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Microsoft word - italia_psichiatria_basaglia.doc

Trent’anni di Legge 180 a colloquio con Giorgio Antonucci e Maria Rosaria D’Oronzo Trascrizione della trasmissione di Radio Onda Rossa del 13 maggio 2008. Domanda Raccontaci del tuo incontro con Franco Basaglia. Giorgio Antonucci Io ho telefonato a Basaglia se non sbaglio nel 1966. Lavoravo già a Firenze per evitare gli internamenti psichiatrici. Allora siccome Basaglia era gi

Bull_301.june 1.doc

PLEASE POST, DISTRIBUTE The Consumer/Survivor Information Resource Centre Distributed through generous support from Queen Street Division of CAMH (Centre for Addiction & Mental Health) BULLETIN Information for consumer/survivors of the mental health system, those who serve us, and those who care about us. June 1st 2005 Bulletin 301 C/S INFO CENTR

Microsoft word - treatmentsforminordiscomobgynv4.doc

Treatments for Minor Discomforts Colds, Congestion, Cough, Mucinex DM, Coricidin D, Neo-Synephrine Nose Drops (not nose spray), and Seasonal Allergies: Saline drops, Tylenol Cold/ Sinus/ Allergy, Sudafed, Robitussin (plain) PE, Dimetapp Extentabs, Dimetapp Elixir, Chlor-Trimeton 4mg, Plain Benadryl, Claritin, Actifed, Non-medicated cough drops. Sore Throat: Chloraseptic Spray, Cepa


Dr Johan Conradie Western Diagnostic Pathology, Perth, Western Australia A GP requested a home visit for some “follow up 1. What pre-analytical factors may alter the bloods” on a 68 year-old female patient being treated for a urinary tract infection. Urea, electrolytes and 2. What clinical factors may cause raised creatinine were requested with clinical notes stating ‘Foll

Microsoft word - ausrüstungsliste tansania.doc

TANSANIA und KENIA Reiseinformationen Wir freuen uns, daß Sie sich für eine Reise nach Ostafrika interessieren und möchten Ihnen im Folgenden einige Hinweise und Anregungen zu diesem Reiseziel geben. Diese Reiseinformationen sind Bestandteil des Reisever- trages und wir möchten Sie bitten, sich die Zeit zu nehmen und die Informationen aufmerksam durchzulesen. Allgemeines Herzl

Aggiorn.11 magg 09doc


Microsoft word - cyclic progesterone therapy.doc

INFORMATION FOR PATIENTS: CYCLIC PROGESTERONE THERAPY Why Might I Need To Take Cyclic If your period starts before you have finished the 14 days of Progesterone Therapy? progesterone (for example, on the 9th day of taking it) finish Progesterone is one of the two important female hormones the full 14 days , but start the next progesterone 14 days after for women. (Estrogen

Microsoft word - asc 2011 formulary v 1.doc

Fluconazole* (Diflucan) GENERIC DRUGS Itraconazole* (Sporanox) Ascension Health endorses the use of FDA Ketoconazole* (Nizoral) Nystatin* (Mycostatin) encourages the prescribing and dispensing of Terbinafine* (Lamisil) (QL) these generic medications whenever medically ANTI-MALARIALS ____________________________ Chloroquine* (Aralen) EXCLUDED DRUGS Hydroxycc

Title 35

TITLE 35. STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CHAPTER 2. FEES SUBCHAPTER 3. FEE SCHEDULES (FY14) 35:2-3-2. Schedules of laboratory fees (a) The following schedules of laboratory testing fees shall apply to all samples submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, (b) Fees, as listed, are for standard analysis times according to the methods utilized and the workload of the L


Dr Loh Seong Feei was interviewed by the Straits Times, in “ More S'pore couples turn to IVF ”, by Ms Jessica Jaganathan, 17 Aug 2008, article below and More S'pore couples turn to IVF At least 2,000 women seeking IVF treatment each year, and couples are spending at least $40 million annually on the fertility treatment. Sun, Aug 17, 2008 The Straits Times BY: Jessica Jaganathan MOTHER

News letter jan 06.ppp

President’s Jottings by Deborah CzerneckyLooking back on 2005, it indeed was a very successful year! We had wonderfully talented speakers giving presentations including “NAG Special Exhibitions Coordination” by Christine Lasalle, “Composition” with Aili Kurtis, David Von Fraassen from Wallacks, “Critique Night” with Laurie Hemmings, Allison Fagan's “Coloured Pencils” presen

