_curriculum vitae

Magna Cum Laude, 1973, BA University of Pennsylvania AOA Honor Society, 1977, U. Penn. School of Medicine Children’s Environmental Health Champion – award to Region IX Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit for work performed composing facts sheets regarding environmental hazards to children during and after wildfires, October 2008. Division of Occupational & Environmental Medicine University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, 2004 – present Director, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU, a network of experts in children’s environmental health)for US Environmental Protection Agency, Region IX (California, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, and Guam) at University of California, Irvine College of Medicine, 2004 – present University of California, San Diego, 1992-present Graduate School of Public Health, 1994-1996 Mercy Hospital - Program Director, Pediatric Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego, California University of California, Irvine Medical Center – Active Staff Diplomate, American Board of Pediatrics, February 1, Diplomate, American Board of Allergy and Independent Medical Examiner, State of California, 1992 Qualified Medical Examiner, State of California, 1992 Massachusetts License No. 241675
Fellow, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 1984 Environmental Control and Air Pollution Committee, Chairman, 1991-1996 Environmental Medicine Committee, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, 1994-95 Fellow, American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 1984 Present
Scientific Council, 2005 - present
Board of Regents, 2009 - present

Joint Council of Allergy & Immunology Environmental Assessment and Remediation Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1983 Member: Section on Allergy & Immunology, Appointment to Council Executive Committee, 2008- Participant, “Value-based health care delivery immersion program”, Harvard Business School, Professor Michael Porter (HBS) and Elizabeth Olmstead (UVA Darden School of Business), January 5, 2009 – January 9, 2009, Boston. Member, Advisory Panel for Smoke Free Homes 2005 - International Union of Immunologic Societies, Member of Committee to Standardize Olive tree Member, Indoor Air Quality Interdisciplinary Forum: E.P.A. to develop credentialing criteria for would be indoor air quality experts in various fields) Consultant to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Founded "Visiting Professor of Pediatric Allergy & Immunology" program in San Diego, 1991-1996 Physician Management Development Program, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine and College of Business Administration, California Sate University, San Marcos at Children’s Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, 1995 - 1996 (46 hours) Big Brother Program, Los Angeles, 1978-1980 American Cancer Society - Volunteer, 1981 Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, Board of Directors, San Diego Chapter, 1983-84 Advisory Board, Parents and Professionals San Diego City Schools Social Concerns Program 1983-1986: A weekly spot discussing aspects of allergy, asthma, and immunity environmental health on Saigon Broadcasting Television Network, 2006 – pediatric asthma. Appearance on KGO-TV, Channel 7, San Francisco, discussing effect of weather on allergies, Appearance on Channel 8 Television News: Environmental Illness, 1994. nurses and physicians at several hospitals. Organized Educational Program for San Diego High School Department Chairpersons, November 21, 1989. Physician for San Diego Children’s Choir singing tour of Great Britain, June 27-July 10, 1994. Numerous talks to the public at schools (to parents or students, faculty and staff), hospitals, and other venues regarding allergies, asthma, eczema, the immune system and the environment. Seltzer, J.M., et al: "Histamine contamination of pokeweed mitogen," Journal of Immunological Methods, 55:355, 1982. Seltzer, J.M., et al: "Correlation of allergy test results obtained by IgE FAST, RAST, and prick puncture methods," 54:25, Annals of Allergy, 1985. Seltzer, J.M.: "Standardization and relative potency of D. farinae extract", 77(supp.):204, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 1986. Dolan, W.K., Miller, B.T., Ledoux, R.L., Seltzer, J., Weiner, M., Selner, J., and Nelson, H.S.: "Comparison of quantitative intradermal skin testing (QIST) and Elisa inhibition (EI) methods for determination of relative potency of polymerized grass and ragweed antigenic extracts", 77(supp.):213, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 1986. Rastogi, S.C., Del Grosso, A., Banov, C., Brestel, E., Findlay, S., Lockey, R., Seltzer, J., Stecker, R., Wells, J., Zeitz, H., Zitt, M., Bousquet, J., Dreborg, S., Mehta, V., Youlton, L., Monti, G., Tassi, G.C., de Ponce, D., Stevens, E., Turkeltaub, P.C.: "International collaborative evaluation of parallel line skin test assay (PLST) using 1.8 and 0.1 mg/ml histamine base (H)", 77(supp.):221, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 1986. Seltzer, J.M. and Hamburger, R.H.: "Comparison of FAST-RAST-prick testing in highly allergic