Technology for Resource Management Synthesis as a Law Enforcement Tool at Shenandoah National Park: A Synthesis Regional Support Center Case Study Andrew Diego, 22572 Middleburg Chapel Court, Ashburn, Virginia 20148-6704; Andrew Welti, 906 Marshall Drive Northeast, Leesburg, Virginia 20176; Éadaoin O’Drudy, 1449H Devon Lane, Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801; Ken Johnson, National Park Service, 3655 U.S. Highway 211 East, Luray, Virginia 22835; Carollyn Oglesby, James Madison University, Integrated Science and Technology, MSC 4102,
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807;
Bruce Nash, National Park Service, Natural Resources Information Division, 12795 West
Alameda Parkway, Lakewood, Colorado 80228;
Steven Frysinger, James Madison University, Integrated Science and Technology, MSC 4102,
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807;
Synthesis is an information management tool for efficiently organizing, integrating, and dis-
seminating data and information. Synthesis presents users with an easy-to-use graphical userinterface that functions as a gateway to information that may be stored on local computers, net-works, intranets, as well as the internet. From this single gateway, a user may view and integratemany types of information, including text-based documents, photographic libraries, databases,spreadsheets, presentation graphics, GIS (geographic information systems), bibliographies,internet-based information, and decision-support systems. The Synthesis Regional SupportCenter (SRSC) at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, Virginia, was establishedin late 2001 to support national parks in their use of Synthesis for information management. TheSRSC’s first customer, Shenandoah National Park, provided documents and guidance for thedevelopment of ginseng (discussed herein) and bear gall databases intended to support specialpark agents and criminal investigators with both research and law enforcement for threatenednatural resources.
Synthesis began life as a “hard-wired” air-
resources in America’s national parks. It over-
quality information management system. Its
throughout NPS. It assists parks, regions, and
enhanced to accept all types of information
other NPS offices in the acquisition of natural
from any subject area. Eventually, because of
resource inventory and monitoring informa-
the broader nature of the system, it was decid-
tion and in the application of this information
ed that the system should be moved to the
to management decision-making and resource
The Systems Management Branch pro-
vides and administers servicewide databases
to meet the needs of natural resource program
managers. It also develops and maintains data
associate director for natural resource stew-
processing tools and procedures to help park
ardship and science. It maintains offices in
staffs manage natural resource information
The Information Services Branch devel-
The Inventory and Monitoring Branch
preservation, management, and understand-
documents the status and trends of natural
ing of park natural resources. Informational
Technology for Resource Management
materials and services are geared to reach the
found between the several agencies charged
public, park staffs, and NPS partners, and
with making decisions on the protection of
include education, interpretation, and public
The Office of the Division Chief, through
set was a primary protection tool, law enforce-
the natural resource web manager, coordinates
ment planners, with the support of the NRID,
and manages NPS natural resource web activ-
selected Synthesis as the information manage-
ities. This includes overall coordination of
Intranet, leading the interdisciplinary Natural
Blue Ridge to the SRSC at JMU to be intro-
Resource Web Team, and coordinating guid-
duced into the database. NPS special agents
ance and policy recommendations on natural
provided NPS supervision of the project. The
ginseng database developed for Shenandoah
in response to this need is now a collection of
in NPS are managed by park superintendents.
well-organized, easily accessible, and search-
Specially trained rangers provide emergency
able electronic documents containing infor-
services and uniformed resource protection. A
small cadre of criminal investigators focuses
on long-term resource crimes or those which
include, but are not limited to, biology, popu-
require extensive investigation to halt the
lation surveys, import/export data, conserva-
resource harm and to restore the resource.
tion programs, and regulations. A limited
Planning and prioritization of enforcement
and compliance actions is conducted at the
other than ginseng has been included.
park level, in conjunction with resources spe-
cialists. Superintendents and chief rangers
were modeled for the end user. Eventually, a
from Great Smoky Mountains National Park,
structure that mirrors the thought process of
conservation enforcement professionals was
National Park have determined to engage in
shared evaluation, response planning, and
Species Status, Threats to Resource, and
active protection when resources held in com-
Species Status is first on the outline
because it is the first thing that a conservation
cooperative project to identify, quantify, and
law enforcement officer will seek to determine.
mitigate the risks to ginseng (Panax quinque-
If resources are stable, further investigation is
folius), galax (Galax rotundifolia), and three
unlikely. By looking at the habitat require-
other medicinal herbs. The resource risks are
ments of the ginseng, the surveys document-
a result of large and escalating international
ing its locations in the park, how humans have
used ginseng in the past, and ginseng popula-
tion dynamics, the officer, in consultation with
identified the absence of an extensive, shared
resource scientists, will be able to quickly
data set among resource-serving agencies. A
common data set, shared among agencies with
other conservation tools are required.
