ORIGINAL PAPER Outcomes from homeopathic prescribing in dental practice: a prospective, research-targeted, pilot study
Faculty of Homeopathy and British Homeopathic Association, Hahnemann House, 29 Park Street West,Luton LU1 3BE, UK
Background and Aims: A base for targeted research development in dental homeop- athy can be founded on systematic collection and analysis of relevant data obtained by dentists in clinical practice. With these longer-term aims in mind, we conducted a pilot data collection study, in which 14 homeopathic dentists collected clinical and outcome data over a 6-month period in their practice setting. Methods: A specifically designed Excel spreadsheet enabled recording of consecutive dental appointments under the following main headings: date; patient identity (anonymised), age and gender; dental condition/complaint treated; whether chronic or acute, new or follow-up case; patient-assessed outcome (7-point Likert scale: À3 to +3) compared with first appointment; homeopathic medicine/s prescribed; whether any other medication/s being taken for the condition. Spreadsheets were submitted monthly via e-mail to the project co-ordinator for data synthesis and analysis. Results: Practitioners typically submitted data regularly and punctually, and most data cells were completed as required, enabling substantial data analysis. The mean age of patients was 46.2 years. A total of 726 individual patient conditions were treated overall. There was opportunity to follow-up 496 individual cases (positive outcome in 90.1%; negative in 1.8%; no change in 7.9%; outcome not recorded in 0.2%). Sixty-four of these 496 patients reported their outcome assessment before the end of the homeopathic appointment. Strongly positive outcomes (scores of +2 or +3) were achieved most notably in the frequently treated conditions of pericoronitis, periodontal abscess, periodontal infection, reversible pulpitis, sensitive cementum, and toothache with decay. Conclusions: This multi-practitioner pilot study has indicated that systematic recording of practice data in dental homeopathy is both feasible and capable of informing future research. A refined version of the spreadsheet can be employed in larger-scale research- targeted data collection in the dental practice setting. Homeopathy (2007) 96, 74–81. Keywords: systematic data collection; homeopathic dentists; clinical outcomes; research targeting
Homeopathy in dentistry is considered useful in the
treatment of a number of problems, including teething,
Correspondence: Robert T Mathie, British Homeopathic
Association, Hahnemann House, 29 Park Street West, Luton
dental abscess, toothache, surgical trauma, and ner-
vousness or anxiety.However, the research evidence
base in dental homeopathy is minuscule: to our
Received 18 September 2006; revised 5 February 2007;accepted 8 February 2007
knowledge, only four randomised controlled trials
Clinical outcomes in dental homeopathyRT Mathie, S Farrer
(RCTs) have been published. Three of these studies
have investigated post-surgical complications, such aspain and bleeding, after tooth extraction; findings have
Fourteen dentists contributed to the study: all were
been positive,negativeand inconclusive.A trial of
in primary care, six in an exclusively private practice
homeopathy for oral dryness also reported results in
setting. All were based in England. Five practitioners
favour of homeopathy.Clearly a great deal more
were DFHom (Dent) qualified, and nine were LFHom
research is required. Such initiatives would benefit
qualified. Recruitment took place from a pool of 35
from being firmly grounded in normal dental homeo-
Faculty dentists who had replied to a survey on UK
pathic practice, focusing on conditions/symptoms
dental homeopathy practice, conducted in autumn
where there is particularly promising case-based
2004. All 14 were given the opportunity to comment on
a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), which was designed
It is therefore important that clinical outcomes in the
by the authors and approved by the Homeopathic
‘real world’ of dental homeopathic practice are
Research Committee of the British Homeopathic
characterised by conducting suitable systematic ob-
servational studies. They have been strongly advocated
The spreadsheet allowed the recording of consecu-
in the medical homeopathy literature.Multi-practi-
tive appointments, row by row, under the following
tioner clinical data collection in the dental profession
would make a significant contribution towards meetingthat principle. The Faculty of Homeopathy has
recently carried out pilot studies of this nature within
Unique (anonymised) patient identity/number.
dental homeopathy, the only clinical observational
study of this nature has been the single-practice audit
The condition/complaint treated. A separate page
comprised a ‘pick-list’ containing 59 dental terms in
The current pilot study was designed to lay the
eight categories—see below. The list was not designed
foundation for a larger-scale dental data collection
to limit prescribing, but to ensure consistency of
project in the Faculty of Homeopathy. The objectives
nomenclature by using the ‘copy/paste’ facility in
of such an initiative have been defined as follows:
Excel. Practitioners were invited to add terms to thepick-list as required.