individuals", abstract presented 42nd Annual Congress, American College of Allergists, January, 1986. Seltzer, J.M.: "A comparison of a new easy-to-use theophylline assay, Acculevel, with TDX and EMIT", abstract presented at American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting, November, 1986. Seltzer, J.M. and Dreborg, S.: "Comparison of Phazet versus bifurcated needle in prick skin testing", abstract presented at American College of Allergists annual meeting, January, 1987. Seltzer, J.M. and Dreborg, S.: "Comparison of Phazet versus bifurcated needle in prick skin testing [timothy extract]", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 79:235, 1987. Kemp, J.P., Bahna, S.L., Chervinsksy, P., Rachelefsky, G.S., Seltzer, J.M., Vande Stouwe, R.A., and Valero, R.N.: "A comparison of loratadine, a new non-sedating antihistamine, with clemastine and placebo in patients with fall season allergic rhinitis", Am. J. Rhinol., 1:151, 1987. Kurland, G. and Seltzer, J.M.: "Anti-diuretic hormone excess in infant botulism", Am. J. Dis. Child., 141:1227, 1987. 29851) 10 mg o.d. Versus Clemastine 1 mg b.i.d. in the Treatment of Perennial Allergic Rhinitis", Immunology & Allergy Practice, 11:423, 1989. Chervinsky, P., .Seltzer, J.M.,.: "Fluticasone propionate aerosol in asthma", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 87:255, 1991. van As, A., .Seltzer, J.M.,.: "Fluticasone propionate once daily is as effective as beclomethasone dipropionate twice daily for perennial allergic rhinitis", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 87:154, 1991. Seltzer, J.M., and Poeltler, D.: "Comparison of allergen extract potency using prick end-point titration", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 87:329, 1991. Pearlman, D., .Seltzer, J.M., et. al.: "A 12-week comparison of inhaled salmeterol vs. albuterol given regularly or intermittently for asthma", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 87:175 (part 2), 1992. Alexander, W.J., .Seltzer, J.M., et. al.: "Electrocardiographic and metabolic monitoring in patients with asthma treated with salmeterol (S), albuterol (A), or placebo (P)", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 87:176 (part2), 1992. Seltzer, J.M.: "Environmental illness: sorting out a confusing problem", Health & Human Services newsletter, Federal Bar Association, Vol. 2 No. 2, Winter 1991/1992. Pearlman, D.,.Seltzer, J.M., et al.: "A comparison of salmeterol with albuterol in the treatment of mild-to-moderate asthma", N. Engl. J. Med., 327:1420, 1992. Sokol, W.N.,.Seltzer, J.M., et al.: "Allergy diagnostic practice patterns in California", Immunol. & Allergy Practice, 14:395, 1992. Seltzer, J.M., et al. "Multi-center trial comparing relative potency of different D. farinae extracts with prick puncture", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 91:356, 1993. Eisen, G.F., .Seltzer, J.M., et al., "Double-blind Western multi-center trial of levocabastine-D in allergic rhinitis", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 91:194, 1993. Skific, L., Gilcrest, J., and Seltzer, J.M., "Prick puncture to compare allergen extract", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 91:201, 1993. Samimi, B.S. and Seltzer, J.M., "Sick building syndrome due to insufficient and/or non-uniform fresh air supply in a multi-story office building", ASHRAE Proceedings of Indoor Air Quality '92, Environments for People, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. van As, A., .Seltzer, J.M., et al., "Once daily fluticasone propionate is as effective for perennial allergic rhinitis as twice daily beclomethasone dipropionate", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 91:1146, 1993. Seltzer, J.M., "Health effects of the indoor environment", Feature article in Health (Sharp Healthcare), p. 2, Fall, 1993. Seltzer, J.M., "Creating a healthy indoor environment", Health (Sharp Healthcare), p. 8, Winter, 1994. Seltzer, J.M., et al., "Cardiovascular responses to albuterol treatments in patients receiving salmeterol", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 93:248 (Part 2), 1994. Seltzer, J.M., "Biological Contaminants", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 94:318-26, 1994. Seltzer, J.M., "Building Related Illnesses", J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 94:351-62, 1994. Delfino, R.J., .Seltzer, J.M., et al., "Pilot asthma panel study on the relationship of asthma severity to ozone and outdoor aeroallergens," paper presented at San Diego Bio-statistics Epidemiology Research Exchange, San Diego, April 29, 1994. Prenner, B.Seltzer, J., et al., “Double strength beclomethasone dipropionate (84 mcg/spray)aqueous nasal spray in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis(SAR)”, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 95:195, 1995. Seltzer, J.M., Editor, Occupational Medicine: Effects of the Indoor Environment on Health, Hanley & Belfus: Philadelphia,10:1,1995. Seltzer, J.M., “Biological Contaminants”, Chapter in Seltzer, J.M., Editor, Occupational Medicine: Effects of the Indoor Environment on Health, Hanley & Belfus: Philadelphia,10:1-26, 1995. Seltzer, J.M., “Creating Healthy Indoor Environments: a