Untitled page

http://www.primarypsychiatry.com/aspx/article_pf.as. Erectile Dysfunction Kevan R. Wylie, MD, FRCPsych DSM, and Anna Machin Primary Psychiatry . 2007;14(2):65-71Dr. Wylie is consultant psychiatrist and consultant in sexual medicine and Ms. Machin is student doctorat the University of Sheffield in England. Disclosure: Dr. Wylie is a consultant to Bayer, Eli Lilly, Futura, Pfizer, Plethor


CAMERA DEI DEPUTATI Proposta di legge 2204 Disciplina del diritto all’obiezione di coscienza da parte dei farmacisti Firmatario: Capitanio Santolini, Bosi, Delfino, Ruvolo RELAZIONE ONOREVOLI COLLEGHI ! — Come è noto il Ministero della salute, con il decreto 26 settembre 2000, n. 510, ha autorizzato la commercializzazione nel nostro Paese di farmaci contenenti il principio attivo

Microsoft word - appendix f-3a asthma action plan .doc

OFFICE OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS DIOCESE OF ARLINGTON ASTHMA ACTION PLAN PROCEDURES ON REVERSE TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT: Student ________________________________________ DOB _____________ School ___________________________________ Grade __________ Emergency Contact ________________________________________________ Relationship _______________________ Phone _____________

Information security and its implications for the common man

Information Security and its implications for the Home User In this current first world climate of burgeoning technology trends and the “internet age”, the security of your personal information is more important than it has ever been. Not since the rise of the Third Reich has it been more important to the average consumer to ensure the information that constitutes “their person” be sec


SIGMA-ALDRICH Material Safety Data Sheet Date Printed: 10/SEP/2008 Date Updated: 02/MAY/2006 Version 1.4 Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 1 - Product and Company Information Product Name NORFLOXACIN Product Number N9890 Company Sigma-Aldrich Pte Ltd #02-14 The Capricorn, Sci. Park II Singapore 117528 Singapore Technical Phone # (65) 6779 1200 Fax (65) 6779 1822 2 - Hazards Identification SPECIAL INDI

Microsoft word - febrile neutropenia with tc.docx

Neutropenic Fever with Taxotere and Cytoxan Febrile Neutropenia with Docetaxel / Cyclophosphamide (TC) as Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer The NCCN guidelines version 2.2011 lists TC as one of the five preferred category 1 recommendations inthe adjuvant treatment of early stage breast cancer. Because of this and the available data, TC is acommonly utilized regimen in such settings. Docetaxel a


Neujahrsspringen beim DSC Tattendorf - ÖDK Wien Umgebung 09.01.2011 AGILITY LARGE LK1 Hundeführer Beauty - Templemoyle Beautyfull bright eye Bad VöslauHarry - Arkosligeti Magic Eyes Hurricane Krash Boom Bang del Whymper delle GrandKD Duplica Slovenija Hundeführer Neujahrsspringen beim DSC Tattendorf - ÖDK Wien Umgebung 09.01.2011 AGILITY LARGE LK2 Hundeführer Fin

Redalyc. lo ético de la ética empresarial. revista venezolana de gerencia

Revista Venezolana de GerenciaUniversidad de Zulia ISSN: 1317-9403 VENEZUELA Revista Venezolana de Gerencia , abril-junio, año/vol. 8, número 022 Revista Venezolana de Gerencia (RVG) Año 8. Nº 22, 2003, 307-322 Universidad del Zulia (LUZ) · ISSN 1315-9984 Lo ético de la ética empresarial Crespo, Miguel Francisco La proliferación de discursos sobre la ética empresarial


141 Rue Maurice Flament 7022 Hyon - 0479 47 38 03 Soins visage Le soin EQUILIBRE (Tous types de peaux. 1h)Le soin ENERGIE VITALE (Préventif anti-âge. 1h15)Le soin AQUA PHYT'S (Soin hydratant. 1h30)Le soin MULTI-VITA (Soin anti-âge. 1h45) Epilations Soins du Corps et Massages Les tarifs sont donnés à titre indicatif, l'insitut se réserve le droit d'apporter des modifications.