1. Using a piloted spreadsheet ‘tool’, to gain insight into
System-based category of condition/complaint—En-
the complaints that dentists treat using homeopathy
dodontia (ENDO), Exodontia (EXO), Face & Jaw
2. For follow-up (FU) cases, to determine patient-
assessed change in severity of the treated dental
condition/complaint (comparing the last with the first
Whether the condition/complaint is ‘chronic’ or
consultation in a defined study period), and thus
‘acute’. In the context of a 6-month study (see
identify any specific patterns of disease, clinical
below), this was defined as symptoms greater than
responses and/or homeopathic medicines that may
help to target future research projects in dental
Whether, in relation to the previous 12 months, this is
a newly treated complaint or an FU appointment for
3. For FU cases, to note any change in patients’ use
further treatment of the same complaint.
of conventional medication for their dental condi-
Patient-assessed change in the treated complaint at
the current FU compared with the initial homeo-
pathic consultation, using 7-point scale (‘no change’
The primary aims of this pilot study were thus:
or ‘unsure’ [0] / ‘mild’ [71] / ‘moderate’ [72] /‘major’ [73]).
1. To test the use of a specially designed spreadsheet,
Homeopathic medicine/s prescribed, using a ‘pick-
and to find how consistently practitioners complete
list’ containing 61 remedies (including the option
and then return spreadsheet data to a co-ordinating
‘none’). This was not designed to limit prescribing
options, but to ensure consistency of nomenclature
2. To inform our approach to a larger-scale dental data
using ‘copy/paste’ in Excel. Practitioners were invited
collection project—in particular, to ascertain whether
to add to the pick-list as required.
data can be analysed and interpreted in anticipation
Homeopathic medicine/s prescribed at previous
of Aims 1–3 of such work (see above).
Secondary aims were: (1) to begin the process of
Any other (conventional) medication/s being taken
engaging Faculty dental practitioners in clinical data
collection/research; (2) to explore whether data of this
Notes/comments, especially those that qualify or
kind might be useful for dentists in their own practice
amplify other data for the same appointment. State
‘phone’ if FU information obtained by that means.
Detailed instructions on using the spreadsheet
A new master copy of the complete appointments
format, and how to ask patients questions about their
page was then created, into which were added columns
clinical outcome, were provided on separate pages of
to indicate: (1) the appointment number per patient per
the file. The following standard question sequence was
condition/symptom (when this could be determined);
recommended: ‘‘Are your symptoms better, worse or
and (2) whether or not an appointment was the final
exactly the same?’’ If the patient says he/she is better,
one for a given condition/symptom in a given patient
then ask: ‘‘Has there been what you would call a mild,
during the 6 months of the study. These procedures
moderate or major improvement?’’ Responses scored
enabled convenient pivot-table analysis based on final
as follows: mild improvement ¼ +1; moderate im-
appointments only—ie on the number of individual
provement ¼ +2; major improvement ¼ +3. If the
patient conditions treated, irrespective of whether they
patient says he/she is worse, then ask: ‘‘Has there
were treated by the practitioner once, twice or more
been what you would call a mild, moderate or
often. (The phrase ‘individual patient condition’ is
major deterioration?’’ Responses were scored: mild
used because a given patient could present with
deterioration ¼ À1; moderate deterioration ¼ À2; ma-
different conditions on a different—or even the
jor deterioration ¼ À3. Record ‘no change’ or ‘unsure’
same—occasion. Also, if a patient presented at one
appointment with more than one condition—each of
The duration of the study was 6 months: 1
which was treated separately with homeopathy—the
February–31 July 2005. Practitioners were expected
practitioner reported each on a different row of the
to send data to one of us (RTM, the project
spreadsheet. This approach was adopted because a key
co-ordinator), via e-mail attachment, on a monthly
purpose of the study was to catalogue the frequency
basis (on the last day of each month); this allowed the
and success rate of treating named conditions, even if a
co-ordinator to oversee data generally, to point out
given individual patient exhibited more than one.)