Road Map for the Future”, Chapter in Seltzer, J.M., Editor, Occupational Medicine: Effects of the Indoor Environment on Health, Hanley & Belfus: Philadelphia,10:229-244, 1995. Seltzer, J.M., “The Future is Now: Effects of the Indoor Environment on Health”, Journal of Health Care Design, Vol VII, 37-47, 1995. Delfino, R.J., .Seltzer, J.M., et at., “Relationships of Symptom Severity and Peak Expiratory Flow Rates to Personal Ozone and Aeroallergens in a Panel of Asthmatics”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 151:A502, 1995. Seltzer, J.M., “Sources, Concentrations and Assessment of Indoor Pollution”, Chapter in Indoor Air Pollution, Bardana, E.J., Ed., Dekker: New York, 1996. Delfino R.J, .Seltzer, J.M, et at., “Effect of Outdoor Fungal Spores on Peak Expiratory Flow Rates in Allergic Asthmatics”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 153:A478, 1996. Delfino R.J, .Seltzer, J.M., et al., “Daily Asthma Severity in Relation to Personal Ozone Exposure and Outdoor Fungal Spores”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 154:633-41, 1996. Delfino, R.J., .Seltzer, J.M., et al., “The Effect of Outdoor Fungal Spore Concentrations on Daily Asthma Severity”, Environ. Health Perspect., 105:622-635, 1997. Delfino, R.J., .Seltzer, J.M., et al., “Effect of PM10 and Ozone on Symptoms and Peak Expiratory Flow in Asthmatics Living at the Inversion Base”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 155:A420, 1997. Seltzer, J.M. & Baxter, D.M., “Airborne Mold Spore and Skin Cell Fragment Concentrations Inside ‘Clean’ Buildings, J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 101:S134, 1998. Seltzer, J.M. & Baxter, D.M., “Airborne Mold Spore and Skin Cell Fragment Concentrations Inside Water-damaged Buildings, J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 101:S134, 1998. Baxter, D.M. & Seltzer, J.M., “Airborne Mold Spore and Skin Cell Fragment Concentrations in Mold Contaminated Buildings During Disturbances, J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 101:S135, 1998. Rachelefsky, G.S., . Seltzer, J.M., ., “An Evaluation of the Effects of Beclomethasone Dipropionate Aqueous Nasal Spray [Vancenase AQ (VNS)] on Long-Term Growth in Children”, J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 101:S236, 1998. Altman, L.C., . Seltzer, J.M., … Reiss, T.F., “A Placebo-controlled dose-ranging study of montelukast, a cysteinyl leukotriene-receptor antagonist”, J. Allergy & Clin. Immunol., 102:50-56, 1998. Delfino, R.J.,…Seltzer, J.M.,…, “Symptoms in pediatric asthmatics and air pollution: differences in effects by symptom severity, anti-inflammatory medication use and particulate averaging time, Environ. Health Perspect., 106:751, 1998. Santanello, N.C., …Seltzer, J.M.,…Knorr, B.A., “Validation of an asthma symptom diary for interventional studies”, Arch. Dis. Child., 80:414, 1999. Skoner, D.P., …Seltzer, J.M., …, “Detection of growth suppression in children during treatment with intranasal beclomethasone”, Pediatrics, 105(2):E23, 2000. Dutkiewicz, J., Sullivan, J.B., & Seltzer, J.M., “Biological Hazards and Bioaerosols”, a chapter in Clinical Environmental Health and Toxic Exposures, 2nd Ed., Sullivan, J.B. & Krieger, G.R., Eds., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins: Philadelphia, 2001. Delfino, R.J., Seltzer, J.M., et al., “Association of asthma symptoms with peak particulate air pollution and effect modification by anti-inflammatory medication use”, Environ. Health Perspect., 110:A607-A617, 2002. Trout, D.B., Seltzer, J.M., et al., “Use of Immunoassays in Assessing Exposure to Fungi and Potential Health Effects Related to Fungal Exposure”, Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol., 92:483-492, 2004. Baxter, D.M., …Seltzer, J.M., “A Regional Comparison of Mold Spore Concentrations Outdoors and Inside “Clean” and “Mold Contaminated” Southern California Buildings”, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2:8-18, 2005. Environmental tobacco smoke – health
effects in children”, Article, California Pediatrician, Fall edition, 2006 Seltzer, J.M. and Fedoruk, M.J., “Health effects of molds in children”, Pediatr Clin North Am, 54(2):309-333, 2007. Also cited in the U.S. General Accounting Office’s report on “Indoor Mold”, September 30, 2008. Seltzer, J.M. et al., “Health Risks of Wildfires for Children – Acute Phase”, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, Region IX, , 2007. Seltzer, J.M. et al., “Environmental Hazards for Children in the Aftermath of Wildfires”, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, Region IX, , 2007. Seltzer, J.M. and Miller, M. “Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units”, Article, California Pediatrician, Spring edition, 2008. Bernstein, J.A.,.Seltzer, J.M., et al., “The health effects of nonindustrial indoor air pollution”, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 121:585-591, 2008. Seltzer, J.M., Miller, M., Seltzer, D.L., “Wildfires: A hazard to children’s health”, California Pediatrician, Spring Edition, 2009. Paulson, J.A.,.Seltzer, J.M., et al., “Development
of the pediatric environmental health specialty unit
in North America”, Am J Public Health, Suppl 3:S511-
6, 2009.

