PERCOCET-(oxycodone hcl/acetominophin)- you may take one or two tablets every 4 to 6 Hours as needed for pain relief. VICODEN-(hydrocodone bitatrate/acetominophin)- as above OXYCONTIN-(oxycodone hcl)- Long acting percocet, that is to be taken every twelve hours. This medication will help keep a steady state of pain reliever in the blood stream and should Be taken on schedule for best results. All narcotic pain medication can cause nausea and vomiting. You should avoid taking this Medication on an empty stomach. All narcotic medication may cause itching. You may take 25 milligrams of Benadryl every 6 Hours to relieve these symptoms. All narcotics will cause constipation. It is very important that you take a stool softener such As Colace or Senekott while you are taking pain medication. These are over the counter Medications and should be taken according to the manufacturers directions. ANTISPASMODICS
VALIUM-(diazepam)- This medication is commonly used for anxiety, but if you have had breast implants placed you will be given this drug. This will relieve any muscle spasm of the pectoral muscles. You may take one tablet every 6-8 hours. This may be taken with your pain medication, however may make you very drowsy. ANTIBIOTICS
DURICEF-(cefadroxil)- take one capsule 2 times daily OMNICEF-(cefdinir)- take one capsule 2 times daily LEVOQUIN-(levofloxacin)- If allergic to penicillin you will be given levoquin. This is to be taken once daily. All antibiotics are to be started AFTER your surgery unless instructed otherwise by Dr. Greco. All antibiotics may cause diarrhea as well as vaginal and oral yeast infections. If you know you are prone to these infections, please inform Dr. Greco, he may decide to give you Prophylactic treatment to avoid these side effects. ANTIEMETICS
ZOFRAN O.D.T. (odansetron)- This is to be taken at the first sign of Nausea. It is to be Placed under the tongue to dissolve. This may be taken every 6 hours as needed. If you do not have Zofran, you may take 25 milligrams of benadryl, this will also aid in Nausea relief, but will make you tired. ANTIVIRALS
VALTREX-(VALACYCLOVIR)- One tablet two times daily. This medication will be Prescribed if you are having a procedure that involves Laser resurfacing or Dermabrasion Of the mouth/lips region. This medication will help prevent potential viral outbreaks. This medications should always be started two full days (4 doses) prior surgery. This may Be taken the morning of surgery with a sip of water. STEROIDS
MEDROL DOSE PACK (methylprednisolone)- This is to be taken according to the Directions on the package, unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Greco. This medication will Help reduce the swelling of your surgery. This medication will usually only be prescribed For facial surgery. It is not uncommon to experience excessive thirst and increased appetite With this medication. OCULAR MEDICATION
VIGAMOX- (moxifloxacin) 1 drop every 8 hours in the affected eye(s). This is an antibiotic which will be started after surgery. Your eyes may be blurry after each application. PRED-FORTE(prednisolone) One drop in the affected eye(s) 4 times daily for a maximum Of four days unless otherwise instructed by Dr.Greco. This is an anti inflammatory Medication that will help relieve the itching and redness in the eyes. FML OINTMENT (flourometholone)- apply to affected areas three times daily. This is a Topical steroid cream which will decrease the inflammation of your skin. Only use this as Directed by Dr. Greco. BACITRACIN OPTHALMIC OINTMENT- apply to your eyelid incisions 3-4 times daily or whenever your incision appears to be dry. There should always be a light coating on the incision. OVER THE COUNTER MEDICATIONS
NEOSPORIN OR BACITRACIN- antibacterial creams to be used directly on the incision sites. Some people may have allergic reactions to this medication if they have Metal allergies zinc, silver, etc. If you have ever worn costume jewelry and reacted to the metal you should not use these medications. AQUAPHOR- a hypoallergenic petrolatum based ointment to be used after lasering or as Directed by Dr. Greco . ARNICA MONTANA-This is a homeopathic remedy that has been shown to aid in the Reduction of bruising and swelling. It is used according to the manufacturers directions. BROMELAIN-This is a homeopathic remedy that will act as an anti inflammatory agent, Decrease swelling and pain. It may be taken according to the manufacturers directions. VITAMIN-C- You may take 500mg of vitamin-c up to 2 x daily, this will aid in wound Healing. ZINC- Zinc may be taken on a daily basis to aid in wound healing. 50 to 200 mg daily ALL MEDICATIONS, PRESCRIPTION AND OVER THE COUNTER, ARE TO BE USED TO THE MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED. IF ANY ADVERSE REACTION OR ALERGIC REACTIONS SHOULD OCCUR, DISCONTINUE USE AND PHONE YOUR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY.
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG DER MERKMALE DES ARZNEIMITTELS<30 ml/min) oder dialysepflichtiger termina-dosis gesteigert werden, soweit verträglich. ler Niereninsuffizienz nicht angewendet wer-lung für 1 bis 2 Wochen zu unterbrechen,Es gibt bei der Behandlung von IPF keinendamit die Symptome abklingen können. relevanten Nutzen von Esbriet bei KindernJede Kapsel enthält 267 mg Pirfenidon. Photo
ALLERGY: Symptoms, Causes & Testing There are around 18 million allergy sufferers in the UK and the incidence across Europe has more than doubled in the last 20 years. With the exception of anaphylaxis and severe asthma attacks, the illnesses are more debilitating than life threatening and as such have remained a relatively low priority within the health service. With less than 100