obvious errors to practitioners, and generally to
A blank cell usually characterised the ‘outcome’
maintain contact with those collecting the original
column for a New appointment. However, there were a
number of occasions in this study where patients
End-of-study data analysis was by practice (with
reported a change in symptoms immediately after
individual feedback to each practitioner) as well as
taking their first homeopathic medicine (ie before
overall (reported in this paper). 2–3 weeks after
leaving the dentist’s surgery)—see Results. Exception-
the final despatch of their practice data, practitioners
ally, therefore, a score was recorded in the ‘outcome’
were sent a brief questionnaire, designed to gauge
column for a New appointment in such cases.
their experience of using the spreadsheet and their
The following three principal pivot-table analyses
opinions of the value they attributed to the data it
were then carried out: (1) ‘final’ outcome score by
dental category and condition; (2) ‘final’ outcome score
The Chair of the South Bedfordshire Research
by dental category and homeopathic medicine used at
Ethics Committee (REC) advised that the study did
previous appointment; (3) ‘final’ outcome score by
Upon receipt of practitioners’ final spreadsheets at
the end of the project, the original data were re-
checked and scrutinised for obvious missing data and
Dentists submitted data reliably to the project co-
typographical errors. These were flagged up, and
ordinator. Each practitioner sent an updated spread-
rectified where possible. A particular note was made
sheet for every consecutive month, and most were
of whether the condition/symptom treated and the
punctual in their communication (3 days early to 28
homeopathic medicine prescribed seemed to have been
days late; average 5 days late per month per dentist).
copy/pasted from the pick-lists provided—absence of
All practitioners returned data for the entire 6-month
capital letters, for example, made it certain that copy/
study period, except for three practitioners who
pasting had not been used. Appointments data from all
discontinued data collection after 3 or 4 months, due
14 dentists were combined together into a master
to either communication difficulties or ill health.
spreadsheet. Pivot-table analysis (one each for condi-
Technical problems, such as failure of e-mail or of
tions and homeopathic medicines) allowed a conveni-
attaching a file, occurred relatively rarely. Most
ent count of the total number of pick-list items and
appointments appeared to be recorded meaningfully,
their transfer to the appointments page by copy/paste.
with misunderstanding over the detailed use of the
Near-duplicate descriptions of what were clearly
spreadsheet occurring infrequently. One early difficulty
identical conditions or medicines were reconciled into
was in cases where a patient presented with two
single unique terms. Any conditions not on the pick-
discrete conditions that were treated separately with
list were ascribed category headings. One new category
two different homeopathic medicines: it took a month
was added as a result of this approach: viz. ‘Poly-
or so of taking part in the project before all
practitioners adopted the recommended use of two
Clinical outcomes in dental homeopathyRT Mathie, S Farrer
separate rows to describe two independent dental
complaints of this kind. These early errors were
The 1143 homeopathy appointments represented
Some patients reported an effect of homeopathic
data from 726 individual patient conditions. Inspection
treatment during the first appointment; giving an
of the data revealed that 73 of those were recorded in
outcome score in a ‘New appointment’ row became
patients who had also been recorded for another
the agreed means of identifying such cases. In all but
treated condition—ie there were actually 653 indivi-
two of those occasions, no subsequent appointment
dual patients in the study overall: 414 (63.4%) of these
were female, 239 (36.6%) were male. The correspond-
Where homeopathy had been used following in-
vasive dental surgery, ie iatrogenic injury, patients had
The mean of the 651 known ages was 46.2 years.
no point of reference against which to compare change.
7.4% of the patients of known age were children or
Consequently they were asked to assess change in
adolescents (aged 19 years or less).
comparison to their expectation. Cases of this type
Analysis of the data from the 726 patient conditions
were highlighted in the Notes/Comments column.
treated shows the most frequently treated were apical
The total number of appointments per practitioner
abscess, tooth extraction, anxiety, sensitive cementum,
for the 6-month period varied from 5 to 224 (mean, 82).
periodontal abscess, post-surgery pain, gum swelling,
The large majority of data cells were completed as
and reversible pulpitis. A longer list of conditions
required, though 15.8% of those specified for homeo-
pathic medicine had missing information. Entries for
Additional analysis of the data from the 726 patient
‘homeopathic medicine prescribed at previous appoint-
conditions shows the homeopathic medicines (single,
ment’ had 26.2% missing data; these were rectified,
complex or combined remedies) most frequently used
where possible, before final analysis. The greatest
at the penultimate appointmenty were as follows:
amount of missing data occurred in the first month or
Hepar sulph, 66; Arnica, 50; Aconite, 40; Traumeel,
two, while practitioners became used to working with
31; Hypericum, 30; Plantago tincture, 30; Silicea, 18;
the spreadsheet. The presence or absence of other
Hepar sulph+Silicea, 15; Rhus tox, 10. Individualised
(conventional) medication/s taken for the condition/
prescribing was the general rule, though within a
complaint was noted on just 20.2% of appointments.
relatively narrow range of medicines per condition.