Sublett, J., Seltzer, J.M., et al;, “Air filters and
air cleaners Rostrum, AAAAI Indoor Allergen
Committee, J. Allergy Clin. Immunol., 125:32-38,

Sheehan, WJ,.Seltzer JM, “Pest and Allergy Exposure
and Abatement in Inner-City Asthma: A Work Group
Report of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma &
Immunology Indoor Allergy/Air Pollution Committee”,
J. Allergy Clin. Immunol.,2010. (in press)

"The association of SIADH with infant botulism"; selected best paper submitted in residency category; presented at Southwest Pediatric Society Meeting, Los Angeles, March, 1980. "Immediate and late bronchial response to Pullularia", presented at the 1981 Western Society of Allergy and Immunology Meetings, Vancouver, Canada, October, 1981; also presented at the First Mexican-American Congress of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, November, l981. delivered at the Continuing Medical Education Course in Immunology and the Clinical Practice of Allergy, sponsored by the University of California, San Diego, "Mucormycosis rhinosinusitis in an 18 year old male with acute lymphoblastic leukemia", Pediatric Grand Rounds participant, University Hospital, March, l982. "The spectrum of sinus disease in children", Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, San Diego, California, July, 1982. "Skin testing", member of faculty at symposium re: Chymopapain Hypersensitivity, Boston, Massachusetts, August, l983. "Sinus disease", Grand Rounds, Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego, California, December, l983. "New horizons in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disorders", Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, April, l984. "Controversial issues in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies and asthma", Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, April, 1985. "Nocturnal asthma and cough", Symposium on Pediatric Sleep Disorders, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, San Diego, October, 1985 and 1986. "Results of a survey of practitioner attitudes to allergen standardization", at a workshop on "Progress in standardizing indoor allergens", American Academy of Allergy & Immunology, 1987. "Recurrent and chronic respiratory tract infections: allergy, immunodeficiency, or normal?", Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, San Diego, June, 1987. "Recent advances in allergy & asthma--Parts I and II", presentation, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, January & February, 1988. Seltzer, J. and Goldman, M., "Correlation of Pharmacia's new nickel patch test with a history of jewelry allergy", presented at the American College of Allergy & Immunology meeting, November, 1988, Los Angeles. "The Concept of Asthma as an Inflammatory Disease", Scripps Memorial Hospital - La Jolla Medicine Grand Rounds, July 12, 1988. "Sick Building Syndrome", Grand Rounds, Scripps Memorial Hospital - Encinitas, August, 1989. "What's on the Horizon in the Pharmacotherapy of Asthma", Presentation to the University of California, San Diego Department of Pharmacy, September 19, 1989. "Creating a Healthy Indoor Environment", Grand Rounds, Children's Hospital and Medical Center, October 27, 1989. "Food Allergy in Infancy", Pediatric Grand Rounds, Mercy Hospital and Medical Center, January 18, 1990. "Urticaria: How to Change Hives into Hive-Nots", Continuing Medical Education Presentation at the California Medical Association, March 3, 1990. "The Impact of the Indoor Environment on Health", HAZMAT WEST Convention, Long Beach California, November 8, 1990. Chairman, Indoor Air Quality Session, HAZMAT WEST Convention, Long Beach, California, November 8, 1990. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma and Allergies in Pregnancy", Sharp Memorial Hospital, Obstetrics-Gynecology Grand Rounds, December 13, 1990. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Urticaria, Angioedema, and Anaphylaxis", Grand Rounds, Maui Memorial Hospital, Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, December 28, 1990. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma and Allergies", Hilo Medical Society, Hilo, Hawaii, Hawaii, January 3, 1991. "The Effect of Asthma and Allergies on Childhood Performance", Pediatric Grand Rounds, Kapialani Medical Center, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, January 7, 1991. Moderator, Postgraduate Education Course at the 1991 Annual American Academy of Allergy & Immunology Meeting, San Francisco: "The Relationship of the Indoor Environment to Health and Disease". "Impact of the Indoor Environment on Health", Annual American Academy of Allergy & Immunology Meeting, San Francisco, March 2, 1991. "Impact of the Indoor Environment on Health", International Facility Management Association, San Diego Chapter, March 13, 1991. "Latest Trends in the Pharmacotherapy of Allergic Rhinitis", Latter Day Saints Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 29, 1991. Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton, Massachusetts, August 22, 1991. "Advances in Allergy: Developments in Diagnosis and Management", Pacific Science Center, Seattle, Washington, October 12, 1991. "Novel Approaches for Treating Allergies & Asthma", Mission Bay Hospital, San Diego, February 20, 1992. Moderator of the session entitled "Antihistamines & Rhinitis" at meeting in Dana Point, California on "Cases in Allergy", February 20-21, 1992. Moderator, Symposium on Asthma, Children's Hospital, San Diego, and lecture entitled: "When to Seek the Help of an Allergist", San Diego, April 18, 1992. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", South Jersey Allergy Society, Cherry Hill, NJ, June 10, 1992. Chairman, Session on Indoor Air Quality, HAZMAT International convention and gave lecture: "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 12, 1992. Moderator and speaker at workshop at American College of Allergy & Immunology's Annual Meeting. Topic: "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", Chicago, November 16, 1992; repeated at ACAI, 1993, Atlanta, GA. Illness", two talks presented at symposium The Problem of the "Sick" Building--Facts and Implications, sponsored by the College of Medicine, University of South Florida and the American Academy of Allergy & Immunology, Orlando, Florida, December 3, 1992. "Health Effects of the Indoor Environment", Guest lecture to Extension Course in Indoor Environmental Evaluations at University of California, San Diego, March 1, 1993. One day course on Asthma, University of Utah Annual Family Practice Refresher Course, Salt Lake City, March 26, 1993. School of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Baltimore, March 30, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health and Asthma", Washington, D.C. Allergy Society, Bethesda, April 1, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", Family Practice Symposium, Newport Beach, May 15, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", San Diego Chapter, American Industrial Hygiene Association", San Diego, June 23, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health and Asthma", San Francisco Allergy Society, San Francisco, June 23, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", UCSD Family Practice Residency Program, San Diego, August 18, 1993. "The Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health", University of California, Irvine, Department of Occupational Medicine Grand Rounds, November 30, 1993. "Impact of the Indoor Environment on Health", Mary Birch Hospital for Women, Sharp Memorial Hospital, Community talk, San Diego, March 19, 1994. “Effect of Air Quality on Asthma”, Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital and Health Center, San Diego, May 6, 1994. “Asthma in Children”, San Diego Unified School District counselors, San Diego, July 28, 1994. “Impact of the Upper Airway on Sinus and Middle Ear Disease”, Eli Lilly, Indianapolis, September 12, 1994. Help For Troubled Times, American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, San Francisco, September 4, 1994. “Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health”, Center for Health Design Symposium, New York, November 18, 1994. “Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health”, Advances in Medicine Symposium, Maui, December 26, 1994. “National Heart Lung Blood Institute’s Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma”, Advances in Medicine Symposium, Maui, December 28, 1994. “Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health”, Pacific Southwest Safety and Health Conference, San Diego, April 3, 1995. American Occupational Health Conference, American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Las Vegas, May 4, 1995. “Effect of rains on mold and pollen counts”, Channel 10 news brief, March 3, 1995. “National Heart Blood Lung Institute Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma:, Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Scripps Memorial Hospital - La Jolla, La Jolla, April 4, 1995. Participant in Symposium on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity sponsored by The Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Institute, Robert Woods Johnson School of Medicine, New Jersey: discussant re: Research Design, September 21, 1995. “Latest Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis”, Salt Lake City, March 21, 1998. “Sources, Concentrations, and Assessment of Indoor Pollution”, Indoor Air Quality Workshop, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 17, 1998. Satellite Media Tour: Live and taped interviews discussing allergies, particularly the affect of recent weather trends (El Nino) on the development of mold growth, and mold environmental control. WFAA (ABC)--Dallas-Fort Worth, WKBW (CBS)—Washington, DC, WBAL (NBC)—Baltimore, WHBQ (Fox)—Memphis, WGHP (Fox)—Greensboro-H. Point-W. SA, WBNS (CBS)—Columbus, OH, KCTV (CBS)—Kansas City, KOMO (ABC)—Seattle-Tacoma, KPNX (NBC)—Phoenix, Fox News Edge (Fox)—National, WXIX (Fox)—Cincinnati, August 12, 1998. “Killer Molds”, American Bar Association Workshop, Los Angeles, April 9, 1998. “Effect of the Indoor Environment on Health, with an Emphasis on Children”, Keynote Address, Cleaning for a Healthy Indoor Environment