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Table 1 – Antibiotics dosage, routes and indications

Dosages and route
Combination + indications
Used alone for local -IV + IO perfusion and Intrasynovial treatment dosage. Good for Staph. Infections other anitimicrobials. Not
recommended for foals

Used primarily with rifampin for Rodococcus infections Systemic – combined with penicillin or Used alone for local IV or IO perfusion and for intrasynovial injection with an aminoglycoside, ceftiopfur or TMS. Gram positive infections Used in combination with other antibiotics penicillin, not recommended for initial treatment because of resistance methicillin resistant staphylococccus species
Doses: from Formulary, JLV-VTH, Colorado State University, 2005
Table 2. Systemic antibiotics.
Tissue(s) Involved
Empiric Antibiotic Options
cephalosporin + amikacin (or gentamicin); OR enrofloxacin cephalosporin + amikacin (or gentamicin); OR enrofloxacin penicillin/cephalosporin + amikacin (or gentamicin) + penicillin (pen G or ampicillin) + gentamicin + metronidazole; ceftiofur and amikacin can be substituted for penicillin (pen G or ampicillin) + gentamicin; ceftiofur and wounds, open drainage for septic amikacin can be substituted for penicillin and gentamicin, penicillin (pen G or ampicillin) + rifampin penicillin (pen G or ampicillin) + metronidazole (for Borrowed with permission from: Orsini JA et al: Management of the severely
infected wounds in equine patients, Clin Tech Eq Pract, 3: 2004

Table 3. antibiotic options and effectiveness for treatment
Gram-positive bacteria

ampicillin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), chloramphenicol (90%), tetracycline (90%), erythromycin (40%) ampicillin (90%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (90%), chloramphenicol (80%), ceftiofur (100%), ceftizoxime (100%), gentamicin (100%), trimethoprim- sulfonamide (100%), rifampin (88%), amikacin (87%), chloramphenicol (63%), erythromycin (63%), cephalothin (39%), tetracycline (25%) chloramphenicol (97%), amikacin (94%), enrofloxacin (94%), rifampin (94%), cephalothin (91%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (88%), erythromycin (76%), ceftiofur (69%), oxacillin (67%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (55%), gentamicin (45%), ceftizoxime (36%), tetracycline (36%), penicillin G (30%) amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), cephalothin (97%), rifampin (97%), enrofloxacin (96), chloramphenicol (94%), tetracycline (81%), ceftiofur (77%), oxacillin (77%), ceftizoxime (74%), gentamicin (74%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (74%), erythromycin (61%), penicillin G amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), ampicillin (100%), ceftiofur (100%), ceftizoxime (100%), cephalothin (100%), chloramphenicol (100%), erythromycin (100%), penicillin G (100%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (100%), rifampin (71%), gentamicin (7%), amikacin (0%) Gram-negative bacteria
Actinobacillus sp. (A. suis- amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), ceftiofur (100%), ceftizoxime (100%), cephalothin (100%), chloramphenicol (100%), gentamicin (100%), penicillin G (100%), ampicillin (89–100%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (86–100%), tetracycline (86–100%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (86–100%), erythromycin (0–30%) amikacin (100%), enrofloxacin (100%), ceftizoxime (97%), ceftiofur (94%), ticarcillin (94%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (93%), chloramphenicol (91%), gentamicin (86%), cephalothin (73%), tetracycline (71%), ampicillin (68%), amikacin (100%), ceftiofur (100%), ceftizoxime (100%), enrofloxacin (100%), ticarcillin (87%), chloramphenicol (80%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (79%), gentamicin (67%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (67%), cephalothin (66%), tetracycline (54%), ampicillin (14%) amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), ampicillin (100%), cephalothin (100%), chloramphenicol (100%), gentamicin (100%), penicillin G (100%), tetracycline (100%), trimethoprim-sulfonamide (100%), ceftiofur (83%), ceftizoxime (83%), enrofloxacin (83%), erythromycin (33%) amikacin (100%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), ceftiofur (100%), ceftizoxime (100%), cephalothin (100%), enrofloxacin (100%), tetracycline (73–92%), ticarcillin (54–91%), gentamicin (49–82%), trimethoprim- sulfonamide (15–82%), ampicillin (0–82%), chloramphenicol (0–82%) ceftizoxime (100%), enrofloxacin (100%), ceftiofur (75%), tetracycline (50%), amikacin (0%), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (0%), cephalothin (0%), chloramphenicol (0%), gentamicin (0%), ticarcillin (0%), trimethoprim- * Organisms isolated from horses at the University of California, Davis during 1998.

Suggested reading

1.Stashak TS: Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice; Wound Management Series. Theroret C: Veterinary Clinic of North America; Equine Practice; Wound Management.21:


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