Dear Christ School Parents:
With the summer quickly approaching, it’s already time to start thinking about the next school year. Christ School
and GroupRx are working together with school families to have their medicines Pre-Packaged in individual dose
packets. GroupRx is the pharmacy which will dispense your child’s medication on a daily or as needed basis and is
in full compliance with State and Federal laws. Each medication your child takes will be dispensed by the pharmacy
and packaged, sealed and sorted according to Day and Time of administration. This includes prescription, non-
prescription (OTC) items, and vitamins. This method of dispensing medication during the school year will
minimize potential medication errors insuring that every student gets the correct medication and the correct dosage
at the correct time every day. Every student boarding with Christ School who takes medication is required to
register all prescribed medications to be filled by Group Rx. There will be no exceptions.

All medication will be shipped to school prior to your child’s arrival. For those students arriving early for sports or any other reason, we will accept medications from you to provide to your student with the expectation that you will have already registered with GroupRx (process explained below) and will begin dosing your student with medications provided by the pharmacy when the school year officially commences. Please only send the exact amount your student needs for the early stay. Christ School will send an email notifying parents of any leftover medications which will need to be picked up. All unused medication left from GroupRx will need to be picked up by the parent/guardian at the end of the year. Anything not claimed will be sent to the pharmacy to be destroyed. If your child takes over the counter (OTC) items, such as Benadryl, Advil, Tylenol, please check with the health center as they may stock them. However, if you child will need an OTC item on a daily basis, such as an allergy medication like Claritin, we ask that after 2 weeks you provide that for your student. Prescription medication will be billed directly to your insurance company. You will be responsible for the cost of any medication not covered by your Insurance as well as any co-payments and deductibles; these will be billed to your credit card account on file as well as other requested over the counter items. Christ School will be covering the $24.50 registration fee at the beginning of the year. GroupRx will not charge you the registration fee. There is a $12.50 monthly administration fee that you will be responsible for, which includes the cost of packaging and shipping all of your child’s medications including refills directly to Christ School. Emergency orders are always accepted with an additional express overnight shipping charge where required. The GroupRx on-line registration process will take you through the steps required to register for the programs
that your child is signed up for. Please register by July 13th, which is at least 30 days prior to the start of school,
to avoid late charges associated with rush service. You may register earlier (if you are a new student) and
GroupRx can begin to fill your medications before school begins and help you to have a seamless transition in
medication services when school begins. If you are a returning student you can continue to use GroupRx
Pharmacy for your prescription needs over the summer. You should have received an email about these
services- emai
if you have questions or call GroupRx. While you register on-line (or
by mail), GroupRx will request a credit card be placed on file as well as your insurance information. Whenever there
is a new charge for a co-payment or deductible, OTC items, etc., GroupRx will charge your card and send you an
email with the details of the transactions. Upon registration, you will be able to log into the Parent Dashboard and
review your child’s medication, school term, transactions and insurance information and make changes as required.
Online registration is open now for the 2012-2013 school year. Please go toto begin
the registration process.
If you need any assistance with the registration process, please contact GroupRx at: (877) 230-6030 or by email to


metoclopramide was given only if the PONV symptoms per-sisted for 15 min or longer after treatment was initiated. Ablinded observer recorded the recovery times, emetic symp-toms, rescue antiemetics, maximum nausea scores, completeresponse to study treatment, and time to achieve dischargecriteria. Postdischarge side effects, as well and patient sat-Margarita Coloma, Paul F. White, Babatunde O.

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July 22, 2012 CWIS 2012 Rhizome Sale Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce that the Can-West Iris Society’s annual rhizome sale is now open. The primary supplier of the Siberian varieties is the Ted and Sonja Baker's Gardens on Salt Spring Island BC. These are a mix of the tried and true including several historic varieties, as well as some newer and recent introductions from the work

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