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Ageing issues is one of the remarkable things in DIPECHO VI
Farida Yasmin
“In my 9 years of working career for the first time I notice the successful inclusive approach in DRR where inclusion of ageing issues is one of the remarkable things in DIPECHO VI., says Farida Yasmin. Farida Yasmin, Project Officer of Manob Mukti Sangstha (MMS), Pabna partner of ActionAid who all are working in DEPECHO VI. MMS is working in Char Nakda and Char Nakalia of Bera Upazila, Pabna District. As a Project Officer, activities to make the community people disaster resilient. She believes that Community-based participation of threatened communities especially socially excluded groups in both the evaluation of risk (including hazards, vulnerability, and capacities) and ways to reduce it. “Most of us believe that older people are vulnerable in disaster but don’t think in reverse way that older people has capacity to reduce Figure 1: Farida conducts a session with socially excluded group
the time worked on DRR sector, even she knew little bit about DIPECHO V. In DIPECH V ageing issue was there and vulnerability of older people get priority, older people were not regularly invited in meetings and workshops, their inclusion was limited. Older people presence in UDMCs was limited even their vast knowledge and experiences were under consideration on DRR. “A better and success UDMCS depend on the active and presentable participation of older people”, she says. She specially thanked the HelpAge International to change her mind set about the older people. She received a one day orientation on Ageing issue under the facilitation of HelpAge International as well as participated in several activities “Identification of candidates from excluded groups (elderly people) with capacity and willingness to be involved in UDMC/ WDMC/SMC, Special Interactive Events with community involving socially excluded persons to realize their potential and ensure inclusion, facilitate Formation/ Reactivation of DMCs for greater representation of socially excluded people (UDMC & WSTF) where specially older Ageing issues is one of the remarkable thing in DIPECHO VI
people’s potentiality, vulnerability and rights were highlighted. Now she independently conducted these activities in field according to the guideline of HelpAge International. “Now working with older people I feel so comfortable as well as learn lots of things about adaptation, coping mechanism and Indigenous knowledge on which not only help me total DIPECH VI program also” she say. She thinks that HelpAge should work on other age groups to motivate them on ageing and this initiative has to start from family level. “We never thought about the mental trauma of older people in disaster when they lost the most loveable one, become so demoralize. So older people needs psychosocial support in disaster period which absent in DIPECHO VI, HelpAge would come forward to address this issue” she says. Prepared By: Mahabub-Ur-Rahman Ujjal,
HelpAge International, Bangladesh
Acknowledge to: ActionAid Bangladesh,
MMS Pabna DIPECHO team
This case study collected from the projects being implemented by NARRI (National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiatives) consortium. It is a national level alliance consisting of eight INGOs working in Bangladesh for increasing community capacity, awareness and skills to reduce disaster risks. The NARRI partners are ActionAid Bangladesh, Concern Universal, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam GB, Plan International, Care and solidarities. Handicap International (HI) and HelpAge International (HAI) are working as technical partners. For more information please visit our website, Ageing issues is one of the remarkable thing in DIPECHO VI


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