Überschrift: wissenschaftliche projektbeschreibung für die ngfn-broschüre 2005
Disease-oriented Genome Networks Cancer Combating Cancer through Integrated Functional Genomic Research Project RNA Interference as a Tool for Functional Gene Analysis and Therapeutic Gene Silencing in Cancer Research Matthias Truss, Reinhold Schäfer, Christian Hagemeier - Charité - Berlin University Medicine - christian.hagemeier@charite.de
cellular systems are hard or almost impossible to transfect.
RNA interference (RNAi) is an evolutionary well conserved
In collaboration with Miletnyi, Bergisch-Gladbach, we have
mechanism for post-transcriptional gene silencing. Once
constructed vectors that combine expression units for cell
incorporated into a protein complex with nuclease activity
surface markers and shRNAs (short hairpin RNAs). This
(RNA induced silencing complex, RISC), short double
strategy allows the selective enrichment of transfected
stranded RNA molecules (Small interfering RNAs, siRNAs)
shRNA-expressing cells and the subsequent analysis of
can serve as a guide to recognize and cleave RNA
molecules harbouring a homologous sequence. During the
last years, RNAi has turned to be an indispensable tool not
only for the functional analysis of cancer related genes but
has also been successfully applied for the inhibition of
tumour cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that, due to the specificity and efficacy of siRNA
,mediated gene silencing, such molecules may hold great
therapeutic potential. However, high costs for chemically synthesized siRNA molecules and delivery problems still
hamper the broad applicability of RNA interference
Fig 1: Human K562 cells have been transfected with either pMACS-KK2-H1 without insert (EV) or with a gene specific short hairpin insert directed against E2F4 (E2F4). Tranfected
To facilitate the applicability of RNAi within the CancerNet,
and untransfected K562 cells were mixed in a 1:20 ratio to
we have established new RNA interference related tools and
mimic a transfection efficiency of 5%. 20 h post transfection,
technologies. These include a procedure for the reliable,
transfected cells were enriched using the MACS technology
cost effective semi automated synthesis of siRNA molecules
and bound (b; transfected cells) and flow through (ft;
(patent pending) as well as the construction of sets of short
untransfected cells) cell populations were cultured separately
hairpin (shRNA) expression vectors and a human siRNA
for additional 52h. Expression of E2F4 and ß-actin were Enzymatic synthesis of siRNA molecules
This example demonstrates the potential of the pMACS-KK2-
We have established a procedure for the cost effective semi-
H1 vector system. Magnetic enrichment of transfected cells
automated enzymatic synthesis of siRNA molecules in
is so efficient that an almost complete knock down of E2F4
96well scale. Such siRNA molecules transferred into human
can be observed in the enriched cell population (E2F4 b),
leukaemia and colon cancer cells exhibited equally good
although the transfected (cell surface marker and shRNA
gene silencing activity and specificity as chemically
expressing) subpopulation represented only 5% of the total
synthesized siRNA molecules at significantly reduced costs.
cell population. Therefore, this plasmid system enables
A proof of principle experiment with 69 siRNA molecules
gene knock down experiments in cells that are hard to
synthesized in parallel demonstrated the high, and more
transfect without demanding optimization of transfection
importantly, comparable yields, underlining the robustness of
conditions or purchasing expensive electroporation
our method. This technology has already been used to
synthesize a set of mutants of a potent siRNA sequence for
This strategy can yield sufficient material for subsequent
a systematic study of the effects of position dependent point
mRNA preparations for Affymetrix chip hybridization
experiments and even for extensive biochemical analyses.
The availability of pMACS-KK2-H1 vectors harboring positive
Human siRNA Database
and negative control inserts and detailed magnetic selection
Despite the strong progress made in the siRNA field during
protocols as well as the user friendly designed shRNA insert
the last two years, gene knock down experiments still require
cloning strategy that is compatible with the popular pSuper
a labour and cost intensive identification of potent siRNA
vectors and their derivatives are additional advantages of
sequences and the development of protocols for efficient
this plasmid based RNA interference system.
siRNA delivery into the cell lines of interest that are
frequently refractory towards siRNA incorporation. This
pRep-H1: long term gene silencing with
prompted us to establish the human siRNA database
replicating vectors
HuSiDa (1). It provides sequences of published functional
Silencing of essential genes will result in obvious
siRNA molecules targeting human genes and important
phenotypes, easily detectable in standard culture conditions
technical details of the corresponding gene silencing
after transient transfection of siRNA molecules. In contrast,
experiments, including the mode of siRNA generation,
functional analysis of modulating genes (modifiers) requires
recipient cell lines, transfection reagents and procedures and
more sophisticated assays monitoring growth factor
direct links to published references (PubMed), thereby
dependence, responses to genotoxic stress etc. Such
supporting the setup and actual procedure of specific RNAi
assays are often incompatible with transient transfection of
siRNA molecules that often requires high cell densities that
can result in cell confluency 48 to 72 hours after transfection.
pMACS-KK-H1: Magnetic enrichment shRNA-
Even worse, signal transduction pathways activated by
expressing cells.
transient transfection of siRNAs can act synergistically with
High transfection efficiencies are an absolute prerequisite for
genotoxic stress induced signal transduction pathways.
successful knock down experiments. Unfortunately many
Disease-oriented Genome Networks Cancer
Therefore, long term gene silencing with shRNA expressing
availability of vectors already containing positive and
vectors is the method of choice for the functional
negative control shRNA-inserts make it an attractive
characterization of nonessential genes. Unfortunately, stable
alternative to existing retroviral shRNA expression vectors.
