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Beyond Mammograms & Tamoxifen: 2 Cheap Tips to Help Decrease
Your Breast Cancer Risk by over 50 to 67%!
Copyright 2008, Douglas Husbands, DC, CCN, ABAAHP
Athens Chiropractic Clinic
951 Industrial Rd., Suite B
San Carlos, CA 94070
(650) – 593 – 4447
According to researchers from UC San Diego, Harvard University, Rutgers University and other research facilities, 1760 females who had vitamin D blood levels of at least 52 ng/ml, had at least a 50% decreased incidence of breast cancer1. Blood levels of 52 ng/ml of vitamin D correspond to 4000 IU intake per day. A simple, relatively inexpensive blood test can measure your blood vitamin D levels. We provide this test through our office in coordination with a local laboratory. According to current research studies2 3 4, Indole 3 Carbinol (I3C) and a metabolite of I3C called Di-indolyl-methane (DIM), significantly increase the anti-cancer estrogen metabolite, 2-hydroxyestrone, and greatly lower the cancer promoting estrogen metabolite, 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone. A simple, special urine test can measure the 2 and 16 hydroxyestrone levels5. We provide these special urine tests kits through our office. So come in to pick up the forms and kits to check your vitamin D levels and your 2 and 16 hydroxyestrone levels to see where you are at regarding your breast cancer risk. If necessary, 2 cheap supplements alone can help decrease your breast cancer risk by 50 to “What are These 2 Things You Refer To?”
What are these and what dose gives these results? Get 4000 IU of Vitamin D3 and 200 to 400 mg of DIM or Indole 3 Carbinol each day! That’s it! According to research, these nutrients can significantly help decrease your risk for breast cancer. But the key is getting an effective, highly absorbable form of each of these supplements so you get an “You’re making a Bold Statement! Is There Precedent for Such a
Yes that’s a bold statement, but there are precedents for some simple nutrients having a major preventive effect on decreased risk for disease. Take for example the story behind the discovery of adequate levels of the B-vitamin folic acid significantly decreasing the risk of neural tube defects in newborns (i.e. spina bifida, and a major part of the brain not developing in the womb called anacephaly) from the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. The story begins with Dr. Kilmer McCulley’s research in the 1960’s looking at the relationship between B-vitamins, including folic acid and a potentially harmful blood metabolite called homocysteine. (Note: Elevated homocysteine is now verified to be a major risk factor for cardiovascular damage6, Alzheimer’s7, depression, PCOS, and various types of cancer including breast cancer8) Dr. McCulley was ridiculed and lost his research funding and his job proposing that these vitamins could change blood homocysteine. Subsequently in 1968, Dr. Smithells research was published proposing that folic acid could prevent spina bifida and other major neural tube birth defects9. He was ridiculed by conventional medicine. Smithells published additional research in 1980 showing a stronger association between folic acid and prevention of neural tube defects10. His findings were still resisted by conventional medicine and were still not implemented as standard care for pre-pregnancy recommendations. By 1993, Oakley published research saying that not only did folic acid greatly decrease the risk of babies having spina bifida, but also greatly decreasing the risk of babies being born without a brain11! That finally got the attention of conventional medicine and now it would be considered malpractice for any doctor to fail to recommend adequate folic acid and B-vitamins to “So what is I3C or DIM, and How Does It Help Decrease Breast Cancer
I3C is a compound found in veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. DIM is a more stable form of I3C. Both have been shown to raise the “good” 2- hydrocystrones and lower the “bad” 16-alpha-hydroxyestrones12. As previously mentioned, the 2-hydroxyestrones are implicated with decreased breast cancer risk, and the 16-alpha-hydroxyestrones with increased breast cancer risk. For a more detailed explanation of how this occurs in your body, you can read my articles from the January and February 2007 issues of my newsletter in the “newsletter archives” section of our “So how can I Get Started on Helping to Decrease my Breast Cancer
Risk by at Least 50 to 67%?”
Through our office, we offer both the testing of Vitamin D and the urine test for the 2 and 16 hydroxyestrones. We also use effective, highly absorbable forms of vitamin D, I3C and DIM that have shown to bring the blood vitamin D levels and the urinary 2 and 16 hydroxyestrones to levels which scientific research studies have indicated helping provide at least a 50-67% decreased risk of breast cancer. We can provide you with this limited service for this specific purpose at a very affordable cost. Contact Dr. Husbands at or by calling 650-593-4447. References: 1 Garland C, Gorham E, Mohr S, et. al. Vitamin D and prevention of breast cancer: Pooled analysis. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2007;103:708-11. 2 Gruber C, et. al., Production and Actions of Estrogens. NEJM 2002;346:340-50. 3 Telang N, Katdare M, Bradlow H, et. al. Inhibition of proliferation and modulation of estradiol metabolism: novel mechanisms for breast cancer prevention by the phytochemical indole-3-carbinol Proc 4 Meng Q, Goldberg I, Rosen E, et. al. Inhibitory effects of indole-3-carbinol on invasion and migration in human breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2000;63:147-52. 5 Ursin G, London S, Stanczyk F, et. al. A pilot study of urinary estrogen metabolites (16 -OHE1 and 2- OHE1) in postmenopausal women with and without breast cancer. Environmental Health Perspectives. 6 Stone D, McCarron P, Smith G. Similarities in the epidemiology of neural tube defects and coronary heart disease: is homocysteine the missing link? J Epidemiol Community Health. 1999;53:789-93 7 Seshadri S, Beiser A, Selhub J, et. al. Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and alzheimer's 8 Zhang S, Willett W, Selhub J, et. al. Plasma folate, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, homocysteine, and risk of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2003;95:373-80. 9 Smithells R, D’Arcy E, McAllister E. Dev. Med. Child Neurol (Suppl.). 1968;15:6-10. 10 Smithells R, Shepard S, Schorah C, et al. Possible prevention of neural-tube defects by periconceptional vitamin supplementation. Lancet 1980:339;340. 11 Oakley G. Folic acid-preventable spina bifida and anencephaly. JAMA 1993;269:1292-3. 12 Wong G, Bradlow L, Sepkovic D, et. al. Dose-ranging study of indole-3-carbinol for breast cancer prevention. J Cell Biochem Suppl 1997;S28-29:111-16.


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