The role of the playground supervisor

Playground Supervisor Policy

Job Purpose:

To support the teacher in ensuring, as far as is reasonably practicable, the
safety of the pupils when they are at play.
Key Duties and Responsibilities:
The Playground Supervisor will be responsible to the Head Teacher in accordance with the practices and procedures of the school in securing the safety, welfare and good conduct of pupils in the school playground. Duty starts promptly at 10:25 and Supervisor must report to change rooms. At 10:55 the Playground Supervisor will report promptly to change rooms to oversee the promptness of children returning to class, changing of footwear and ensuring the sensible behavior of the children. At lunch time break the duty starts promptly at 13:25 in the change rooms and will again at 13:55 report promptly to change room to oversee the promptness of children returning to class, changing of footwear and ensuring the sensible behavior of the children. (these times might differ in Middle school at lunch time) The Supervisor will remain on duty until all children have returned to class.
1) Maintaining regular supervision of key play areas during the period of supervision 2) If a pupil is hurt or injured alert the teacher on duty/ middle floor or school office as quickly as possible 3) Ensuring as far as is reasonably practicable that pupils do not leave the school grounds or go into areas which have been designated as out of bounds. 4) Ensures that any pupil/s that are on a break time report card, report to them at the beginning of break with their card and then again at the end of break. 5) Ensure the promptness of all pupils returning to lessons 6) If in the event of a member of staff not reporting for duty then the playground supervisor will send a runner/s to the Common Room and School Reception to alert the person that should be on duty. (NB*KMB/MH/MG/FO should be alerted)  The garage area behind the CDT block  The grass quad between the main and middle school  Anywhere beyond the street lamp on the driveway to Highfield. 4) Be alert for strangers on site and challenge them if necessary 5) Pupils should not play in and around parked cars 6) Ensure that pupils are playing sensibly and not behaving in such a way as to spoil others enjoyment of break time. Pupils must not be involved in over physical play, exclude others from a game or group activity, or deliberately spoil others games 7) On the adventure playground pupils must not play tig or chasing games. No pushing and shoving is allowed on apparatus. Tyres must not be moved from the perimeter of the adventure playground 8) No pupils are allowed to throw stones, conkers, bark etc. This includes throwing sticks at trees to try and bring down conkers 9) Pupils should wear trainers if going on the adventure playground, playing on grass or soccer on the tarmac area. In the winter months tracksuits should be worn by pupils playing on the grass areas 10) Pupils are not allowed to play soccer in the goal mouths of the colts or first team pitches (If Mr. Harvey or Groundsman request) 11) In the event of a pupil breaking rules the supervisor should liaise with the teacher on duty to decide if any sanction is necessary. Any incidents that may need to be recorded should be noted and recorded at the end of break in the Incident book. If a sanction is needed the pupil will be sent to the English room in Senior school. (A notebook is recommended to write down any incidents or observations at break) 12) As an alternative to outdoor play, pupils are allowed to go into the computer room in Music school or practice their music instrument in the Music school. Please note this may only happen if they have received permission from Mr Lund or the teacher on duty. The teacher on duty will visit these areas. 13) In the event of inclement weather the teacher on duty will decide if an indoor break is necessary. The Playground Supervisor will then support the teacher in ensuring good behaviour in the classrooms. Note that pupils are expected to be in their own form rooms during wet break, and not moving between rooms or on the corridors. Year 8 Monitor will assist in looking after Forms. 14) At the end of Little Prestfelde and Middle school break, the pupils line up and when quiet are sent in by the duty teacher. 15) A whistle should be carried at all times and used to warn pupils of danger. One whistle means Stop and wait for instructions. Two whistles indicates an emergency. (Reviewed Spring 2013)



MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO FEDERAL PROCURADORIA DA REPÚBLICA EM PERNAMBUCO Ref. Procedimento Administrativo nº eclinação de Atribuição nº 134/ Trata-se de procedimento administrativo instaurado a partir de representação formulada pela Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seccional de Pernambuco, que relata possíveis (e graves) irregularidades no âmbito do HEM

Safety data sheet

SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifiers Product name : A registration number is not available for this substance as the substance or its uses are exempted from registration, the annual tonnage does not require a registration or the registration is envisaged for a later registration deadline. Relevan

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