Two-thirds of those notes (ie 13.6% of the total
There were several instances of matching between a
appointments) explicitly stated ‘none’, while the other
specific dental condition and a particular homeopathic
third (6.6% of the total) stated a conventional medica-
medicine, the following being most apparent: Aconite
tion that had been prescribed. The Notes/Comments
for anxiety (34 of 56 anxiety patients at last appoint-
column was used in 27.5% of appointments; some
ment where the medicine was noted); Arnica for tooth
practitioners made ready use of this column for
extraction (31 of 50); Plantago tincture for sensitive
additional notes, while others used it sparingly.
cementum (30 of 33); Arnica+Hypericum for post-
A total of 1143 homeopathy appointments was
surgery pain (23 of 27); Hepar sulph for apical abscess
recorded. Nine hundred and eighteen (80.3%) of the
appointments were for conditions present in the pick-list. Of those 918 appointments, it was estimated that
copy/pasting of the condition took place in 90.8% of
There was opportunity to follow up 496 individual
occasions. Practitioners treated 95 different dental
cases—68.3% of those treated. This includes 64 cases
conditions in total; 49 of these appeared in the original
where the final outcome score was recorded during the
pick-list. Of the total 1143 appointments, 741 (64.8%)
first appointment. Of these 496 FUs, there was a
used homeopathic medicines present in the pick-list;
positive outcome in 90.1%, no change in 7.9% and
276 (24.1%) used remedies (or combinations) not in
deterioration in 1.8%; failure to record outcome
the pick-list; the remaining appointments had no
occurred in 0.2% of cases. For the same 496, a score
entries in this column. Of the 741 appointments where
of +2 or +3 was recorded in 79.0% of cases; a score
a listed remedy was used, copy/pasting of the remedy
of À2 or À3 was recorded in 1.2% of patients. For the
occurred in an estimated 64.2% of occasions. In total
subset of 64 patients who reported an immediate
113 different homeopathic medicines (or combinations
response, a score of +2 or +3 was recorded in 76.6%
of medicines) were reported; 42 of these appeared inthe original pick-list; 18 single remedies and 53 remedy
yThis includes medicines used in the appointment at which the
combinations were not in the pick-list.
outcome in 64 patients was recorded — see subsequent text.
Most frequently treated dental conditions/complaints
Summary of outcome scores of follow-up patients by
ÃOutcome not recorded in one of these 23.
Summary of +2/+3 outcomes of follow-up cases by dental
A total of 96 different conditions was reported overall; thetabulation lists only those 18 comprising at least 10 cases in each.
Outcome scores by percentage of 496 follow-ups—acute
Conditions with 10 or more follow-up patients only are listed.
Final outcome scores in terms of the homeopathic
medicines most frequently used at the penultimateappointment (see previous footnote y) were as follows
of cases; a score of À2 or À3 was recorded in 1.6%.
(score of +2 or +3): Plantago tincture, 96.7%;
368 FUs were for ‘acute’ conditions; 128 were
Traumeel, 87.1%; Arnica, 80.0%; Hypericum, 80.0%;
‘chronic’. Further details of these data are illustrated
Hepar sulph, 78.5%; Aconite, 77.5%; Rhus tox, 70.0%;
Hepar sulph+Silicea, 66.7%; Silicea, 61.1%.
