Material safety data sheet

(form according to EEC Directive 93/112/EC) NAME : LITHIUM, THIONYL CHLORIDE (Li-SOCl2) 1 - IDENTIFICATION (of the product and the supplier) LS 14250, LS 14250 C, LS 14500, LS 14500 C, LS 17500, LS 26500, LS 26500 C, LS 33600, LS 33600 C, LSH 26180, LSH 14, LSH 20 Solution of lithium tetrachloroaluminate* * Lithium tetrachloroaluminate is a combination of lithium chloride (LiCl) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3). Rue Georges Leclanché - BP 103986060 Poitiers Cedex 09 – FranceTel. : 33 (0)5 49 55 48 48 M. Poitiers Plant ManagerTel. : 33 (0)5 49 55 48 48 2 - COMPOSITION (typical weight percentages of basic material within undischarged The lithium-thionyl chloride batteries described in this Material Safety Data Sheet are sealed units which are not hazardous when used according to the recommendations of themanufacturer. Under normal conditions of use, the electrode materials and liquid electrolyte they contain are non-reactive provided the battery integrity is maintained and seals remain intact. Riskof exposure only in case of abuse (mechanical, thermal, electrical) which leads to theactivation of safety valves and/or the rupture of the battery containers. Electrolyte leakage,electrode materials reaction with moisture/water or battery vent/explosion/fire may follow,depending upon the circumstances. Classification of dangerous substances contained into the product * slight variations depending from cell type.
Reacts with water and yields flammable gases.
R 42/43 May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact.
R 43 May cause sensitization by skin contact.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seekmedical attention.
In case of incident, seek medical attention.
In case of battery rupture or explosion, evacuate personnel from contaminated area andprovide maximum ventilation to clear out corrosive fumes/gases and pungent odour.
In all case, seek immediate medical attention. Flush with plenty of water (eyelids held open) for at least 15 minutes. Remove all contaminated clothing and flush affected areas with plenty of water and soap for at least 15 minutes. Do not apply greases or ointments. Dilute by giving plenty of water and get immediate medical attention. Assure that the victim does not aspirate vomited material by use of positional drainage.
Assure that mucus does not obstruct the airway. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Inhalation : Remove to fresh air and ventilate the contaminated area. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if needed. The battery can spout vaporized or decomposed electrolyte fumes in case of exposure above 100°Cresulting from unappropriate use or the environment.
Risk of explosion is increased if the melting point of lithium (180.5°C) is exceeded.
Hydrogen coming from the decomposition of lithium metal with water is flammable.
Water may be used only to keep battery cool. Not to be used : Water in case of battery rupture or explosion (detectable by the pungent odour).
Following cell overheating due to external source ordue to unproper use, electrolyte leakage or battery container rupture may occur and release inner component/material in the environment. Eye contact : The electrolyte solution contained in the battery is corrosive to all ocular tissues. Skin contact : The electrolyte solution contained in the battery is corrosive and causes skin irritation and burns.
Ingestion : The ingestion of electrolyte solution causes tissue damage to throat and gastro/respiratory tract.
Inhalation : Contents of a leaking or ruptured battery can cause respiratory tract, mucus, membrane irritation and edema.
Use self-contained breathing apparatus to avoidbreathing irritant fumes. Wear protective clothing and equipment to prevent The material contained within the batteries would only be expelled under abusive conditions.
Using shovel or broom, cover battery or spilled substances with dry sand or, preferably,sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) or 1:1 mixture of soda ash and slaked slime. Keep away from water, rain, snow. Place in approved container (after cooling if necessary) and dispose inaccordance with local regulations. The batteries should not be opened, destroyed nor incinerated since they may leak orrupture and release in the environment the ingredients they contain (see Section 6).
Do not crush, pierce, short (+) and (-) battery terminals with conductive (i.e. metal) goods. Do not directly heat or solder. Do not throw into fire.
