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Colorado Physician’s Patients Successfully and Safely Lower Cholesterol
DENVER – – In a recent study, Dr. Randall Snook, MD, of Lone Tree, Colorado, asked volunteer patients to drink a 100% natural, post-fermented tea from China daily for 120 days. The results were significant. The patients decreased their LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) by over 20% and increased their HDL The tea Dr. Snook used in this experiment is “PHatea®”. Imported by Golden Flower Trading Company, “PHatea® “ helps promote normal cholesterol levels naturally. “PHatea®” is now available to US consumers online through the Golden Flower Trading Company, In 2011, Dr. Snook developed another pilot study known as the PEARL-Trial ("PHatea® Extract Assessment of the Reduction of Lipids Trial"). It has been designed to determine
the effects of PHatea® on several health parameters by conducting a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study comparing PHatea® with generic Zocor® (simvastatin) taken daily for one year. Results will be announced later this year. PHatea® has been consumed by people in the Hunan Province of China for over 500 years. Observational results from the Chinese populations that eat high-fat, meat-based diets, but that also consume Phatea® daily, strongly suggest lipid protective/lowering effects from this tea. Free of additives, PHatea® is unique because of a fermentation process that produces the "Golden Flower", tiny “umbrella-shaped” yellow granules. Studies have shown that the more granules present in the tea, the greater the health benefitrs. The Golden Flower is found only in PHatea®. 106 Million Americans have high cholesterol. Eight percent of people using cholesterol medications have serious adverse reactions to the pharmaceuticals used to treat this condition. “PHatea®” is a safe, natural alternative for patients who want to address their high cholesterol naturally. PHatea® is 100% Natural Chinese Dark Tea, which has been pressed into a tea coin. The recommended serving for therapeutic results is one tea coin per day in one liter (32 ounces) of water. Dr Snook is Co-founder and Medical Director of Golden Flower Trading Company. In addition, he is an Internist at Advanced Integrative Medicine in Lone Tree, Colorado. Dr Snook has been conducting research on the health benefits of PHatea® since 2009. His first study in 2009 demonstrated a positive effect on hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia in patients consuming 32 ounces of PHatea® daily over a For more information on Dr. Snook’s studies, and to purchase PHatea®, go to News is also being posted on facebook: “PHatea” and twitter: “phateame”. About Golden Flower Trading Company:
Golden Flower Trading Company is the exclusive importer of PHatea®. Golden Flower Trading
Company’s philosophy is to look to nature to solve man’s most preventable health concerns by
distributing high quality, natural products. Golden Flower Trading Company’s mission is to
help people live a long and healthy life, consuming PHatea® and PHatea® products.


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