common missions, would serve as a conserva-
tion tool in itself. It would also facilitate the
resource risk is made, the next logical step to
development of additional protective method-
take is to assess and quantify threats to the
ologies. Preliminary data gathering showed
resource. Hence, part two of the outline:
that a large body of information resided in sev-
Threats to Resource. Under guidance from law
eral federal and state agencies; however, the
enforcement personnel at Shenandoah, sever-
information was paper-based and lacked con-
al topics were discussed for inclusion in the
tinuity. No common links of information were
outline. International trade reports, local and
Technology for Resource Management
foreign price lists, import/export data, prior
scanning, each document is converted to a
criminal cases, and documents on hunting,
JPEG (.jpg) image. OCR is used to correct
finding, and digging medicinal herbs were
found to be top priorities. These provide
ments, and to transform documents into key-
word-searchable files. As each document is
successfully converted and conditioned, it is
insight into complex derogation patterns.
added into an organized tree index of relevant
Reports on international trade can identify
categories. Documents are easily accessed
locations in the park from which foreign mar-
through the tree, or identified through key-
kets are receiving medicinal herbs. Price lists
word searches of files and metadata.
of ginseng in local markets can help identify
where these herbs are bought for the highest
cost, thus poached the most. Import/export
data can help law enforcement officers locate
that can be accessed to allow evaluation with-
areas around parks where the most herbs are
out opening the actual file. Metadata are
being sold. Prior criminal cases will store
pieces of information about the file that
information on past poachers, so if an officer
include author, date, title, publisher, and a
crosses paths with someone on the list, closer
description—basically all information that is
attention can be paid to that individual. Many
essential if the file is to be useful as a reference.
companies are in the medicinal herb business.
Some of these companies wish to educate cit-
Dublin Core, an international metadata stan-
izens about how to attain specific herbs such
meetings, or even distributing brochures. The
full-text algorithm or by using pre-assigned
last portion of the outline stores information
requires careful reading of each document, is a
The third and final portion of the outline,
time-consuming task for Synthesis specialists. Protection Tools, provides law enforcement
The full-text search function was recently
officials the toolkit needed to design and
implemented in Synthesis and saves a great
implement interdisciplinary protection plans.
deal of time in database development; howev-
Listed first are conservation programs that
have been created to protect medicinal herbs
advantageous in law enforcement and can be
and other resources. The next section offers a
done at the prerogative of the customer. The
collection of laws and regulations from across
the country that focus on policies regarding
indexed. Full-text capability is an option in
the protection of these resources. Last on the
list is what may be the most important part of
all the documents: public education. These
database is shown in Table 1, with the number
documents are used to educate the public on
of documents for each category in parenthe-
every aspect of the medicinal herb trade.
ses. When clicked, a category reveals addition-
There is a wide range of conservation tools,
al cascading categories and the actual docu-
laws and regulations that may be improved.
ment titles. The documents in each category
have been qualitatively assessed and sorted by
involving tracing technology and replanting
order of importance/relevance. More impor-
techniques to further enforce restrictions.
tant documents are placed at the top of the list
For electronic conversion and data condi-
tioning, each paper document was scanned in
Shenandoah’s ginseng database is a work
in progress. It is expected to be implemented
recognition) technology, then indexed for
by the park’s special agents in 2003. The
SRSC at JMU will provide on-going support
Technology for Resource Management Table 1. Outline of the Shenandoah National Park ginseng database
Other Protected/Endangered Plant Species (16)
TRAFFIC Report on International Trade (2)
Kentucky (2)North Carolina (6)Tennessee (2)Virginia (9)West Virginia (3)Others (12)
databases; providing support for such efforts;
revealed. The capabilities of the Synthesis
and, most recently, developing multimedia
interpretive VIEWS of the national parks.
for continued expansion of the ginseng data-
base. In addition to new documents, the data-
base will handle GIS information, which may
contain different data types ranging from pho-
River. The New River Gorge work will sup-
tographic libraries to spreadsheets to internet-
port future general management planning.
duit between users and program designers.
The full-text search engine referred to earlier,as well as improvements to metadata function-
ality, were constructed in response to needs
identified by the agents and rangers, commu-
nicated by SRSC specialists to Synthesis sys-
National Park Service (U.S. Department of the
tem designers and programmers. Other func-
Interior) and Shenandoah National Park is
tions of the SRSC include training park per-
sonnel to create, maintain, and use their own
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