Symposium, Seattle, Washington, October 16, 1998. “Knowledge of and attitudes toward preventative asthma medications among American adults with asthma – results of a national survey”, Key Pharmaceuticals Speaker’s Bureau meeting, San Francisco, March 20, 1999. “Ethical Issues for the Pharmaceutical Physician and Clinical Investigator”, Co-Chairman, Workshop at Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians, Arlington, VA, May 23, 1999. “Airborne Contaminants and the Health of Our Children”, South Coast Air Quality Management District – Children’s Health and Air Quality, Newport Beach, February 4, 2000. “What’s New in Asthma Treatment”, CMEA, Inc., Internal Medicine 2001 Fall Program, San Diego, California, November 5, 2001. "The Role of the Allergist in Building Related Health Complaints", American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Annual Meeting, March 19, 2001, New Orleans. “Hypersensitivity Pulmonary Disease”, CMEA, Inc., Internal Medicine 2001 Fall Program, San Diego, California, November 5, 2001. “Pulmonary Function Testing Workshop”, CMEA, Inc., Internal Medicine 2001 Fall Program, San Diego, California, November 5, 2001. “Health Effects Caused by Mold”, Lorman Education Services: Demystifying and Handling Mold Claims in California, Costa Mesa, California, November 8, 2001. “Case Investigations, Including Microbial and Medical Strategies”, Lorman Education Services: Demystifying and Handling Mold Claims in California, Costa Mesa, California, November 8, 2001. “Trends, Legislation, Other Indoor Air Quality Issues and Where We are Going”, Lorman Education Services: Demystifying and Handling Mold Claims in California, Costa Mesa, California, November 8, 2001. “Asthma and Airway Management”, CMEA, Inc., Essentials in Emergency Medicine Part I, San Diego, California, January 17, 2002. “Anaphylaxis: from Bees to Penicillin to Shellfish, CMEA, Inc., Essentials in Emergency Medicine Part I, San Diego, California, January 17, 2002. “Pulmonary Function Testing” Workshop, CMEA, Inc., Essentials in Emergency Medicine Part I, San Diego, California, January 18, 2002. "A physicians approach to mold-related health complaints", Grand Rounds, University of California, Irvine, Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, January 21, 2002. “Building Inspections and the Allergist” Workshop Moderator, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, March 3, 2002. “Health Effects Caused by Fungi”, Fifteenth Annual Workshop of Southern California society for Risk Analysis, University of California, Los Angeles, Westwood, California, May 23, 2002. “Clinical Effects of Mold Exposure – What Do We Know?”, American Industrial Hygiene Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, June 3, 2002. Baxter, D.M., Seltzer, J.M., et al., “A Regional Comparison of Mold Spore Concentrations Outdoors and Inside Clean and Mold Contaminated Southern California Buildings”, abstract presented for oral presentation by co-author Dan Baxter, American Industrial Hygiene Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, June 5, 2002. “Evaluation of the Health Effects of Molds in Water Intrusion Personal Injury Claims” at Symposium: Cutting Edge Issues in Mold Litigation, San Diego, California, August 27, 2003.
“Evaluating the patient with complaints of mold-
related health problems”, National Institute of
Building Sciences, San Diego, October 30, 2003.
“New therapeutic agents in the treatment of allergies
and asthma”, CME, Inc. Internal Medicine Annual
Update, San Diego, California, November 21, 2003.
“Aspects of Allergies and Asthma in Active Patients”,
CME, Inc. Internal Medicine Annual Update, San Diego,
California, November 21, 2003.
“Evaluation of the Health Effects of Molds in
Personal Injury Claims”, Mealey’s Construction Defect
and Mold Litigation Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada,
December 13, 2003.
“Latex Allergy: More Than Skin Deep”, internet course
sponsored by RN.com – physician reviewer
“Evaluating Cases for Indoor Environmental Quality
Problems”, University of California, Irvine College
of Medicine, Center for Occupational and
Environmental Health, Irvine, California, August 10,
“Composing Med-Legal Environmental Causation
Reports”, University of California, Irvine College of
Medicine, Center for Occupational and Environmental
Health, Irvine, California, August 24, 2004.
“Pediatric Environmental Health - a Global
Perspective”, CME, Inc. Internal Medicine Annual
Update, San Diego, California, November 11, 2004.
“An Allergist/Immunologist Approach to Mold
Hypersensitivity – Diagnosis, Treatment and
Scientific Perspective”, Grand Rounds, University of
California, Irvine, Center for Occupational and
Environmental Health, Irvine, California, January 25,
“The Diagnosis of Mold-induced Human Disease: fact
and fantasy”, Grand Rounds, University of California,
San Francisco, Division of Occupational and
Environmental Health, San Francisco, California,
February 10, 2005.
“Effective diagnosis and treatment of mold-induced
human illness in children”, Pediatric Grand Rounds,
Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, February 10, 2005.