Microsoft word - qas_for_patients_in_vaccination_cohort.doc

Swine Flu Vaccination Programme Frequently Asked Questions What is swine flu? Swine flu is the common name given to a new strain of influenza (flu). It is called swine flu because it is thought to have originated in pigs, but this is not certain. Swine flu is caused by a virus which is a sort of germ which makes people ill. Swine flu is different from ordinary flu because it


Introduction to Sequence of Events Recorder This document introduces P-CIM for Windows Sequence of Events Recorder (SER) functions. In this document: Overview --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Multiple SER Management -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


NATURALNE IMMUNOSTYMULATORY EGZOGENNE 581Zak³ad Immunologii, Centrum Biostruktury Akademii Medycznej w WarszawieStreszczenie: Naturalne immunostymulatory egzogenne to preparaty pochodzenia bakteryjnego, roœlin-nego b¹dŸ pozyskiwane z grzybów, pobudzaj¹ce uk³ad odpornoœciowy. Obecne badania naukowe ukie-runkowane s¹ na poznanie dok³adnych mechanizmów ich dzia³ania oraz polepszenie i


CENTRAL NEW JERSEY AFFILIATE SUMMER 2002 VOL. 4 NO. 2 OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE FOUNDATION Every Meeting is a Learning Experience RITA NEWMAN, MD, SPEAKS AT NJOCF WILLIAM GORDON, PHD, TO PRESENT AT NEXT MARCH MEETING ON MEDICATION QUARTERLY MEETING A special disclaimer. NJ OCF does not specifically endorse any of the state- ments made in this article. Reading this a

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BASF - Zwischenprodukte BASF - Zwischenprodukte 1,3,5-Tris(dimethylaminopropyl)-sym-hexahydrotria-N,N‘,N‘‘-Tris(dimethylamino-propyl)-hexahydrotria- 1-Cyanethyl-2-ethyl-R-4(5)-methylimidazol 2-Ethyl-4(5)-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-propiononitril (1R-trans)-2-(Phenylmethoxy)cyclohexaneamine (1R-trans)-2-(Phenylmethoxy)cyclopentaneamine (1S-trans)-2-(Phenylmethoxy)cyclopentaneamin


Tetrabenazine Tablets Tetrabenazine Tablets are not addictive. Consumer Medicine Information What is in this leaflet Before you take Tetrabenazine It does not contain all of the available When you must not take it Do not take Tetrabenazine Tablets • You are allergic to tetrabenazine or against the benefits they expect it will If you have any concerns about


Serie di AUTO-AIUTO SOS PSICHE – Gli Psicofarmaci Hanno contribuito alla stesura, traduzione e correzione del testo la sede regionale diPSICHE FRIULI per l'adattamento in lingua italiana e l'impaginazione e la sezione PSI-CHE2000 di Conegliano-Vittorio Veneto, che si ringrazia per la traduzione in lingua italia-na e la collaborazione. © 1997 SOS PSICHE, PSICHE FRIULI e Psiche 2000 di


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L. mono Differential Agar Base L. mono Differential Agar Base has been recommended for the selective and differential isolation of Listeriamonocytogenes . Composition** Ingredients Gms / Litre **Formula adjusted, standardized to suit performance parameters Directions Suspend 36.02 grams in 460 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by auto

Novel influenza a testing guidance revised june 30

June 30, 2009 Updated Testing Guidance For 2009 Novel H1N1 Influenza A In Florida. Richard S. Hopkins, MD, MSPH, Acting State Epidemiologist Max Salfinger, MD, PhD, Chief, Bureau of Laboratories Florida Department of Health This document supersedes the testing portions of an earlier Florida DOH document: “Enhanced Influenza Surveillance and Testing for Hospitals and Clinicians f

Microsoft word - Übersicht herstellbarer homöopathika 2012 ohne komplex und phyto.doc

Taschenapotheken Komplexmittel Einzelmittel Nosoden Bachblüten Schüsslersalze Pflanzliche Arzneimittel Zubehör Übersicht herstellbarer Homöopathika Stand: 01.05.2012 Die folgenden homöopathischen Mittel sind jeweils ab der angegebenen Potenz herstellbar. C,D Potenzen jeweils in Globuli zu 10 g LM (Q) Potenzen als Tropfen zu 10 ml 1. Klassische Nosoden Acne


Demande de doctorant 2012 LTHE Equipe TransPORE Sujet : Etude du rôle des cations métalliques dans le transfert de polluants pharmaceutiques dans les sols. Cas de l’antibiotique Sulfomethoxazole (SMX) Ecole doctorale : Terre Univers Environnement, Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble. Encadrants : Jean Martins ; Co Encadrants : Lorenzo Spadini, Marie-Christine Morel Mots cl