transfection of conventional shRNA expression vectors has
severe disadvantages. In most cases, only a very small
pFlp-H1: FLP-In shRNA expression vector
fraction of transfected cells (>0.1%) will integrate transfected
One disadvantage of replicating vectors is that their
plasmids into their genome. Even worse, not all antibiotic
maintenance requires continuous selection pressure.
resistant cells will express shRNAs. Therefore, cell clones
Therefore, these vectors are not suited for the generation
have to be picked and characterized. In addition to the extra
stably transfected cell pools to study gene function
effort, the usage of cell clones can also complicate the
(metastasizing, response to genotoxic stress etc.) in
identification of target genes, because already randomly
xenograph mouse models. This prompted us to construct the
picket clones from untransfected “homogeneous” cell
pFlp-H1 vector. It enables the generation of isogenic cell
populations may display severe differences in gene
pools by Flp-recombinase mediated, site specific integration
of a shRNA expression cassette thatara also especially
In an attempt to establish alternatives to retroviral vectors for
qualified for Affymetrix array analysis of knock down
the use in non S2 laboratories, we have constructed
replicating hairpin expression vectors for long-term gene
Services and collaborations
The performance of the pRep-H1 vector has been
For NGFN2 members, the proprietary shRNA expression
extensively tested in several cell lines, including K562,
vectors are available on request, including all necessary
LN229, HEK293, and U373. In collaborations with several
positive and negative control constructs. As a special
other CancerNet-members, it was successfully used to
service for NGFN2 members, we also offer to generate pools
generate numerous pools of stably transfected cells for the
of cell lines, stable transfected with our replicating vector
functional analysis of cancer related genes.
pRep-H1 and its derivatives for the functional analysis of
nonessential genes in cell culture. This includes assistance
in the design of shRNA sequences, cloning of shRNA coding
inserts, sequencing, transfection into the cell line provided by the collaborator, the generation of stable transfected cell
pools and the monitoring cell proliferation during the initial
antibiotic selection period to detect and to document
proliferation associated knock down phenotypes followed by
shipping the cell pools to our collaboration partners for detailed characterization.
We will continue to support CancerNet RNA interference
i F g 1: Human HEK293 tranfected with either pRep-H1
users by providing informations about functional siRNA
vectors targeting EGFP (EGFP); E2F4 (E2F4 21) and E2F6
sequences, suitable recipient cell lines and validated
(E2F6A; E2F6B). Four week after transfection, expression
transfection protocols. We will also continue to provide our
levels of E2F4 and E2F6 were analyzed by western blotting.
“siRNA transfection efficiency control kit” that includes
positive and negative siRNAs (both, synthetic siRNAsand
As shown in Fig. 2, the replicating, shRNA expression vector
shRNA expression vectors), real time PCR primers and
pREp-H1 mediates efficient long term knock down of target
detailed protocols for siRNA knock down experiments.
genes in mammalian cells (>4 weeks in continuous culture
We are trying to advance siRNA delivery methodology
tested). pRep-H1 transfected cells are unable to separate
focusing on alternatives to conventional siRNA transfection
antibiotic resistance and shRNA expression, because first,
even after 4 weeks the complete pool of antibiotic cells still
We are also continuously improving our shRNA expression
displays almost quantitative gene silencing and second, all
vectors. Derivatives of pRep-H1 with alternative antibiotic
our attempts to generate antibiotic resistant K562 cell pools
resistance genes and/or co-expressing red fluorescent
expressing shRNA directed against BCR-ABL-kinase,
protein have already been constructed and are under
essential for K562 cell survival, have failed (data not shown).
examination. The main focus here is on the development of
This eliminates the need for picking and characterization of
Cre-lox and tetracycline regulated shRNA expression vectors
cell clones with all the aforementioned associated
that will enable the functional characterization of any gene in
disadvantages. Transcripts of some shRNA expression
pools of stable transfected cell populations.
vectors, especially such based on the U6 promoter, have
been described to induce interferon response. This limits the
Lit.: 1. Truss et al., HuSiDa—the human siRNA database: an
applicability of such vectors. The comparative Affymetrix
open access database for published functional siRNA
array analysis of the expression profiles of HEK293 cell
sequences and technical details of efficient transfer into
pools stably transfected with pRep-H1 expression with or
recipient cells. Nucleic Acids Res. 2005 Jan 1; 33 Database
without shRNA-inserts using did show not any evidence for a
Issue:D108-11.2. Wiebusch et al., Inhibition of human
shRNA specific activation of interferon response genes.
cytomegalovirus replication by small interfering RNAs. J.
Consequently, pRep-H1 seems especially suited for long
Gen. Virol. 2004 Jan; 85 (Pt 1): 179-84. 3. Tchernitza, O. et
term gene silencing in mammalian cells. Its user friendly
al., Transcriptional basis of KRAS oncogene-mediated
designed shRNA insert cloning strategy that is compatible
cellular transformation in ovarian epithelial cells. Oncogene
with the pSuper vectors and their derivatives and the
Weevil News http://www.curci.de/Inhalt.html No. 47 Colonnelli, E. (2009): LUIGI MAGNANO (1925 - 2009). - Weevil News: http://www.curci.de/Inhalt.html, No. 47 : 10 pp., CURCULIO-Institute: Mönchengladbach (ISSN 1615-3472). LUIGI MAGNANO (1925 - 2009) On July 3, 2009, his 84th birthday, Luigi Magnano left us forever, after a quite short but painful illness which forced him to s
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