Mariann Williamson, Yard Duty Supervisor, Scotts Valley High School. Public Employment Title: Superintendent. MSP Espinola/Niday 5-0 to approve appointment
of Dr. Susan Silver. Dr. Silver said that she was please to have been hired by a small district; giving her
the opportunity to visit school sites and work closely with the staff and community. She invited the
community to help set strategic plans over the next few years.

Interim Superintendent Cuneo welcomed Dr. Silver to the District. He stated that out of 22 applicants
she was the best match for the district. Mr. Cuneo reported that enrollment is down overall 63 students.
This will be analyzed and looked at again in a month when figures are more stable. He went on to say
that the District does have Hurricane Katrina students with us; the COE has been very helpful in
facilitating this. All physical facilities were in place for the start of school. There was an all district staff
, which brought everyone together to celebrate the past and kick off the new school year. He
thanked the Rotary Club and other sponsors for donating the luncheon, which celebrated teachers,
classified staff and the beginning of the school year. An outside group reviewed the overall operations
of the District Office
. Mr. Cuneo stated that he has a draft of their report and will be presenting it to the
Board at the next meeting. Mr. Cuneo went on to say that our high school policy states that we have a
closed campus; this has not been enforced, but will now be adhered to. The problem yet to be solved is
the students that have large holes in their schedule on modified days. Mr. Cuneo reported that he would
be meeting with the County Office on Monday regarding their proposal to support the district and school
web sites. He will work with SVEA to put together calendars for the next two years. Mr. Cuneo will
also be meeting with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group; this is an opportunity for the District to line
up with major corporations from over the hill. Mr. Cuneo thanked Peggy Moran for her help over the
past few months and her many years of service to the District.

OPEN PUBLIC DISCUSSION - Limited to 15 minutes:
Parent Don D’Andrea
spoke demanding an apology from Board Member Espinola. He also voiced his
opinion regarding Confidential Medical Services without parental consent. See attached which was
presented to the Board by Mr. D’Andrea.
Parent Wendy Brannon questioned the crowding and safety of the new portables at the high school.
She stated that she had asked the fire department regarding their inspections and that she was told that the
state is in charge of those inspections until the litigation is settled. She also asked that the high school
web site be updated.
Tim Cuneo responded stating that the State Fire Marshall had inspected the portables before they were
inhabited. Patricia Kelban added that all inspections had been completed and that till district fire
extinguishers had been inspected and filled.
Student Pearl Sangha commented on the problems associated with a closed campus at the high school.
to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

2004/2005 School Year Unaudited Actuals MSP Wolf/Espinola 5-0 Patricia Kelban presented
a recap of the unrestricted General Fund and explained that even though the $182,000 additional one time
revenue was based on special education funds it does not have to be spent on special education costs.
Resolution No. 06-012 to adopt the 2004-2005 Gann Limit MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 approved
on a roll call vote.

Item B.10 was moved forward so that the Soma family could attend a family birthday party.
Resolution No. 06-004 establishing September 17th of each Year as Constitution Day and
Citizenship Day MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 approved on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-006, Personnel Services, Authorizing Lynn Marie Culli to teach Core 6
(History) MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 approved on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-007, Personnel Services, Authorizing Valerie Fae Quandt to teach Theory
of Knowledge MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-008, personnel Services, Authorizing Paul Russell Sampson to teach
Spanish MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-009, Personnel Services, Authorizing Martin Fox Schafer to teach
Biology MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-010, Personnel Services, Authorizing Jason Raymond Tovani to teach
Science MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-011, Personnel Services, Authorizing Erik Wyner to teach Psychology
MSP Niday/Wolf 5-0 on a roll call vote.

Resolution No. 06-013 in appreciation of Glenn Soma, Erica Soma and their friends and
family MSP Wolf/Niday 5-0 on a roll call vote. Patricia Kelban thanked Erica and her family for their
hard work at the high school. Ms. Kelban showed the Board before and after pictures taken on the high
school campus. Erica has established a facilities maintenance program as her IB project. Erica thanked
her father, Glenn Soma, and Ben Poser for all of his help throughout summer.

Summer Maintenance Projects Patricia Kelban presented a summary to the Board. See
information in the Board packet.
Certificated Staff Evaluation Susan Walker presented the new teacher evaluation process to the
Board. See information in Board packet.
Board Policy 5113 Superintendent Mr. Cuneo reviewed the information in the packet with the
Board. Much discussion took place between the Board Members with comments from the audience.
Parents Don D’Andrea, Jerryne King and Darshana Croskrey as well as SVEA President Krista Patterson
spoke regarding their opinions on the matter. It was decided that this item would be brought back as
an information item in December. At that time Prop 73 will have been decided. The District’s
attorney would be invited to help with language. There will be two public readings and then a vote.
The Board Policy and Administrative Regulation will be presented at the same time.

The communications referred to in the Board Packet were acknowledged by the Board.


President Sue Roth reported that she had recently attended an informative workshop, “Preparing our
students for a changing world”. She also attended the first collaborative meeting of the 7th through 12th
grade teachers on differentiated curriculum. She also reported that he is part of a county Ad Hoc
committee established to discuss existing and future collaboration. There are three working groups;
1) Existing collaboration (SELPA, JPA, etc.) 2) Customer Service 3) Policies that encourage
cooperation. Diane Siri will communicate to the media as to what is hoped to be gained from these
The next regular Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 27th; following dates are October
11th and 25th. All meetings take place at the City Council Chambers unless otherwise announced.

Meeting adjourned at 9:47 p.m. Minutes Recorded By: ____________ Peggy Moran, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent Minutes Approved By ____________________ Chuck Walker, Clerk to the Board of Trustees


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