PECO 2301 Market Street, S14-1 Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-841-5555 PECO Prepared To Serve Customers During Record-Breaking Heat Wave
PHILADELPHI A (July 21, 2011) - With triple-digit temperatures forecasted for the next several days, PECO is
prepared to meet the electric needs of our customers and res pond if any situations do occur. Today's customer
energy use could reach bet ween 8,800 and 8,900 megawatts (mw), placing the day within the top five peak load
days in PECO's history. PECO's all-time peak load of 8,932 mw was reac hed on August 3, 2006.
PECO is working closely with PJM Interconnection, the power grid operator for our area, and also has extra crews on-hand to respond to any situations that may occur. Customers can manage the impact high temperat ures have on their monthly electric bills by: • Keeping curtains, blinds and shades closed to keep the sun's radiant heat out of the indoors. About 40 percent of unwant ed heat comes through the windows. Drawing the blinds and curtains acts as a layer of insulation. • Turning off all unnecessary lighting and unplug appliances not being used. • Raising the thermostat setting on your central air conditioning by four of five degrees. Keep the thermostat setting at a constant comfortable level throughout the day and raise it slightly higher when away from home. • Using fans to circulate cool air. Attic fans, ceiling fans and portable fans make it easier for the air conditioner to provide the desired comfortable temperature. • Avoiding the use of appliances that generate more heat and humidity. Use the microwave or outdoor grill rather than the kitchen oven and stove, if possible. Run the washer, clothes dryer and dishwas her in the early morning or late evening hours when it's generally milder. PECO also reminds customers to think "safety" during the hot weather. Those without air conditioning are encouraged to visit a public library, shopping mall, movie theater or other site where condition would be more comfortable. It may also be a good idea to check on elderly neighbors and relatives. Based in Philadelphia, PECO is an electric and natural gas utility subsidiary of Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC). PECO serves 1.6 million electric and 490, 000 natural gas customers in southeastern Pennsylvania and employs about 2,400 people in the region. PECO delivered 87.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 39.5 billion k ilowatt-hours-hours of electricity in 2010. Founded in 1881, PECO is one of the Greater Philadelphia Region's most active corporate citizens, providing leaders hip, volunteer and financial support to numerous arts and culture, education, environmental, economic development and communit y programs and organizations. If you are a member of the media and would like to receive PECO news release s via e-mail please send
your e-mail address to


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