A global summary of +2/+3 outcomes by dental
category is presented in the greatest percen-
tage of high positive scores was most apparent in
Completed questionnaires were received from 12 of
patients presenting with toothache or periodontal
the 14 practitioners who took part. Four of the 12
complaints; the fewest such scores were reported by
dentists entered the clinical data during the homeo-
patients treated for F&J conditions. An equivalent
pathic appointment itself. All but one found the
summary of À2/À3 outcomes by dental category is
spreadsheet practical to use; only two had used Excel
previously. Nearly all found it easy to copy/paste data
negative outcome scores of this magnitude, and there
from the pick-lists. The outcome question sequence
was no particular dental complaint that typically
seemed to be understood by all dentists’ patients,
seemed to respond adversely. also contains
whose stated outcome proved easy to score on the 7-
summarised data of +1/0/À1 outcomes (ie patients
point scale. Seven of the dentists felt the scores had a
who reported little or no change): patients with F&J
positive bias. All the dentists found it convenient to
conditions were prominent in this category. A sum-
return data on a monthly basis, though one found the
mary of +2/+3 outcome scores by dental condition/
use of e-mail inconvenient. A large majority found it a
complaint is given in . High positive scores were
worthwhile exercise, and derived useful factual infor-
achieved in many cases, most notably in the frequently
mation from the analysis of their own practice
treated conditions of pericoronitis, periodontal ab-
data. Most of the 12 dentists would take part in a
scess, periodontal infection, reversible pulpitis, sensi-
larger-scale clinical data collection study, and about
tive cementum, and toothache with decay, as well as in
half would probably take part in future controlled
Clinical outcomes in dental homeopathyRT Mathie, S Farrer
The following is a sample of specific comments/
Several other characteristics of the data are worth
highlighting. Not surprisingly, many of the polychrestremedies were frequently prescribed, and on an
‘‘I have enjoyed taking part in this study and this has
individualised basis. It is equally apparent that a
given me confidence in using homeopathy [more] in my
number of remedies tended to be selectively used for
particular dental conditions. The several clear matches
‘‘I mainly used local prescribing for acute conditions in
(eg Aconite for anxiety, Arnica for tooth extraction,
this study, which may explain the very positive results.’’
Hepar sulph for abscess) are consistent with standard
‘‘Those participating are inevitably positively inclined
teaching of the homeopathic Materia Medica. It is a
toward homeopathy. On the other hand, I saw definite
matter of debate whether the penultimate prescription
clear-cut clinical reactions, some of which were
is actually the most appropriate or representative, but
we have used it in this study as a single description of a
‘‘It reduces my stress levels dealing with less anxious
patient’s homeopathic treatment. Individual practi-
patients [who had received homeopathy].’’
tioners adopt differing prescribing profiles dependenton their level of expertise.
The outcome score used was a generic 7-point Likert
scale. It has three levels of severity both for improve-
These 14 Faculty of Homeopathy dentists were
ment and for deterioration, as well as a zero value
clearly capable of recording homeopathic cases system-
expressing no change. Although not strictly validated
atically in a spreadsheet and communicating the data
for the purpose adopted here, such scales have been
reliably to a co-ordinating centre. The Excel format
validated in other research settingand have been
appeared to allow most appointments to be recorded in
used in homeopathy outcome audits in the past.
a meaningful way. The complaints that were treated
The scale was chosen here for its simplicity and
frequently and with greatest apparent success were
convenience, given that in a study aiming to provide
readily ascertained: pericoronitis, periodontal abscess,
trends of outcome information for any condition or
periodontal infection, reversible pulpitis, sensitive ce-
symptoms, it is neither necessary nor appropriate to
mentum, toothache with decay. In a previous data
have a greater apparent degree of precision. Identifying
collection study in UK dental homeopathy,data on
patients with scores 72 or 73 was sufficient for the
specific conditions were not reported. There is therefore
purpose intended. For targeted research in named
no previous report of dental homeopathy with which to
dental conditions, however, it would be much more
compare our overall rate of positive outcome (90.1% of
important to have validated outcome scales. Such
FU patients). Similar studies of homeopathy in medical
research would also typically attribute a clear baseline
practice settings typically achieve positive outcome in
reference assessment against which to gauge any
70–80% of FUs overallA high score (+2 or +3)
symptom changes that may be due to homeopathy.
was recorded in 79.0% of FUs in our study. It is
Our scale assessed only changes from a recalled
notable, however, that a large majority of those high
baseline. Controlled research would also normally
positive scores was in patients whose condition was
ascribe specific and relevant time-points for FU
reported as acute (self-limiting), and this has probably
assessment, and which would take into account the
exaggerated the findings. It should also be noted that
temporal relationship between homeopathic treatment
medical practitioners spend the majority of their time as
and any dental surgical intervention. In a non-
physicians prescribing medicines and giving advice. By
controlled data collection study such as the current
contrast, dental practitioners spend much of their time
one, patients are assessed opportunistically when they
as surgeons doing physical intervention supported by
return to the dentist for further treatment or if they are
prescribed medicine (whether homeopathic or conven-
in contact by telephone. This inevitably means that the
tional). Related issues are discussed below.