Do not mix batteries of different types and brands. Do not mix new andused batteries. Keep batteries in non conductive (i.e. plastic) trays. Store in a cool (preferably below 30°C) and ventilated area away frommoisture, sources of heat, open flames, food and drink. Keep adequateclearance between walls and batteries. Temperature above 100°C mayresult in battery leakage and rupture. Since short circuit can cause burn, leakage and rupture hazard, keep batteries in original packaging untiluse and do not jumble them.
Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are not rechargeable and should not be Follow Manufacturers recommendations regarding maximum recommended currents andoperating temperature range. Applying pressure on deforming the battery may lead to disassembly followed by eye, skinand throat irritation.
8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Not necessary under normal use. In case of battery rupture, use self contained full-face respiratory Not necessary under normal use. Use Viton rubber gloves if handling a leaking or ruptured battery.
Not necessary under normal use. Wear safety goggles or glasses with side shields if handling a leaking or ruptured battery.
Not necessary under normal use Use rubber apron and protective working in case of handling of a ruptured battery. Small metal cylinders, hermetically sealed and fitted with an external plastic sleeving.
400 - 700 Wh/kg, depending on cell typeNote : Wh = Nominal voltage x rated Ah as defined in IEC Standard N° 285. Kg = Average battery weight) 9.4 Specific instant power : 2-10 Wh/kg, depending on cell type (Note : 0.5xnominal voltage x Ip with Ip = current in amperes delivered by a non discharged battery to half the nominal voltage in 1 second) 9.5 Mechanical resistance : As defined in relevant IEC Standard Deform, mutilate, crush, pierce, disassemble, recharge.
Short circuit.
Prolonged exposure to humid conditions.
Avoid electrolyte contact with aluminum or zinc. Hydrogen (H2) as well as lithium oxide (Li2O) and lithium hydroxide (LiOH) dust is produced in case of reaction of Chlorine (Cl2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and disulfur dichloride (S2Cl2) are produced in case of thermal decomposition of Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) are produced in case of reaction of thionyl chloride with water Hydrochloric acid (HCl) fumes, lithium oxide, (Li2O), lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) dust are produced in case of reaction of lithium The Saft primary lithium-thionyl chloride batteries do not contain toxic materials.
When properly used or disposed, the lithium-thionyl chloride batteries do not present Dispose in accordance with applicable regulations which vary from country to country.
(In most countries, the thrashing of used batteries is forbidden and the end-users are invited to dispose them properly, eventually through non profit organizations, mandated by local governments or organized on a voluntary basis by professionals). Lithium batteries should have their terminals insulated prior to disposal. Incineration should never be performed by battery users but eventually by trained professionals in authorized facilities with proper gas and fumes treatment.
Send to authorized recycling facilities, eventually through ICAO 903 for Air TransportIMDG for Sea Transport Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR Ch. 1 § 173-185) The transport of lithium batteries is regulated by various bodies (IATA, IMA, ADR, US-DOT)that follow the United Nations "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations, 13th Revised edition - 2003 - Ref. ST/SG/AC.10/1/ Rev. 13 ".
Depending on their lithium metal content, design, and ability to pass safety tests defined bythe UN in the "Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria 3rd Revised edition - 2002 - Ref. ST/SG/AC.10/11 Rev.3 Amendment 1 "Lithium Batteries", the lithium-thionyl chloride cells and the battery packs may or may not be assigned to the UN N° 3090 Class-9 that is restricted for transport.
Individual lithium-thionyl chloride cells and battery packs with respectively less than 1 and 2 grams of lithium metal content that pass the UN-defined safety tests, are not restricted fortransport.
This information has been compiled from sources considered to be dependable and is, to thebest of our knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date compiled. However,no representation, warranty (either expressed or implied) or guarantee is made to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information contained herein. This information relates to the specific materials designated and may not be valid for suchmaterial used in combination with any other materials or in any process. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability and completeness of this information forhis particular use. Saft does not accept liability for any loss or damage that may occur, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, from the use of this information. Saft does not offer warrantyagainst patent infringement. Additional information is available by calling the telephonenumber above designated purpose.
Revision 3 Date 11/2003(Previous issue Revision 2 06/2000)


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