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School District
The Board shall not be responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of student illness.
The administration of prescribed medication in accordance with the direction of a parent or family physician to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not made For purposes of this policy, “medication” shall include all medicines prescribed by a Before any medication may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written request of the parent administration and relieve the Board and its employees of liability for administration of medication; and the written order of the prescribing physician which shall include the purpose of the medication, dosage, the time at which or special circumstances under which the medication shall be administered, length of period for which medication is prescribed, and possible side effects of medication.
The document(s) shall be kept on file in procedures for the administration of medication which provide that all medications shall be assistant, a designee of the principal, the parent, or the student him/herself, where the family physician so directs; medications shall be securely stored and kept in the original labeled container; the school nurse shall maintain a record of the name of the student to whom the medication may be administered, the prescribing physician, the dosage and timing of medication, and a notation of The school nurse shall communicate with the school physician or a student’s physician regarding administration of prescribed medication whenever Students shall not be permitted to carry any form of medication on their person while in attendance at school during school hours.
Policy for Possession and Self-Administration of Asthma Inhaler and Prescribed Medication in the In accordance with Act 187 a student may carry and self administer his/her asthma inhaler and prescribed medication in the school setting under certified registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant and shall provide the name of the drug, the dose, the times the medication is to be taken and the reason the medication is needed, unless the reason 34
should remain confidential, and the side effects of the medication. The physician, certified registered nurse practitioner or physician assistant shall state that the administer the prescribed medication.
The Medication Permission Form shall also be signed by the parent or guardian giving permission for the student to possess and relieve the school entity and any school benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication when it is parent authorized.
The parent/guardian shall also acknowledge medication is taken and is not responsible if the inhaler is lost or damaged while in kept on file in the nurse’s office. A new Permission Form must be completed for each self-administration and has permission for carrying and taking the medication through It is the responsibility of the student to The school entity shall have the authority to confiscate the inhaler and prescribed Acetaminophen may be administered to students eleven (11) years or older in grades six (6) through twelve (12) under the following guidelines: 1. A signed parent permission form to dispense acetaminophen and to release the District from any and all related liability must be on 2. Acetaminophen shall be dispensed solely by the school nurse, nurse assistant, principal, Epinephrine in the form of Epipen 0.3 mg IM 1. Epipen may be administered to any student who has a severe allergic reaction to a beesting or other allergen and needs immediate medical 2. Epipen shall be given by the school nurse, Antihistamine – Given orally, age appropriate dose. Antihistamine may be administered to students ages six (6) years or older under the following 1. Antihistamine may be given at the discretion of the school nurse or nurse assistant for a 2. Verbal parental permission must be obtained before administering antihistamine to any Albuterol Inhaler – An emergency Albuterol inhaler shall be kept in the nurse’s office and administered to students under the following 1. Albuterol inhaler may be administered at the assistant to any student who is experiencing 2. Parental permission shall be obtained if possible before the inhaler is administered.
Antacid Tablets – may be administered to students in grades six (6) through twelve (12) at the request of the student. Parental permission will These “Standing Orders” shall be reviewed and signed yearly by the school physician from Good

Source: http://www.lebanon.k12.pa.us/docs/policies/200/210_use_of_medications.pdf


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