Pet-ct scan english.cdr

ositron Emission Tomography (PET) is a unique non-invasive test that provides information about the
body’s function not available through any other type of imaging test. PET images functional processes, such
as tumor metabolic activity. The Computed Tomography (CT) provides information about the body’s
anatomy such as size, shape, and location.
PET imaging is usually accomplished by injecting a radioactive sugar (FDG), which is similar to glucose, the sugar in your diet. The FDG is taken up in cells that are using sugar and is detected by the PET scanner, which creates images of the metabolism of the cells of the body. HOW IS PET/CT IMAGING USED?
PET/CT is most commonly used to diagnose cancer or to help determine the best type of treatment for
cancer. PET/CT provides information about whether a mass is likely to be cancerous or whether it has
spread to other areas in the body. The information from PET/CT can help your doctor to plan the best course
of treatment for you. PET/CT is also used to determine the effectiveness of cancer treatment and to detect
recurrent cancer.
The Day Before Your Appointment

Maintain a low carbohydrate diet. Eat items that are high in protein or fat.
Avoid consuming any caffeine, including any decaffeinated products.
Do NOT engage in any strenuous exercise (housework, daily walk, etc.).
Non-starchy Vegetables (i.e. lettuce, green The Day of Your Appointment
Do NOT eat anything six (6) hours prior to your appointment time. This includes hard candy, chewing
Drink several glasses of plain (not flavored) water (at least two 8 oz. glasses) prior to your If you are diabetic, please consult your doctor for questions regarding medication. Otherwise,
you may take your usual medications EXCEPT diuretics (water pill) on the day of your examination.
Wear warm comfortable clothing (sweats, flannel shirt, etc.) and, if possible, avoid clothing with metal Please leave all jewelry and valuables at home or with a friend or family member who may It is important that you arrive on time. The test will take 2-2½ hours. The radioactive tracer (FDG) is ordered especially for your appointment and may not be useable if you are late.
An IV line will be started in a vein of your arm or hand, and you will be given oral contrast material to drink Next, you will receive an injection of FDG (a colorless radioactive liquid) into the IV line. You will be asked to rest quietly for approximately 30-45 minutes while the FDG circulates in your body.
Because the FDG is similar to sugar, there are no side effects and you will not feel any differently after the injection. After the waiting period, you will use the restroom to empty your bladder and then will move into the scanning room. If you are wearing clothing with metal (snaps, buttons, zippers, etc.) you The PET scanner is similar to a CT scanner. The scanner used actually includes a CT scanner in the same device, and both PET and CT images will be taken. You will lie on your back for approximately 20-50 minutes while the images are taken. Imaging usually will start at your eyebrows and extend down your upper thighs. You will be asked to remain as still as possible during the pictures. After your scan, you should empty your bladder again and can resume all your normal activities. The FDG leaves your body through the kidneys and urine, so you should drink plenty of liquids after the scan.
Yakima Ave.


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