“Ask the Expert – Mold”, Annual American Industrial Hygiene Association, Anaheim, California, May 24, 2005. “Mold: Health, Science, Medicine and the Law”, Annual American Industrial Hygiene Association, Anaheim, California, May 24, 2005. “[Pediatric] Asthma Management – a Multi-disciplinary approach”, Annual Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (PEHSU) meeting, Arlington, Virginia, June 10, 2005. “Review of the Current Status of the Medical Literature on Mold”, Mealey’s Symposium, Marina Del Rey, California, June 16, 2005. Audiotape available: http://www.mealeys.com/AV%20order%20forms/mold_0605.pdf “The Appropriate Use of Mold Analysis Data: Discriminating Fact from Fiction”, Symposium – “M6+: Mold, Myth, Misery, Money, & Myth – Plus Management”, Sponsored by Building Environment and Thermal Envelope Council, National Institute of Building Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. General Services Administration, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Building Science Corporation, Orlando, Florida, June 21, 2005. "Diagnosis and Treatment of Asthma in the Aging Patient", CME, LLC Issues In Aging Medical Congress, New Orleans, LA, July 16, 2005. "Allergy Management in the Aging Patient", CME, LLC Issues In Aging Medical Congress, New Orleans, LA, July 16, 2005. “Indoor air pollution and children’s health”, American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, 2005 annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, November 7, 2005. “Building-Associated Illnesses”, University of California, Irvine College of Medicine, lecture to residents in Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Irvine, CA, November 22, 2005. “Medical aspects of personal injury litigation and mold”, Mealey National Teleconference re: The Future of Mold Litigation, December 15, 2005. Audiotape available: http://www.mealeys.com/AV%20order%20forms/mldtel_1205.pdf “Adverse Effects of Active and Passive Smoke Exposure on Asthma and Rhinitis”, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Miami, March 4, 2006. “Working with experts in toxic tort cases”, Mealey National Teleconference, May 16, 2006. “Diagnosis and Management of Chronic and Acute Asthma”, Issues in Medicine, US Medical Congress Conference, CME LLC, Las Vegas, June 13, 2006. “Care of Respiratory Tract Infections”, Issues in Medicine, US Medical Congress Conference, CME LLC, Las Vegas, June 13, 2006. “Case issues”, Mealey’s Construction Defect and Mold seminar, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 6, 2006. “Environmental Evaluation of Mold, Moisture and Litigation", 2006 Annual conference of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Philadelphia, November 11, 2006. “Air Filtration and Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollution”, 2006 Annual conference of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Philadelphia, November 12, 2006. "The Environmental Evaluation of a Home: Evaluating Methods and Results", 2006 Annual conference of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Philadelphia, November 13, 2006. “Mold, Fact & Controversy”, Mold: State of the Medical and Environmental Science, Southern California Education & Research Center, University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Irvine, California, December 7, 2006. Panel participant, session on asthma, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences workshop: "Children's Environmental Health Research: Past, present, and future" meeting - Research Triangle Park, NC, January 22, 2007. Participant, American Academy of Pediatrics Advocacy training program, Washington, D.C., February 12-13, 2007. Presentation at workshop at 2007 AAAAI annual meeting, San Diego, "Adverse effects of active and passive smoking on asthma and rhinitis", February 24, 2007. Allergic Disease", Presentation at University of California, School of Medicine, Division of Occupational & Environmental Health, Irvine, California, March 28, 2007. "Healthy Homes", Grand Rounds, University of California, School of Medicine, Division of Occupational & Environmental Health, Irvine, California, March 28, 2007. "Health Effects of Mold”, Presentation at 2007 Annual Michigan Safety Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 17, 2007. “Asthma and the hygiene hypothesis”, Presentation at The 4th International Conference on Children’s Environment and Health, Vienna, Austria, June 10, 2007. “The health effects of mold in children”, Presentation at The 4th International Conference on Children’s Environment and Health, Vienna, Austria, June 11, 2007. Chairman, Session on “Tobacco smoke and children”, The 4th International Conference on Children’s Environment and Health, Vienna, Austria, June 11, 2007. “Mold: Fact and Fantasy”, presentation at Sacramento Claims Association, Sacramento, California, July 12, 2007. “Mold injuries and the science”, Harris Martin’s Mold Conference, San Francisco, California, September 21, 2007. “Molds in Schools”, Mid-Atlantic Conference on Children’s Health and the Environment. Reston, Virginia, October 6, 2007. Member of asthma panel and presenter re: pediatric asthma at “The 2007 Children’s Environmental Health Workshop: Discover, Treat, Prevent, Prepare”, Sponsors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & National Institute of Environmental Health, Washington, DC, October 11, 2007. Program Co-chairman of Healthy Indoor Environments Forum, American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Dallas, November 8, 2007. “Building-related health effects and taking a health-related environmental history”, Healthy Indoor Environments Forum, American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Dallas, November 8, 2007. "Selecting an indoor environmental quality consultant and interpreting environmental reports", Healthy Indoor Environments Forum, American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology, Dallas, November 8, 2007. “Mold, moisture, and litigation” workshop, American College of Allergy, Asthma annual meeting, & Immunology, Dallas, November 10, 2007. “Health effects of mold”, Grand Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Irvine, November 27, 2007. “Health effects of lead in children”, South Coast Medical Center, Grand Rounds, Laguna Beach, California, January 16, 2008. “Health effects of lead in children”, Queen