
1 . Fungal Ringworm (Tinea)
Topical antifungals need to be applied to all involved areas.
Keep the areas covered at all times while wrestling.
Due to the nature of the sport, consider using Lamisil 1% cream or Nizoral 2% cream.
For multiple areas or sites that appear to redevelop, consider using Lamisil 250 mg. once a day or Sporanox200 mg. once a day for two weeks along with topical cream twice.
For recurrent outbreaks of Ringworm, there is data to support treating a wrestler with pulse therapy ofSporanox 200 mg. twice a day, for one day every two weeks . This is only at the discretion of your physician.
Continuous usage is needed until the infection is gone. May return to practice after 24 hours of treatment andonly when the area involved is properly covered.
Tegaderm or other forms of a biocclusive dressing are excellent means of covering the infected area.
Wash workout gear after each workout.
Shower immediately after each practice.
Consider using skin covering agents before each practice or match to help decrease the risk of getting aninfection, i.e., Kenshield, Clearshield.
2 . Herpes Gladiatorum
If at all suspicious, isolate this individual from others to prevent transmission. See a physician and have aculture taken for Herpes Simplex.
Given a suspicious lesion, the physician should consider starting treatment with antiviral agents before theculture result is available.
Studies show that Valacyclovir 500 mg. twice a day for seven days will adequately treat an outbreak. Consideralso using an antibiotic to cover impetigo in case the culture is negative.
Alternate treatment: Acyclovir 400 mg. three times a day for seven days.
For first time outbreaks, may return to practice after lesions have dried up and are crusted over.
For recurrent outbreaks, may return to practice after four days of treatment.
Prophylaxis for Recurrent Herpes Gladiatorum with Valacyclovir 500-1,000 mg. once a day has shown
promise. This needs to be used for the entire season to be effective. Use only at the discretion of your
Alternative prophylactic treatment: Acyclovir 400 mg. twice a day. (Usage based on anecdotal evidence.) 3 . Impetigo
Staphylococcal and streptococcal organisms are usual sources. Treatment with cephalosporins isrecommended due to low levels of resistance. Examples: Kelflex, Duricef, Ceftin, Cefzil, Velocef.
Those with penicillin or cephalosporin allergies, consider using erythromycin.
After starting antibiotics, may return to practice in 24 hours.
Should keep the involved area properly covered.
Wash immediately after workout with antibacterial soap.
Wash workout gear after each practice.
4 . Molluscum Contagiosum
Due to viral infection. Need to express out the material and freeze each site.
Can wrestle immediately after treatment.
Since it is caused by a virus, containing and treating those who are infected is the only prevention forspreading it to others.
: These are guidelines to help and by no means meant to override your physician’s discretion on treatment. The most important point is to seek medical attention for any of these conditions.
This material provided through the courtesy of Dr. B. J. Anderson and the Minnesota State High School League


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