Microsoft word - ldb-cipro-truenorthii.doc

CROCIERA CIPRO Barca: Sloop Bavaria 47 varato nel 2009. Dalle carte a bordo si e' visto che era stato presentato al Salone nautico di Parigi del Dicembre 2008. Bandiera della Repubblica di Cipro. Dotato di : - 4 cabine doppie di cui una a cuccette sovrapposte (dove alloggiarono le 2 single Dada ed - genoa e randa avvolgibili - generatore di energia elettrica a gasolio - bow thruster:


Elizabeth Simpson compares her experience of horticultural therapy in two different contexts. Liz has a long history of psychiatric problems, nearly twenty years on tricyclic anti-psychotic drugs with the attendant institutionalisation and, more recently, care in the community. In the last year, Liz has also been diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer, which was in remission, but has now spr


Perl version 5.12.2 documentation - perlgpl perlgpl - the GNU General Public License, version 1 SYNOPSIS You can refer to this document in Pod via "L<perlgpl>" Or you can see this document by entering "perldoc perlgpl" DESCRIPTION Perl is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: a) the GNU General Public License as publi


Accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) : situation clinique stable – Réadaptation Autonomie fonctionnelle réduite – Préparation en vue d’un retour à domicile Collaboratrice : Jacinthe Larivière, inf. Situation clinique de M. DemersM. Demers est hospitalisé dans un centre de réadaptation à la suite d’un accident vasculaire céré-bral (AVC). Il a subi un infarcissement fronto-pa

Parasomnias versus epilepsy: common grounds and a need to change the approach to the problem

Epilepsy in Resource Poor Generalised seizures with focal signs: secondary gener- Countries—Suggestion of an Adjusted alised seizures with a focal start or clear unilateral seizures Classification but without major brain damage. There may be devel-opmental delay, subtle signs of brain damage and/or fo-According to the WHO 50 million people suffer fromcal neurology. Causes are ofte


Promoting the enjoyment, knowledge and benefits of gardens and gardening JOE!S CONNECTED GARDEN Urban farming made easy Backyards connected to the neighbours – for many, a beautiful image of our childhood, recreated here today. This is the second time we have opened our gardens – and our vision of simple community - to the public. Now that the nets are up, Joe’s Connected Gard

Patient medical history

P A T I E N T M E D I C A L H I S T O R Y Date ______________________________________________Refer ing Physician __________________________________________ Primary Care Physician _______________________________________Patient’s Name ___________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ______________________ Age ______Reason for today’s visit and prior treatments _______


Netta OR Soprano Netta Or was born in Israel, she studied at the Music High School in Cologne with Prof. Leisenheimer and joined master classes of Kurt Moll and Joan Dorneman, already with ten years she sang smaller roles like 1° Knabe in „Zauberflöte“ and appeared in „Macbeth“ at the theatre of Aachen . First guest contracts brought her to the theatre in Bonn as Serpina in

curriculum vitae di delia roman\362)

Curriculum Vitae di Delia Romanò Nata il 20 Dicembre 1970 a Milano. Studio: corso Venezia 2, 20121 Milano Tel. e Fax: 02 78.16.57 e-mail: Istruzione e incarichi professionali Maturità Classica presso l’Istituto Suore Marcelline di Milano. Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. 1996-2000 Diploma di Specializzazione in Ortopedia e Traumatolog

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Owensboro Catholic Schools Oral Benadryl Protocol for Hypersensitivity Reaction Signs & Symptoms (As Approved for 2009-10 Academic Year) FOR THE STUDENT WITH NO KNOWN &/OR PRIOR Hypersensitivity Reaction/Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis, oral Benadryl (or generic equivalent) will be available at your child’s school & will be an option for you to choose for your child if


WHAT’S NEXT FOR OCD MEDICATION? “First line” treatments for OCD (treatments that multiple research studies have shown to be effective in reducing symptoms for a significant number of patients) include medication and cognitive behaviorial therapy, specifically Exposure and Response Prevention. For many people, one of these treatments, or a combination of the two, have been extremely

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact: Joshua Baldwin Makovsky + Company 212.508.9679 jbaldwin@makovsky.com Omthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Closes a $6.5M Series A led by Sofinnova Partners to Advance Epanova™, a Prescription Omega 3 Therapy Dyslipidemia Experts Jerry Wisler and Michael Davidson, M.D. Co-Found New Pharmaceutical Company Developing a Prescription Omega 3 T

