Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr., MD, James Dunford, MD,
Thomas Blackwell, MD, John K. Griswell, MD
vices (EMS) personnel in the future.
accurate diagnosis of CHF. Key words:
left ventricular (LV) filling pressures. Congestive heart failure (CHF) is ATHOGENESIS OF APE
Received May 13, 2002, from the University
Pennsylvania; the University of California,San Diego Medical Center (JD), San Diego,
(JKG), Fort Worth, Texas. Revision receivedAugust 21, 2002; accepted for publication
Presented at the Turtle Creek Conference IV,
Dallas, Texas, February 27–March 1, 2002.
requests to: Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr., MD,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213. e-mail: <mosessovn@
*Reproduced with permission from: Marx J,
Hockberger R, Walls R. Rosen’s Emergency
Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 5th ed.
prompt relief of respiratory distress. Field Assessment
another.11 The correct identificationof the precipitating events andthe immediate administration ofappropriate treatment are criticalfor a positive outcome in CHFpatients, because inappropriatetherapy initiated as a result of mis-diagnosis may result in deleteriouseffects. Hoffman and Reynolds10reported that adverse effects weremore common in misdiagnosedpatients. Untoward effects includ-ed 1) respiratory depression (withor without lethargy) in patientswho received morphine; 2)hypotension and bradycardia inpatients who received both mor-phine and nitroglycerin; and 3)arrhythmia associated with hypo-kalemia and hypotension in pa-tients who received furosemide.
ditions, including myocardialischemia, hypertensive crisis, fluidexcess, medication noncompliance,diet, and overexertion, may trigger
FIGURE 1. Processes involved in pulmonary edema. Cycle may begin at any point but oncebegun is self-perpetuating. Reprinted with permission from: Sacchetti AD, Harris RH. Acute
cardiogenic pulmonary edema. What’s the latest in emergency treatment? Postgrad Med.
1998;103:145-66. The McGraw-Hill Companies.
• Hypertension or cardiovascular disease
• Ischemic heart disease• Valvular disease
• Diet or exercise indiscretions• Signs of pulmonary edema such as
• Signs of chronic obstructive pulmonary
• End-tidal carbon dioxide trends• Electrocardiogram rhythm and 12-lead if
Reduction of LV Preload
• Identify and treat specific etiology
• Provide inotropic support when needed
• Provide oxygen and ventilatory support
• Match receiving facility with needed
output to more closely matchinflow from the pulmonary sys-
reduction of LV preload in the field.
It is fast acting, efficient, and easy to
Furosemide Morphine Combined Drug Therapies with Nitroglycerin, Furosemide, and Morphine Nitroprusside Reduction of LV Afterload Nitrates at Higher Doses Natriuretic Peptides ACE Inhibitors Ventilatory Support Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
to increase intra-alveolar pressure.
Brett Kaplan, and Janice Liesch for their edi-torial assistance. Inotropic Support
MIs) with high-dose nitrate thera-py (10% MIs) (p = 0.006).63 Very dif-
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*Treatment at each level should consider the lowest dose applicable; SL = sublingual; MDI = metered-dose inhaler; SBP = systolic blood pressure; IV = intravenous;ECG = electrocardiogram; ETI = endotracheal intubation; NIPPV = noninvasive passive pressure ventilation. REATMENT OPTIONS
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Currículum Resumido Dra. Marcela Redruello Títulos Médico, otorgado por la Universidad de Buenos Aires el 22 de diciembre de 1989. Títulos de posgrado - Médico Especialista en Cardiología, recibida el 21 de diciembre de 1993 Otorgado por la Universidad Católica Argentina - Médico Especialista en Medicina Nuclear. Recibida en noviembre de 1998. Otorgado por la Universidad d
SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE THE HEALTH AND SAFETY OF RESIDENTS TYPES OF INCONTINENCE DIET AND TOILETING HABITS Incontinence can either be urinary of faecal. The bladder can hold between 1½ – 2½ cups of urine (300-400mls). On average a person should wee about 5-Urinary incontinence affects over a third of the total population and women > men at a 8x/day (over