of the Valley Medical Center, Pediatric Grand Rounds, West Covina, California, January 28, 2008. Co-Chairman, Mold: Current State of the Medical and Environmental Science 2008, 2nd Annual Symposium, Southern California Education & Research Center, Los Angeles, California, February 26-28, 2008. “Health effects of molds”, Mold: Current State of the Medical and Environmental Science 2008, 2nd Annual Symposium, Southern California Education & Research Center, Los Angeles, California, February 26, 2008. “The medical evaluation of mold-induced illness or injury”, Workshop. Mold: Current State of the Medical and Environmental Science 2008, 2nd Annual Symposium, Southern California Education & Research Center, Los Angeles, California, February 27, 2008. “Interpretation of environmental findings and health significance”, Workshop. Mold: Current State of the Medical and Environmental Science 2008, 2nd Annual Symposium, Southern California Education & Research Center, Los Angeles, California, February 28, 2008. “Mold – Fact and Controversy”, Mold: Current State of the Medical and Environmental Science 2008, 2nd Annual Symposium, Southern California Education & Research Center, Los Angeles, California, February 28, 2008. "Health effects of mold: what's real and what's not" seminar, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology annual meeting, Philadelphia, March 16, 2008. "The Role of the allergist in health and the built environment”, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology annual meeting, Philadelphia, March 16, 2008. “Sick Building Syndrome”, Pulmonary Conference, Hoag Hospital, Newport Beach, April 24, 2008. “The National Children’s Study”, Pediatric Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, May 16, 2008. “Asthma, allergy, and Epi-pen training”, annual in-service for faculty and staff, St. Mary’s & All Angels School, Aliso Viejo, CA, August 26, 2008. “Environmental Control for Allergies – what works and what doesn’t”, 2008 National Air Filtration Association annual meeting, San Francisco, September 17, 2008. “The health effects of wildfires”, Interview on KOCE TV’s (public television) Real Orange programming, Huntington Beach, November , 2008. “Health effects of mold in children”, South Orange County Pediatric Associates, El Toro, CA, January 20, 2009. “The Role of the Allergist in Health and the Built Environment”, American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology annual meeting, Washington, D.C., March 14, 2009. “Slum or Stable: Role of Environmental Disparities
and Allergic Diseases”, American Academy of Allergy,
Asthma & Immunology annual meeting, Washington, D.C.,
March 15, 2009.
“Environmental triggers of asthma”, at UCSD
Essentials in Pediatrics CME conference, San Diego,
May 14, 2009.
“Environmental triggers of asthma”, Renown Regional
Medical Center Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of
Nevada, Reno, July 9, 2009.
“From Disaster Preparedness to Consumer Safety – The
Crucial Role of the AAP as Children’s Advocates”,
American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2009 National

Conference & Exhibition meeting, Washington, D.C.,
October 19, 2009.

“How do buildings make you sick?”, Saint Vincent
Hospital Grand Rounds, Worcester, MA, December 10,

Preparing two chapters for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Pediatric Environmental Health book, 3rd Edition: 1) Risk Assessment, Management, and Communication. 2) Ethical Issues in Children’s Environmental Health "Are Mycotoxins toxic to humans? Is the verdict in
yet?", American Academy of Allergy, Asthma &
Immunology annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, February
28, 2010.

"Mold Related Illness - Fact and Fiction", Lecture at
Boston Children’s Hospital, May 18, 2010.

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Almay Bayer Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Dura Pharmaceuticals Eli Lilly Glaxo Wellcome Hoechst Marion Roussel Janssen Pharmaceutica Key Pharmaceuticals Merck Novartis Parke-Davis Pfizer Pharmacia & Upjohn Purdue Pharma Reckitt & Coleman Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Schering-Plough Searle Sepracor SmithKlein Beecham Soap & Detergent Industry Solvay Wallace Laboratories Zeneca Grant: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), ES-06214, September 1991 - August 1997, Title: Asthma and Air pollution-Aeroallergen Interactions Two year summer research fellowship at the Winter Research Laboratory, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1971 & 1972: Attempts at hematopoietic reconstitution of lethally irradiated mice in the search for a universal hematopoietic stem cell donor. Continuation of hematopoietic stem cell work at L'Institut de Cancerologie et D'Immunogenetique at Villejuif, France; Supervised by Professor George Mathe' Summer, 1973. Studies of the effect of histamine on pokeweed mitogen stimulated mononuclear cell proliferation and antibody synthesis, particularly IgE synthesis, 1980-1982. Investigation of a new non-radioactive technique for determining total and specific IgE, 1983. determination of stability of allergen extracts (modified and unmodified), 1983-present, including standardization of extracts for the Bureau of Biologics, Food and Drug Administration. Development of a Quality of Life Questionnaire for asthma and chronic or recurrent upper respiratory tract disease - ongoing. Psychophysiological Patterns in Emotionally-Triggered Asthma: with Matthew M. Heeren, M.A. of the California School of Professional Psychology, Doctoral candidate: 1994 - 1997; also, thesis reader The relationship between the environment and health and Development of high quality affordable universal health care delivery in the United States

Source: http://jmsmd.net/images/JMSMD_Allergy_CV.pdf

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Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine - Vol 16 . No. 2 . 2011 Alexander Lyon, MA, BM, BCh, MRCP, PhD Walport Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology - Department of Cardiac Medicine National Heart and Lung Institute - Imperial College - Flowers Building 4th floor - London SW7 2AZ - UK (e-mail: a.lyon@imperial.ac.uk / www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/a.lyon) Dialogues Cardiovasc Med. 2011;

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