Curriculum vitae - rak, janusz

CURRICULUM VITAE – RAK, Janusz Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Faculty of Health Sciences , Graduate Faculty of Hemostasis, Thrombembolism and Atherosclerosis. McMaster University. Associated Graduate Faculty at the Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Guelph. Address. Henderson Research Centre. De

Microsoft word - working paper no. 19.doc

Estimating Revenue Losses Evolve from Tax Evasions in Bangladesh: A Formal Model under Direct Taxation AKM Matiur Rahman and Sabera Yasmin Office of Research and Publications (ORP) American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) AKM Matiur Rahman and Sabera Yasmin (2008). Estimating Revenue Losses Evolve from Tax Evasions in Bangladesh: A Formal Model under Direct Taxati

Specific adhesion model for bonding hot-melt polyamides to vinyl

International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 24 (2004) 415-422 Specific adhesion model for bonding hot-melt polyamides to vinyl USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, One Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 53726, USA Abstract H o t - m e l t polyamides a r e an i m p o r t a n t m a r k e t f o r t h e dimer acid m a d e f r o m t h e tall oil fatty acids liberated

Child healthcare: a learning programme for professionals

11 Parasites Objectives unusual parasites not normally seen in healthy children (e.g. Toxoplasmosis). When you have completed this unit you should be able to: 11-2 Which are the common intestinal parasites? In Southern Africa the common intestinal • Diagnose and treat amoebiasis. • Diagnose and treat bilharzia. INTRODUCTION 11-1 What are parasites? ROUNDWORMS These are


JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY, Feb. 2001, p. 740–7420095-1137/01/$04.00ϩ0 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.39.2.740–742.2001Copyright © 2001, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved. Maxillary Sinusitis Caused by Actinomucor elegans GRACIELA DAVEL,1* PATRICIA FEATHERSTON,2 ANIBAL FERNACRISTINA CANTEROS,1 LAURA RODERO,1 CARLOS SZTERN,3 AND DIEGO PERROTTA1 Departamento Micologı´a, I

Caldarella fortunato.xls

CURRICULUM VITAE INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Cognome/Nome CALDARELLA FORTUNATO TITOLI DI STUDIO E PROFESSIONALI ED ESPERIENZE LAVORATIVE Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia c/o Università Cattolica del S. Cuore di Roma Specializzazione in Endocrinologia e Malattie del Ricambio c/o L'Università Cattolica di Roma Altri titoli di studio e professionali Specializzazione

Press release form

Eisai London Research Laboratories Licenses OriGene’s FlagArrayTM for Genome-Wide Functional Analyses Rockville, MD August 1, 2005 – OriGene Technologies Inc. today announced that Eisai London Research Laboratories has licensed OriGene’s FlagArray platform for high-throughput drug target discovery. "We are pleased to formalize our relationship with OriGene,” said Yukio N

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Perorale Schmerzmedikation in der Oralchirurgie Klassifikation: - Kleine Parochirurgie (Kronenverlängerung, Rezessionsdeckung)- Extraktion gelockerter Zähne, einfache Milchzahnextraktion- WSR bei guter Erreichbarkeit und geringem Weichgewebstrauma- Entfernung kleiner Knochenzysten, Zystostomie- Ausgedehnte Denudierung von Knochen/Periost (z.B. große Laseroperationen, breitflächige V

Microsoft word - persistent pain doc 2007.doc

Membrane Stabilisers - Medicines that ‘stabilise’ nerve cells and prevent them from sending abnormal pain messages are proving to be very helpful in PPP. This type of medicine was originally used in epilepsy and so belongs in the family of ‘anti-epileptics’. Note that this is another example of a medicine being developed for one purpose, and then as knowledge expands, finding that it

Microsoft word - 11 p8.docx

August 7, 2001, Sermon: Isaiah 55:10-12 Series A: Sunday of the Church Year: Pentecost 8 Sunday Theme: “The Word of God Is Powerful” First Lesson: Isaiah 55:10-12 (God’s Word Works) Second Lesson: Romans 8:18-25 (The End of Frustration) Gospel: Matthew 13:1-9,18-23 (The Planter of the Seeds) Preaching Place: Our Savior’s, East Brunswick, NJ Dear precious people of God: A medication

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