FU intervals—even for a single named dental con-
It is important to comment that data analysis was
dition—are highly variable. The issue of iatrogenic
not carried out on an intention-to-treat basis. Thus, the
injury (see Results) might be addressed in future work
outcome statistics refer only to patients who were re-
by adding a column to the spreadsheet headed ‘dental
assessed at FU, as per the prospective design of the
treatment undertaken’ so it can be seen what took
study. Any controlled research that is informed by
place at each appointment, with ‘no surgical interven-
such outcome findings would properly involve inten-
tion’ being the clearest result for homeopathic data
tion-to-treat analysis (where statistics would include
patients with no recorded outcome), but the purpose
Relying on patient recall over time is one of the
here was to establish the basis for trends in homeo-
several potential sources of outcome bias in studies of
pathic prescribing and outcomes and thus begin to
this kind. Additional sources of bias (probably positive
inform future research. It should also be noted that a
in nature) include: (a) the ‘dentist-with-patient’ dialo-
control group was inappropriate to the study design of
gue in identifying the outcome score; (b) the fact that
the current project; comparison from baseline per
dentists may have selected, unwittingly, some of their
patient was sufficient for our needs.
most promising cases for homeopathy instead of
conventional treatment; (c) patients attending a
homeopathic dentist may have more confidence oroptimism about the therapy and empathy with its
Clinical outcome studies of this type and other
practitioners. Empathy has been shown to have a
non-randomised designs are fundamental in informing
positive association with outcome (enablement) from
well-targeted future research in dental homeopathy.
homeopathic treatmenand targeted research would
The current study has successfully piloted a spread-
usefully address issues such as this. Half the dentists in
sheet that, with some revision, can be used effectively
the current study expressed the opinion that outcome
in larger-scale systematic data collection in the dental
practice setting. This work has indicated the apparent
Another limitation of a study such as this is the
swiftness of some homeopathic treatment effects,
rather brief 6-month duration of systematic recording.
but also the difficulty of interpreting results in
This means that a full course of homeopathy appoint-
cases of iatrogenic injury. Controlled research already
ments per patient condition will be registered in a
seems indicated, particularly in patients with pericor-
limited number of cases only. This would be the
onitis, periodontal abscess, periodontal infection,
situation particularly for long-term chronic cases,
reversible pulpitis, sensitive cementum, or toothache
where the start and/or end of homeopathic treatment
would lie outside the 6-month ‘window’ of recordings. Data might be distorted also by seasonal factors (thestudy took place mainly in spring and summer months)
and by the unequal number of cases treated by each ofthe 14 practitioners (5–224 appointments). It was
Practitioners taking part in data collection: Mark
obvious too that, because of some practitioners’ base
Cronshaw; Peter Darby; Peter Galgut; Ludwig Gedah;
in private practice, there was a wide range of
consultation characteristics from the long case to the
Maddox; Louise Nash; Chris Norman; Carol Somer-
shorter appointment. None of these issues is of major
ville Roberts; Lesley Trivett; Philip Wander; Wendy
concern in a pilot study, but they would be important
considerations in designing a more definitive datacollection project. Such a project would be informedimportantly by the practical aspects of the current
work, and would benefit from having more compre-hensive lists of named dental conditions/complaints
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pathic Hospital. Br J Gen Pract 2002; 52: 901–905.
<name> <company> <address> <city, state zip> Dear <name>: You have requested a formal ruling on behalf of <company> as to whether amplification devices are subject to the Vermont sales and use tax. You state that the devices “are generally used by the hearing impaired,” from which it can be inferred that you believe the devices may qualify for a tax exemp
Corvettes and Caffeine January 5th, 2013 Corvettes and Caffeine January 5th, 2013 For the Ladies 'Great' time at Corvettes and Caffeine on Saturday, January 5th! 86 Corvettes, 190 cups of coffee, 8 dozen donuts and 3 dozen bagels! The weather was cold, but we had several PC's arrive 'in the dark', to make sure they got their 'usual' spot. Ea